A8 BUSINESS Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, April 17, 2019 Long-awaited business tax proposal unveiled By Mark Miller Oregon Capital Bureau Oregonians could pay less on their state income taxes but pay more for some goods and services under a legislative proposal to raise money for the state’s strug- gling public school system. The long-awaited proposal will tax businesses just under one- half of 1 percent of their gross receipts over $1 million while cutting Oregonians’ income tax rates by one-quarter of a percent for all but the top bracket. Sales of groceries, gasoline and die- sel would not be taxed under the proposal. The smallest businesses — those that make less than $1 mil- lion in taxable revenue per year — will not be subject to the tax, nor will any that already pay the med- ical provider tax. Businesses that are taxed will be able to allay the impact by deducting one-quarter of either their labor costs or the amount they paid to other busi- nesses during the course of the year. A small group of state sen- ators and representatives from both parties, led by Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, and Rep. Nancy Nathanson, D-Eugene, has been meeting for weeks to ham- mer out a business tax proposal. In addition to taxing businesses on their sales, they have agreed to cut Oregon’s personal income tax rates as a way to offset costs that companies will likely pass along to consumers. Gov. Kate Brown called last year for lawmakers to find new revenue for K-12 education over the next biennium. Hass said he is shooting for at least $1 billion per year. Money from the new tax will go into a new state fund called the ity tax. That proposal resembled Fund for Student Success, which Ballot Measure 97, a proposed will support K-12 and early child- gross-receipts tax that Oregon hood education statewide. voters rejected in 2016. Revenue from the corporate The current plan is a blend of activity tax will pay for the $2 bil- the two competing concepts. lion Student Success Act that leg- “I want to do the best pol- islators unveiled last week. The icy that is most fair to most busi- tax plan, which is still subject nesses,” Hass said earlier this spring. “I’m to change, is a “WE WERE HAPPY going to avoid a part of that act. where A version TO SEE THAT THEY situation this places a of the proposal was posted as HAVE INTRODUCED greater burden on one sector an amendment on the Legis- THIS CONCEPT OF A or one size of lature’s web- HYBRID THAT STARTS business.” site briefly Melissa TO ADDRESS SOME Unger, exec- on Thurs- day afternoon director OF OUR CONCERNS utive before being of SEIU 503, taken down ABOUT PYRAMIDING.” reacted pos- itively to the due to drafting errors, accord- Sandra McDonough, Oregon Business & plan. Industry executive director ing to Hass’ “We are office, which encouraged confirmed the about the direc- tion the Legislature is headed, basic outlines of the plan. Hass, Nathanson and other funding critical services with a key legislators have been study- reasonable corporate tax,” Unger ing two closely related models for said Thursday. several months, trying to decide OBI isn’t quite on board yet, how to craft their corporate activ- said its executive director, San- ity tax plan. dra McDonough, but it does see Oregon Business & Industry, encouraging aspects of the plan a coalition of some of the state’s now on the table. largest employers, suggested “We were happy to see that that lawmakers look into a val- they have introduced this concept ue-added tax to ensure businesses of a hybrid that starts to address don’t have to pay more for every some of our concerns about pyra- step in their production process. miding,” McDonough said, refer- At least some production costs ring to the accumulation of taxes would be deducted from the tax on every stage in the production bill — an idea lawmakers have process. Gross-receipts tax critics argue that pyramiding is unfair incorporated into their plan. A rival group called Coali- because it disproportionately tion for the Common Good, made affects producers of complex up primarily of labor groups and goods. She added, “It’s not where we Beaverton-based Nike Inc., put forward another option modeled think it needs to be, but we’ve off of Ohio’s commercial activ- indicated we’re willing to con- tinue the conversation.” In Oregon, raising taxes or creating a new tax requires the approval of three-fifths of sena- tors and three-fifths of representa- tives. That gives the Democratic majority a narrow path to pas- sage, as the 18 Senate Democrats constitute exactly three-fifths of the chamber. Lawmakers also have other major issues to sort through. The education package itself is complex, and it has already faced pushback from Brown, who said Thursday she wants a share of the new tax revenue to bolster career and technical education and expand financial aid for col- lege students. As proposed by legislators, the Student Success Act would invest $2 billion over a biennium into K-12 education. Those dol- lars would pay for more teachers and support staff, instructional days, elective and extracurricu- lar activities while also investing in early childhood education and preschool programs, mental and behavioral health resources and recovery planning for struggling school districts, among other areas. Both the business tax and the lower personal income tax rates would take effect next year. Pro- jections suggest the tax plan would bring in just shy of $1 bil- lion for K-12 education in 2020. However, opponents could force a statewide vote on the tax changes if they get through the Legislature. Controversial bills are often referred to the ballot, a process that a senator and a repre- sentative can initiate. “We’re ready for that,” Hass said of a potential referral. “If that’s the way it goes, that’s the way it goes.” The last time a major tax increase was on the statewide bal- lot in Oregon was Measure 97 in 2016. Voters shot down the pro- posed $3 billion