The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, May 22, 2019, Page B8, Image 18

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Blue Mountain Eagle
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
For Environmental Review
Heart of Grant County’s Meredith House Domestic Trauma Service Center Design and Construction Project
Grant County 201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City, OR 97820 • 541-575-0059
Due Date: May 28, 2019 3:00 pm PDT
Submit Proposal to: Grant County Court
201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City, OR 97820
Work under this contract will be funded in its entirety with matching funds From Heart of Grant County, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization In cooperation with the Oregon
Community Development Block Grant program administered by the Oregon Business Development Department. Grant County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Introduction Grant County desires to contract with a consultant to complete the Environmental Review as part of the Community Development Block Grant
program. This is a stand-alone project. This portion of the project is funded by Heart of Grant County, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization as matching funds for the
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) awarded to Grant County from the Oregon Business Development Department (OBDD). The total CDBG grant amount is
$1,500,000. This is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for selecting services to complete the Environmental Review. The grant will be used by Grant County to complete
the design and construction of Heart of Grant County’s Meredith House, a domestic trauma service center.
General Scope of Work The selected consultant will provide the following environmental review and related services for and on behalf of Grant County
(collectively, the “Environmental Review Services”):
• Significant analysis of the environmental conditions and potential project impacts to biological and natural resources, including, without limitations, the following:
Endangered Species, wetlands, noise pollution, floodplains, air quality, water quality and protected Farmland has been completed. Information will need review for
preparation of the Environmental Review.
• Consultation with relevant State and Federal cross-cutters has been completed within the last six months, including, without limitation, the following: NOAA, USFWS,
and SHPO/THPO. Information will need review to complete the Environmental Review
• Work with County’s selected engineer to provide project details to relevant agencies for review.
• Ensure the County’s project complies with relevant Federal and State environmental, cultural, historical, and other related Environmental Review Record cross-cutters.
• Assist County with public involvement steps, including public notice publication, necessary public hearings, and other public involvement.
• Coordinate with County to procure Cultural Assessment services if Cultural Monitoring or Archaeological Survey is needed to fulfill requirements.
• Prepare Request for Release of Funds and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds.
• Ensure County, Heart of Grant County and OBDD receives final and complete copies of the Environmental Assessment.
County Responsibilities. The following services will be the responsibility of County (and not the selected consultant):
• Designating a Certifying Officer who will attest to the Responsible Entity’s (the “RE”) compliance with HUD’s environmental procedures.
• Fulfilling the roles of the RE and assisting the Environmental Reviewer with any tasks that must be completed by the RE.
• Completing any historic (State or Tribal) preservation requirements which must be completed by the RE.
• Providing public access to the completed ERR and other requirements of the public involvement process, which may involve hosting public hearing(s).
• Submitting the final draft of the Environmental Assessment to Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority personnel.
Proposal Requirements The Proposer, and all firms, subsidiaries, and individuals providing professional services shall be licensed to practice in each of their
respective areas of professional expertise in the State of Oregon and shall comply with all the State of Oregon Professional Engineering licensure requirements. The
submittal must include the following, in addition to what is required to comply with the Evaluation Criteria below:
• The firm’s name, address, phone number, and fax number;
• The name of the contact person within the firm and their email address;
• A list of firm’s key personnel who would be assigned to this Project, by discipline;
• The tasks required to complete the Scope of Work;
• Date of completion of each task; and
• Insurance certificate(s) showing insurance for a minimum of $1,000,000:
• Worker’s Compensation
• Professional Service Liability/Errors or Omissions
• Comprehensive General Liability
Any proposal that materially fails to satisfy the above stated Proposal Requirements will not be further evaluated.
Evaluation Criteria Please indicate in writing the following information about you and/or your firm’s ability and desire to perform this work. Firms will be rated
based upon the weight assigned to each item as noted in parentheses at the end of each statement below (100 Total Points).
• Introduction (no points awarded): Provide a cover letter generally describing you and/or your firm’s character and culture. Include a description of any branch offices,
year established, and a list of disciplines regularly performed by your staff.
• Experience (40 points): Demonstrate your prior experience in similar projects within the last five years. Responses must list projects performed within the last three
years, most comparable to the request services and include any projects that were in part or fully funded by Oregon Community Development Block Grants (OCDBG)
and the Proposers responsibilities in meeting OCDBG requirements. Also, for each project, include information about timeline/completion date of similar projects.
• History (20 points): Provide a history of your and/or your firms’ engineering design experience on domestic trauma service centers, domestic violence shelters, or
similar facilities in small, rural Oregon communities. Specify how many years of experience you and/or your firm has of design experience for community facilities in
small, rural Oregon communities.
