The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, April 03, 2019, Page A5, Image 5

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Arrests and citations in
the Blue Mountain Eagle
are taken from the logs
of law enforcement agen-
cies. Every effort is made
to report the court dispo-
sition of arrest cases.
Grant County
Circuit Court
Tena K. Montange,
46, Prairie City, pleaded
guilty March 14 to misde-
meanor fleeing or attempt-
ing to elude a police offi-
cer committed on Jan.
3. She was sentenced to
10 days house arrest, 30
hours community service,
18 months bench pro-
bation and $200 in fines
and fees. Her driver’s
license was suspended for
90 days, and a charge of
interfering with a peace
officer was dismissed. She
also pleaded guilty March
28 to misdemeanor hin-
dering prosecution com-
mitted on Jan. 23. She was
sentenced to 10 days con-
secutive house arrest and a
$100 fine.
Grant County Sheriff
The Grant County
Sheriff’s Office reported
the following for the week
of March 27:
licenses: 20
Average inmates: 14
Bookings: 6
Releases: 5
Arrests: 0
Citations: 0
Fingerprints: 6
Civil papers: 16
Warrants processed: 2
Asst./welfare check: 0
Search and rescue: 0
Justice Court
• Violation of basic
rule: Calvin R. Hack, 27,
John Day, March 2, 74/55
zone, fined $225; Michael
F. Quinn, 66, Baker City,
Dec. 25, 83/55 zone, fined
$225; Bryan Eubanks, 49,
North Powder, Feb. 26,
70/55 zone, fined $165.
• Exceeding speed
limit: Jeffrey Foss, 43,
Meridian, Idaho, March
15, 48/35 zone, fined
$140; Brian B. Maxson,
29, Bend, Feb. 22, 52/35
zone, fined $165; Rich-
ard Sicairoscastro, 29,
Los Angeles, California,
Feb. 23, 55/35 zone, fined
$165; Dennis Johnson,
60, Boise, Idaho, Nov. 8,
51/25 zone, fined $225;
Jon L. Kimball, 24, Day-
ville, Feb. 22, 48/35 zone,
fined $165.
• Violation speed limit:
Lauren E. Lindahl, 23,
Huntington Beach, Cal-
ifornia, Jan. 7, 60/30
zone, fined $265; David
S. Ashby, 55, Redmond,
Feb. 16, 45/25 zone, fined
• Driving uninsured:
Kelly J. Dick, 32, Jerome,
Idaho, Jan. 13, fined $265;
Joseph C. Dobyns, 43,
Canyon City, Jan. 26, fined
$300; Tylor J. Gifford, 24,
John Day, Feb. 10, fined
$1,000 and $1,000; Crys-
tal M. Joslin, 39, Granite,
March 1, fined $265.
• Driving while sus-
Dobyns, 43, Canyon City,
Jan. 26, fined $500; Crys-
tal M. Joslin, 39, Gran-
ite, March 1, fined $440;
Tylor J. Gifford, 24, John
Day, Feb. 10, fined $2,000
and $2,000.
• Illegal alteration of
license plates: Tylor J.
Gifford, 24, John Day,
Feb. 10, fined $1,000.
out required light: Brett
A. Morris, 29, John Day,
March 1, fined $165.
• Operating with a non-
standard light: Kelly J.
Dick, 32, Jerome, Idaho,
Jan. 13, fined $165.
• Hunting in a prohib-
ited area: Stephen E. Van
Cauteren, 52, Molalla,
Oct. 7, fined $115.
Oregon State Police
March 17: A camper
on the South Fork Road
reported finding a dead
juvenile cougar and a dead
owl near his campsite. No
suspect for the killings is
known at this time.
March 17: Received
information about a man
threatening to kill his
girlfriend. She went into
hiding, and he left after
dark to allegedly cut fire-
wood illegally. When
he returned, Thomas V.
Busby, 47, Prairie City,
was arrested and charged
with two counts of
March 18: Received
information that a man
with a suspended driver’s
license drove away from
the Grant County Com-
munity Corrections office.
Following a traffic stop on
Highway 395, Nathan M.
Elledge, 27, Bend, was
arrested and charged with
driving while his license
was suspended.
March 20: Follow-
ing contact on Highway
26 east of Prairie City,
a 71-year-old man was
found to be in a mental
crisis and was transferred
to a health facility.
