The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, June 19, 2019, Page A8, Image 8

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
John Day
Dusty Harris
Finally, some decent
weather. Can you believe
that summer begins on Fri-
day? This year is flying by
so fast. I think that my new
flowerbed is about ready to
build. I have to find the time
to actually weed the area I
want to use and put new soil
down. I think I will outline
the bed with bricks so that it
is distinguishable from the
rest of my yard. Hmmm.
On Thursday our greet-
ers were Darlene and Ever-
ett, and there were 37 meals
delivered by Mike and Patty
and the crew at Step For-
ward. Our delicious meal
was served by the folks
over at Cornerstone Chris-
tian Church. Thank you. We
are always so delighted to
see your smiling faces in our
center. Our meal was in cel-
ebration of Father’s Day and
was pot roast with mashed
potatoes and pan gravy,
green beans with ham and
onions, broccoli salad with
strawberry vinaigrette and
apple pie for dessert.
We thank our wonder-
ful cooks for always mak-
ing such amazing food for
us! What would we do with-
out you?
The winner of the Ches-
ter’s Thriftway gift card was
Dusty. Linda won the free
meals, and Tom won two
Father’s Day gifts for the
most children and the far-
thest away. Congratulations,
I’m thinking about plant-
ing a lavender bush. Well,
I shouldn’t say thinking
about, considering I’ve
already bought one. Oops,
couldn’t pass it up! I want to
put it in the new flowerbed
by my front door. I probably
won’t plant anything else by
it, though. Lavender bushes
get huge once they’re fully
grown. I’ll have a pleasant
scent coming through my
windows and screen door
once it’s in bloom. Did you
see that Len’s Drug had
hanging baskets of succu-
lents? I sure did. Now I have
a lavender bush and a hang-
ing basket.
On Monday our greet-
ers were Darlene and Gregg,
and there were 30 regular
and 28 frozen meals deliv-
ered by Step Forward and
Frances and Nancy. Buz
won the Len’s Drug gift
card, and Betty won the two
free meals.
Lunch was Italian wed-
ding soup, pasta with meat-
balls, spring salad, grilled
bread, tomato tarts and fruit
crepes for dessert. How
amazing does that sound?
Trust me, it was great.
James 1:17 “Every good
and perfect gift is from
above, coming down from
the Father of the heavenly
lights, who does not change
like shifting shadows.”
Soo Yukawa
Terry Cade and Carrie
Jewell made for us another
delectable meal. We were
served country-fried steak,
mashed potatoes and gravy,
green beans, dinner rolls
and apple pie with vanilla
ice cream. Now did that just
make your mouth water?
Yes, it was indeed a most
satisfying meal. Thank you,
ladies, for preparing our
Our greeters at the table
were Jimmy Cole, Linda
Blakeslee, Kristi Guim-
ont and Bodean Andersen.
Bodean led us in the flag
salute, made the announce-
ments and prayed the bless-
ing over the meal. Jimmy
and Linda collected and
counted the money, and
Kristi checked in all the
The winner of the Len’s
Drug gift card went to Linda
Abraham. Bob Blakeslee
and Roger Lawrence both
won the free meal tickets.
We had 50 guests on the
books and six takeouts.
FYI, there are free seed
potatoes at the post office.
Please help yourself to these
for your garden. It is not too
late to plant them.
We helped to celebrate
Dorothy Jordan’s birth-
day by singing the “Happy
Birthday” song to her. Hope
she was tickled.
Mark your calendars.
There will be a celebration
of life for Jimmy Mael on
June 22. It will be held at
the Monument cemetery at
11 a.m. with a potluck fol-
lowing at the senior center.
There will be two seats
that will be vacant and need
to be filled for the Monument
Senior Center board. If you
feel led to serve, please come
to one of their meetings.
The 4th of July Celebra-
tion at Monument Park will
be here very soon. There are
lots of things that are going
to be happening that day. Just
to name a few, bingo will
be at 7 p.m., and there will
be games, auctions, a talent
show, contests and, of course,
the awesome fireworks show.
You won’t want to miss this.
There will be a dessert auc-
tion for that day, and all the
proceeds will help pay for the
fireworks show. If you would
like more information about
the 4th of July, wish to set
up a booth or anything else,
please contact Lonnie Law-
rence or Kristi Guimont.