• Available Resources & Team (30 Points): The amount and type of resources, and number of experienced staff (including sub-contractors), available to perform the Consul-
tant Services required by this project including without limitation: recent, current, and project workloads related to staff and resources for the duration of the project. Provide
a resume for each key team member indicating their experience relating to this project, and whether they are an outside consultant or an employee of your firm.
• References (10 Points): Provide three references demonstrating your ability to contribute to the success of the project completion. Include name, title, phone number,
e-mail address and type and length of professional relation to reference.
Evaluation Procedure
• The evaluation process shall be administered in accordance with the authority and the procedures in ORS 279C. Proposals submitted on time will be forwarded to
the selection committee who will independently score each proposal per the scored criteria listed above.
• The outcome of the independent evaluation may, at the County’s sole discretion, result in: a) Notice to a proposer of selection for tentative negotiation and possible
award; or b) Further steps to gather more information for evaluation, which often means a notice of placement on an interview list with time and date of the interview.
• While price is very important, it will not necessarily govern selection of the Consultant. The cost and statement work will be negotiated with the Consultant, within
the overall intent described in this RFQ.
• If negotiations are not successful, the County may terminate negotiations with the top ranked Consultant and may begin negotiations with the next highest ranked
Consultant or can the Request for Proposal.
Selection Process The selection committee appointed by Grant County Court will review, score and rank the Proposers’ RFQs. Interviews may be requested prior to
awarding. Contract negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer shall be directed toward obtaining written agreement on:
• The Consultant’s tasks and a performance schedule;
• A contract which is consistent with the Proposer’s RFQ;
• A contract which is fair and reasonable to the County, taking into the account the estimated value, scope, complexity, and nature of the Consultant Services.
Grant County reserves the right to:
• Amend, modify, or withdraw this RFQ.
• Require supplemental statements or information from the Proposer(s) or selected highest ranking Proposer.
• Extend deadline for responses to this RFQ.
• Accept or reject any and all proposals pursuant to this RFQ.
• Waive or correct any irregularities in proposals after prior notice to the Proposer.
• Negotiate with alternate Proposers, if initial contract negotiations are unsuccessful.
This RFQ does not obligate Grant County to award a contract, to pay costs incurred in preparing any proposal, or to procure the services described herein. All proposals
are submitted at the sole cost and expense of the Proposer(s). Grant County shall incur no liability or obligation to a Proposer except pursuant to a written contract for
services, duly executed by the Proposer, and an authorized signatory for Grant County.
Submission Requirements Two (2) originals and one (1) electronic copy of the RFP response and cover letter in PDF format on a flash drive in a sealed enve-
lope. Originals must bear an original signature of a duly authorized representative empowered to bind the Proposer. Proposals shall be clearly marked “RFQ FOR CDBG
LABOR STANDARDS” on the outside of the envelope and shall be submitted to:
Grant County Court 201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City OR 97820
Submission deadline: 3:00 pm PDT, Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Missed deliveries, late or faxed submittals will be considered non-responsive.
Questions and Clarifications
All inquiries relating to the RFQ process to include administration, deadline, award, and/or to the substantive technical portions of the RFQ must be received no later
than five (5) days prior to the deadline and be directed to: Grant County Contact:
Grant County Economic Development
530 E Main St Suite 10 John Day OR 97845
Attn: Allison Field, Director Email:
Any questions regarding the intent of the work or technical aspects of the work must be submitted in writing to Grant County. Substantive questions and answers will
be made available to all known RFQ recipients; when appropriate, revisions, substitutions, or clarifications shall be issued as official addenda to this RFQ.
Format for Proposals
The Proposal should be organized in accordance with a cover letter and list of scored criteria. The Proposal should not exceed five (5) pages, excluding the cover letter,
any tabs or indexes.
• One page is defined as: one side of a single 8-1/2”x11” page, with minimum 12-point font size for the substantive text. Proposers are encouraged to submit Propos-
als on recycled paper without binders. Cover stock is acceptable.
• A duly authorized representative empowered to bind the Proposers’ must sign the Proposal
Public Records Information provided in a Proposal, will to the extent allowed by law, be held in confidence and not reveled or discussed with competitors.
Compensation Heart of Grant County matching funds designated for environmental review for this project will be used to pay for environmental review services.
A fixed sum to be negotiated in an amount not to exceed the allocation in the CDBG project budget. Payment arrangements shall be determined by mutual agreement
between Grant County and the Grant Administrator. Costs for legal notices, accounting and auditing, and project closeout will be the responsibility of Grant County.
Timeline for the Evaluation Process: RFQ Released May 8, 2019
Responses Received: May 28, 2019 by 3 p.m. PDT
Selection Committee Review: May 29, 2019
County Award (pending possible interviews): May 31, 2019
Contract Signed: At the earliest convenience of both parties after award.