corporate sales tax, with 59 percent voting “no” to bury the measure. Hass attempted to marshal support for a more modest tax package in 2017, but his plan died without a vote. Last fall, Brown proposed $12.3 billion in spending for the Department of Education, 11 per- cent more than the current budget. Oregon has the second-low- est high school graduation rate in the country, according to U.S. Department of Education data. Only New Mexico graduates fewer of its high school students within four years. Funding levels for Oregon schools have declined since vot- ers approved Measure 5 in 1990, slashing the amount of money schools receive from local prop- erty taxes. Instructional time has fallen in many school districts, as have staffing levels. Ballooning public pension costs have also hit school dis- tricts hard. McDonough said OBI believes “cost control” needs to be addressed if taxes are being raised: “Specifically PERS reform, so that we can make sure that any new dollars raised actu- ally make it to the education pack- age that they want to support.” The Legislature passed major PERS reforms in 2013, but the Oregon Supreme Court invalidated most of them in 2015. A citizens’ group including former Gov. Ted Kulongoski and former state Sen. Chris Telfer is working toward petitioning PERS pension cuts onto the ballot in 2020. Business interests pushing for PERS reform By Claire Withycombe Oregon Capital Bureau Current and future public employees wouldn’t have as generous a retirement under initiative petitions being pushed by business inter- ests in yet another effort to reform the state’s notori- ously complex and expen- sive retirement system. The effort has attracted two big names in Oregon politics — former Gov. Ted Kulongoski and Chris Telfer, a former state sen- ator and currently a mem- ber of the Oregon Lottery Commission. Kulongoski and Telfer say the amount that local governments, like cities and school districts, pay to the Public Employees Retire- ment System each year is poised to grow so much that they will struggle to provide basic services. Oregon PERS Solutions, a business-funded group backing the petitions, esti- mates those payments will increase by $10 billion over the next eight years if the system isn’t changed. Instead, Kulongoski and Telfer want some of that money to go to other needs such as road repairs and teacher salaries. They are putting their political might behind two ballot measure initiatives that would reduce future retirement benefits for cur- rent and new public employ- ees starting in 2021. The state’s 145,000 current retirees in PERS wouldn’t be affected. Backers estimate one approach could save pub- lic employers $5 billion, and the second could save $3.3 billion. The backers would advance only one measure to the 2020 election. PERS is a hybrid system, which, in simple terms, con- sists of two parts: a basic pen- sion and a retirement savings account similar to a 401(k). If successful, the effort may mean that for new employees, the state could emulate OHSU’s retirement options. Workers there have the option to either get the pen- sion plan or to contribute to a 401(k)-style savings plan, but not both. Under both petitions, cur- rent public employees would contribute to the costs of their pension. But they wouldn’t have to contribute more money than they already do to retirement, because the money they contribute to the existing 401(k)-style plan could get redirected to make the required pension pay- ment instead. And the state would either create a new 401(k)-style savings plan for new hires or have the state treasury study creating one. Although benefits would get reduced under the peti- tions, backers argue pub- lic employees and taxpay- ers could see other positive effects — such as being able to hire more teachers or pay- ing those teachers more. But if the state does nothing, schools and other public entities would have to make cuts to cover ris- ing PERS bills, said Tim Nesbitt, interim executive director of Oregon PERS Solutions. “If we make no changes, the path we’re on means lay- offs, and tighter budgets for raises,” Nesbitt said. Nesbitt was a chief of staff to Kulongoski when he was governor and, before that, was a state union leader. As part of Kulon- goski’s post-recession Reset cabinet, Nesbitt authored a report on the state’s fiscal problems. Oregon PERS Solutions has received funding from the Oregon Business Coun- cil to push the petitions. The Oregon Business Council’s directors include representatives of major Oregon businesses such as Intel, Portland Gen- eral Electric and Columbia Sportswear. Employer assessments to fund retirements are expected to subside eventu- ally, as more current retirees — who benefit from more generous retirement plans before the state made drastic reforms in 2003 — die and their benefits end. Unions counter that the latest proposal would effec- tively add a fourth tier to PERS, adding complexity to a famously mind-boggling system. They also say cutting future benefits wouldn’t pro- vide any relief from the sys- tem’s current $26.6 billion pension debt, or unfunded liability. “These corporate-backed proposals would drasti- cally reduce the prom- ised retirement benefits to working teachers, fire- fighters and other public employees,” Patty Wentz, a spokeswoman for the Ore- gon PERS Coalition, said in a statement. “They will create more problems than they solve, don’t reduce the unfunded liability, and would result in more lengthy and costly legal battles for the state and local school districts.” Mission Statement: ATTN VETERANS: CENTRAL OREGON VET CENTER IS VISITING YOUR LOCATION! To welcome home and honor those Who served, those still serving, and their families bv reach­ ing out to them, engaging their communities, and providing them with qualitv readjustment counseling and timelV retenal. READJUSTMENT COUNSEllNG WHEN/WHERE John Dav-Elks lodge April 24th Civilians ... thev inst don't get it! 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