We want to thank all our
volunteers for helping to
serve and give their time to
our senior center. We thank
Doug Sweek for mowing the
lawn. We thank Bob and Syl-
via for their many hours put
in for putting back the library
and other work around the
senior center.
The Monument vacation
Bible school is happening
from June 24-27. Your kids
won’t want to miss out on
this event.
Looks like summer is
in full swing already, even
though it hasn’t officially
started yet. Ha. My hubby
said that the longest day of
the year is just a few more
days away. And then guess
what? The days will start to
get shorter every day. Say
what? Yup, it’s true! Weird
Watch out for mosqui-
toes. They are out and about
looking for victims. One
went to town on my left leg
already. I got nine bites, and
they are itchy, itchy, itchy.
Psalms 34:1 “I will bless
the LORD at all times: His
praise shall continually be
in my mouth.”
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
The tables were set for
Father’s Day. So why was
that different than for any
other day? ‘Cause the cen-
terpieces were all sorts of
tools! Wrenches, brushes,
tape measures, screw-
drivers, pliers, paint roll-
ers, paint scrapers, screen
tool, pry bar, hammers, pipe
wrench, wire cutters/strip-
pers and the table that got
to go first through the serv-
ing line had a chainsaw. I’d
hate to have to diagram that
sentence! Now that was not
so unusual, but the type of
chainsaw it was made it
special. Tom had received it
as a gift years ago. It was a
hacksaw frame with a short
length of chain for a blade.
Ergo, a chainsaw. Har, har.
Tom also brought beauti-
ful bouquets of irises from
his yard for the tables. Then
he provided special pepper-
mint ice tea for us. I had
him open the little window
in the supply room, and he
got to use one of the tools
he brought!
Carla led the flag salute,
and Tom asked the blessing.
Jay and Carlos took care of
the home deliveries. The
entrée today was made pos-
sible by the generosity of
John Day True Value.
Thank you so much. The
winner of the gift certificate
donated by Valley View
Assisted Living was Larry
Wright. Veanne and Lisa
were available to prereg-
ister those who wished to
attend the health fair, which
is Friday, June 21.
We were happy to see
former residents Sandi and
Bill Newell along with
Leo Placencia who came
to dinner today. Lorna and
Shauntele brought Marilyn
Randall and Mary Craw-
ford from the Blue Moun-
tain Care Center.
So our meal for Father’s
Day was a hearty one of
meat loaf, mashed potatoes
and gravy, creamed corn,
zucchini/onions, mac and
cheese, bread and a choice
of four different kinds of
dessert. Talk about stuffed!
Good work, Amber and
Lacy. Just want to let you
know that it was cool and
comfortable in the ol’ hall
‘cause we got the swamp
cooler hooked up, and it
worked fine.
The pinochle play-
ers managed to get almost
three games in, and Delores
managed to garner the
300-pinochle meld two
times! That certainly makes
the game go faster!
We want to thank Pros-
pector Ice for their gener-
ous donation each month
of bags of ice for our drinks
We really appreciate it.
We also want to recognize
those who do other jobs
around the premises: Car-
los and Derrol for keep-
ing the grass clipped; Carol
and Bonnie for after-meal
cleanup; and Ginger, Carla
and Del for filling in where
needed. Many hands make
the task finish faster, right?
A little birdie told me
that our senior sales cor-
ner will be getting a new
load of goodies in the near
future, so be sure to check
it out.
There was a typo in last
week’s scripture verse.
Don’t know if it was me or
the paper, but I feel com-
pelled to correct it, OK?
Should have read: “hold to
the good,” not “gold.” One
letter can make a lot of dif-
ference, huh?
Thank you.
Prov. 23:24 “The father
of a righteous man has great
joy; he who has a wise son
delights in him.”
Church Services In Grant County
Church of Acts
Tuesdays at 6:30PM
Use Main Entry Front Doors
- Spirit Filled Sabbath Church -
Sabbath School 10 a.m.
Worship Service 11 a.m.
Fellowship dinner after
Home church at 421 N
McHaley & 2nd, Prairie
City, OR 97869
Brother Kelly, 541-620-4684