Protest Procedures
1. Solicitation: Written protests or requests for the change of a solicitation provision, specification or contract term shall be submitted to Grant County seven (7)
calendar days prior to the close of this solicitation period.
2. Selection Protest: Everyone who submits an RFQ will be notified in writing of their selection status. Anyone claiming to be adversely affected or aggrieved by the
selection process shall have seven (7) calendar days after the receipt of selection notification to submit a written protest.
3. Grant County shall have the authority to settle or resolve all written protests. Late protests will not receive any consideration.
Work under this contract will be funded in its entirety with matching funds From Heart of Grant County, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
In cooperation with the Oregon Community Development Block Grant program administered by the Oregon Business Development Department.
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
For Architectural Design and Engineering Services
Heart of Grant County’s Meredith House Domestic Trauma Service Center Design and Construction Project Grant County
201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City, OR 97820 • 541-575-0059
Due Date: May 28, 2019 3:00 pm PDT
Submit Proposal to: Grant County Court
201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City, OR 97820
Work under this contract will be funded in its entirety with federal grant funds from the Oregon Community Development Block Grant program administered by the
Oregon Business Development Department and matching funds from Heart of Grant County, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Grant County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Introduction: Grant County seeking responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural Design and Engineering Services for the design and
engineering plans necessary to construct a building project funded under the Community Development Block Grant program. The total CDBG grant amount is
$1,500,000. The grant will be used by Grant County to complete the design and construction of Heart of Grant County’s Meredith House, a domestic trauma service
General Scope of Work The selected firm will provide the following architecture and engineering services for and on behalf of Grant County.
• Architectural plans for a 4,332 square foot building that encompasses the privacy and security needs of a domestic trauma service center to include office space,
emergency shelter living area and garage.
• Interior, exterior and landscape design.
• Mechanical, electrical and plumbing specifications.
• Structural and civil engineering.
Proposal Requirements
The Proposer, and all firms, subsidiaries, and individuals providing professional services shall be licensed to practice in each of their respective areas of professional
expertise in the State of Oregon and shall comply with all the State of Oregon Professional Engineering licensure requirements. The submittal must include the
following, in addition to what is required to comply with the Evaluation Criteria below:
• The firm’s name, address, phone number, and fax number;
• The name of the contact person within the firm and their email address;
• A list of firm’s key personnel who would be assigned to this Project, by discipline;
• The tasks required to complete the Scope of Work;
• Date of completion of each task; and
• Insurance certificate(s) showing insurance for a minimum of $1,000,000:
• Worker’s Compensation
• Professional Service Liability/Errors or Omissions
• Comprehensive General Liability
Any proposal that materially fails to satisfy the above stated Proposal Requirements will not be further evaluated.
Evaluation Criteria
Please indicate in writing the following information about you and/or your firm’s ability and desire to perform this work. Firms will be rated based upon the weight
assigned to each item as noted in parentheses at the end of each statement below (100 Total Points).
• Introduction (no points awarded): Provide a cover letter generally describing you and/or your firm’s character and culture. Include a description of any branch
offices, year established, and a list of disciplines regularly performed by your staff.
• Experience (40 points): Demonstrate your prior experience in similar projects within the last five years. Responses must list projects performed within the last
three years, most comparable to the request services and include any projects that were in part or fully funded by Oregon Community Development Block Grants
(OCDBG) and the Proposers responsibilities in meeting OCDBG requirements. Also, for each project, include information about timeline/completion date of similar
• History (20 points): Provide a history of your and/or your firms’ engineering design experience on domestic trauma service centers, domestic violence shelters, or
similar facilities in small, rural Oregon communities. Specify how many years of experience you and/or your firm has of design experience for community facilities in
small, rural Oregon communities.
• Available Resources & Team (30 Points): The amount and type of resources, and number of experienced staff (including sub-contractors), available to perform the
Consultant Services required by this project including without limitation: recent, current, and project workloads related to staff and resources for the duration of the
project. Provide a resume for each key team member indicating their experience relating to this project, and whether they are an outside consultant or an employee
of your firm.
• References (10 Points): Provide three references demonstrating your ability to contribute to the success of the project completion. Include name, title, phone
number, e-mail address and type and length of professional relation to reference.
Evaluation Procedure
• The evaluation process shall be administered in accordance with the authority and the procedures in ORS 279C. Proposals submitted on time will be forwarded
to the selection committee who will independently score each proposal per the scored criteria listed above.
• The outcome of the independent evaluation may, at the County’s sole discretion, result in: a) Notice to a proposer of selection for tentative negotiation and
possible award; or b) Further steps to gather more information for evaluation, which often means a notice of placement on an interview list with time and date of
the interview.