March 23: A person in
Dayville reported finding
elk hides dumped on their
property. They were deter-
mined to be goat hides. No
littering complaint was
John Day dispatch
worked 153 calls during
the week of March 25-31,
• John Day Police
March 25: Received a
report of suspicious cir-
cumstances at a dealer-
ship on West Main Street
in John Day.
March 26: Dispatched
to a harassment complaint
at Northwest Bridge Street
in John Day.
March 26: Advised of
a person riding a scooter
in a no-scooter zone at the
Seventh Street Complex
in John Day.
March 27: Following
a traffic stop on Highway
26 east of John Day, Jake
Zurbrugg, 28, Klamath
Falls, was cited for speed-
ing, 54/35 zone.
March 27: Received a
report of a theft on North
Canyon Boulevard in John
March 27: Dispatched
to a domestic report at a
mobile home park on West
Main Street in John Day.
March 28: Received a
theft report from a restau-
rant on Main Street in
John Day.
March 28: Responded
to a domestic report from
Northeast Elm Street in
John Day.
March 29: Dispatched
to Charolais Heights in
John Day for a harassment
March 31: Following a
traffic stop on South Can-
yon Boulevard in John
Day, Karina Robinson, 19,
John Day, was cited for
driving without a license
and insurance.
March 31: Responded
to a noninjury crash at the
hospital in John Day.
• Oregon State Police
March 28: Received
a livestock complaint at
Highway 26 and Bear
• Grant County Sher-
iff’s Office
March 26: Advised of
trespassing in the Fall
Creek area south of Can-
yon City.
March 26: Received
a harassment complaint
from a mobile home park
on West Main Street in
John Day.
March 26: Advised of
shots being heard near the
school in Long Creek.
March 27: Received
a theft report from Pine
Creek Road in John Day.
March 29: Received an
identity theft report from
Cayuse Lane in John Day.
March 31: Advised of
a child abuse report on
Ingle Street in Mt. Vernon.
• John Day ambulance
March 25: Dispatched
to Belshaw Creek Lane in
Mt. Vernon for a 72-year-
old woman with unusual
bleeding and vomiting.
March 25: Responded
with John Day police to
East Main Street in John
Day for an elderly woman.
March 25: Transported
a patient from Northwest
Fifth Street in John Day to
the hospital in John Day.
March 25: Dispatched
with John Day police to
Airport Road in John Day
for a rollover crash.
March 25: Responded
to Northwest Holland
Avenue in Mt. Vernon for
a man with chest pain.
March 25: Transported
a patient to the airport in
John Day.
March 27: Dispatched
to Adam Road in Canyon
City for an elderly man.
March 27: Transported
a patient to the hospital in
March 27: Responded
with Monument ambu-
lance and fire to Court-
rock Road in Monument
for an 81-year-old man
with chest pain and fading
March 28: Dispatched
to East Main Street in John
Day for an 84-year-old
woman who was bleeding.
March 28: Responded
to La Costa Road in John
Day for an 89-year-old
March 28: Dispatched
to Highway 395 south of
Canyon City for a 75-year-
old woman.
March 28: Responded
to Bumpy Road in John
Day for a man with flu-
like symptoms.
March 29: Dispatched
to East Main Street in
John Day for a 69-year-
old man with difficulty
March 29: Responded
to a mobile home park on
West Main Street in John
Day for a 65-year-old man
who had fallen.
March 29: Transported
a patient to the hospital in
John Day.
March 29: Transported
a patient to the airport in
John Day.
March 30: Paged with
John Day police to Ford
Road for a woman who
was not conscious but
March 31: Responded
with Long Creek ambu-
lance for a 68-year-old
March 31: Dispatched
Street in John Day for an
85-year-old woman.
March 31: Transported
a patient to the airport in
John Day.
March 31: Responded
to Southwest Brent Drive
in John Day for a 22-year-
old man with chest pains
and flu-like symptoms.
March 31: Dispatched
to Nugget Street in Can-
yon City for a 74-year-
old woman with breathing
• Mt. Vernon fire
March 25: Responded
to a grass fire at a ranch.
• Monument fire
March 25: Dispatched
to a report of a fire at the
base of a power pole that
turned out to be a con-
trolled burn.
• Oregon Department
of Transportation
March 25: Advised
of a dead cow creating a
hazard on Highway 395
March 27: Received
a report of a rock slide
on Highway 395 north of
Starr Ridge.
• Dayville fire
March 29: Responded
to Highway 19 for a com-
mercial fire alarm.
• John Day fire
March 31: Responded
to a grass fire on West
Main Street in John Day.
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