• While price is very important, it will not necessarily govern selection of the Consultant. The cost and statement work will be negotiated with the Consultant,
within the overall intent described in this RFQ.
• If negotiations are not successful, the County may terminate negotiations with the top ranked Consultant and may begin negotiations with the next highest
ranked Consultant or can the Request for Proposal.
Selection Process
The selection committee appointed by Grant County Court will review, score and rank the Proposers’ RFQs. Interviews may be requested prior to awarding.
Contract negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer shall be directed toward obtaining written agreement on:
• The Consultant’s tasks and a performance schedule;
• A contract which is consistent with the Proposer’s RFQ;
• A contract which is fair and reasonable to the County, taking into the account the estimated value, scope, complexity, and nature of the Consultant Services.
Grant County reserves the right to:
• Amend, modify, or withdraw this RFQ.
• Require supplemental statements or information from the Proposer(s) or selected highest ranking Proposer.
• Extend deadline for responses to this RFQ.
• Accept or reject any and all proposals pursuant to this RFQ.
• Waive or correct any irregularities in proposals after prior notice to the Proposer.
• Negotiate with alternate Proposers, if initial contract negotiations are unsuccessful.
This RFQ does not obligate Grant County to award a contract, to pay costs incurred in preparing any proposal, or to procure the services described herein. All pro-
posals are submitted at the sole cost and expense of the Proposer(s). Grant County shall incur no liability or obligation to a Proposer except pursuant to a written
contract for services, duly executed by the Proposer, and an authorized signatory for Grant County.
Submission Requirements
Two (2) originals and one (1) electronic copy of the RFP response and cover letter in PDF format on a flash drive in a sealed envelope. Originals must bear an
original signature of a duly authorized representative empowered to bind the Proposer. Proposals shall be clearly marked “RFQ FOR CDBG LABOR STANDARDS” on
the outside of the envelope and shall be submitted to:
Grant County Court 201 S Humbolt, Suite 280 Canyon City OR 97820
Submission deadline: 3:00 pm PDT, Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Missed deliveries, late or faxed submittals will be considered non-responsive.
Questions and Clarifications All inquiries relating to the RFQ process to include administration, deadline, award, and/or to the substantive technical
portions of the RFQ must be received no later than five (5) days prior to the deadline and be directed to:
Grant County Contact:
Grant County Economic Development
530 E Main St Suite 10 John Day OR 97845
Attn: Allison Field, Director Email:
Any questions regarding the intent of the work or technical aspects of the work must be submitted in writing to Grant County. Substantive questions and answers
will be made available to all known RFQ recipients; when appropriate, revisions, substitutions, or clarifications shall be issued as official addenda to this RFQ.
Format for ProposalsThe Proposal should be organized in accordance with a cover letter and list of scored criteria. The Proposal should not exceed twen-
ty-five (25) pages, excluding the cover letter, any tabs or indexes.
• One page is defined as: one side of a single 8-1/2”x11” page, with minimum 12-point font size for the substantive text. Proposers are encouraged to submit
Proposals on recycled paper without binders. Cover stock is acceptable.
• A duly authorized representative empowered to bind the Proposers’ must sign the Proposal
Public Records
Information provided in a Proposal, will to the extent allowed by law, be held in confidence and not reveled or discussed with competitors.
Compensation CDBG funds and Heart of Grant County matching funds designated for architectural design and engineering for this project will be used to
pay for these services. A fixed sum to be negotiated in an amount not to exceed the sum allocation in the CDBG grant award may be used for architectural design
and engineering services related to the funded project. Payment arrangements shall be determined by mutual agreement between Grant County and the Grant
Administrator. Costs for legal notices, accounting and auditing, and project closeout will be the responsibility of Grant County.
Timeline for the Evaluation Process: RFQ Released May 8, 2019
Responses Received: May 28, 2019 by 3 p.m. PDT
Selection Committee Review: May 29, 2019
County Award (pending possible interviews): May 31, 2019 Contract Signed: At the earliest convenience of both parties after award.
Protest Procedures
1. Solicitation: Written protests or requests for the change of a solicitation provision, specification or contract term shall be submitted to Grant County seven (7)
calendar days prior to the close of this solicitation period.
2. Selection Protest: Everyone who submits an RFQ will be notified in writing of their selection status. Anyone claiming to be adversely affected or aggrieved by the
selection process shall have seven (7) calendar days after the receipt of selection notification to submit a written protest.
3. Grant County shall have the authority to settle or resolve all written protests. Late protests will not receive any consideration.
Work under this contract will be funded in its entirety with federal grant funds from the Oregon Community Development Block Grant program administered by the
Oregon Business Development Departmentand matching funds from Heart of Grant County, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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