The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, January 30, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
John Day
Dusty Harris
On Jan. 21, the greeter
was Ron Dowes. A total of
32 meals were delivered by
Rodney and David. Thanks,
Our servers were from
First Christian Church:
Karen, Jan, Carol and Dusty,
Grace and Dale Stennet.
Joe Pippen won the Len’s
Drug gift certificate, and
Don Porter won the free
Our meal was clam
chowder in bread bowls,
cucumbers and tomatoes
and cheesecake brownies for
A donation was from the
estate of Carl Lino. Thank
you so much.
On Jan. 24, there were
46 meals, plus two frozen
meals, delivered to John
Day and Mt. Vernon by
David Turner, Jim Maple,
Matt Jones, David Gill and
Rodney. Thanks, guys. Our
servers were from St. Eliz-
abeth Catholic Church. Walt
Hall gave the blessing.
Karen won the Chester’s
Thriftway gift certificate.
Carol won two free senior
meals. Two monkeys were
won by Nadine and Chris.
The meal for lunch
included pork chops smoth-
ered with mushroom sauce,
stuffing, cinnamon apples,
copper penny salad, dinner
rolls and baked vanilla cus-
tard for dessert.
The seniors are having a
closed bid on the pool table.
Bids will be opened on Feb.
7, just in time for Valentine’s
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
“Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not
boast, it is not proud. It does
not dishonor others, it is not
self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record
of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth. It always pro-
tects, always trusts, always
hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.”
Soo Yukawa
Terry Cade and Teawna
Jewell prepared our lunch
of my favorite dish of Salis-
bury steak, mashed pota-
toes and gravy, green beans,
dinner rolls and apple cob-
bler with ice cream. Oh,
yes, this foodie was relish-
ing in the yummy food. I
think my stomach must be
shrinking because I can’t
seem to eat more. I want to
eat more, but then I think I
would be sick. Ha. We thank
our hard-working cooks for
their efforts in their culinary
skills. We all were enjoying
our meal immensely.
Our greeters were Linda
Blakeslee, Kristi Guim-
ont and Bodean Ander-
sen. Jimmy Cole was sick
and stayed home. Linda
collected and counted the
money with the help of
Kristi. Bodean led us in
the flag salute, made the
announcements and prayed
the blessing over our meal.
We sang happy birthday
to Terry Cade for her birth-
day was going to be the
next day. We hope she had a
wonderful day and enjoyed
We had 51 guests on the
books and nine takeouts. We
had a group of ladies join us
for lunch from Spray. They
were Jean Hammel, Caro-
lyn Adams and Ellen. Diane
Britt also joined us from
The winners of the
free meal tickets were
Max Breeding and Donny
Judy Harris shared with
us that the Shelk Foun-
dation, which generously
donated funds to the Mon-
ument Senior Center to help
purchase new kitchen equip-
ment, featured Monument
on their page story. If you
would like to visit their site,
this is the link: shelkfounda- We thank them for
their wonderful support of
our little community.
After our fabulous lunch,
I got a pain in my head. It
grew into a full-blown sinus
headache by the time I got
home. I had my two lit-
tle ones take turns rubbing
and massaging my head
(one of the benefits of hav-
ing slaves, I mean children.
Ha!). I was thinking, why is
my head and sinus pound-
ing? I checked the weather
thermometer and saw that
the barometric pressure was
really high. Then, all of a
sudden, some freaky snow
storm came. Our ground was
pretty much brown with no
snow. But in less than two
hours, the ground was com-
pletely white! The snow-
flakes that were coming
down were huge.
By the time the storm
had passed, we had, oh, I’d
say about 6 inches of snow.
When that snow finally hit,
that was when my headache
went away. Well, I did pop
a couple of Tylenol pills too.
All that pressure from the
weather got to my sinuses,
I guess. Two days later, it
all melted away to sticky,
gooey mud again.
So, we have two lit-
tle heifer calves with some
goats corralled and hay that
is fenced off in there with
panels. We put sheep fenc-
ing on the bottom so the
goats couldn’t get at the hay.
We tied baling twine, zig-
zagging it in the gaps. Well,
one of the heifers is a sneaky
girl. I shall have to continue
next week, ran out of room.
Psalm 95:1 “O come, let
us sing unto the LORD: Let
us make a joyful noise to the
Rock of our salvation.”
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
We had a goodly turn-
out for the dinner, despite
the 6 inches of wet snow
that blanketed our fair city.
And those who didn’t want
to get out in the white stuff
had a meal delivered by Car-
los and Jay. What a deal!
That made 55 names on the
registration book. Bruce
led the flag salute, and Tom
asked the blessing. Since it
was close to Martin Luther
King Jr. Day, Tom opted for
a crown for the snowman to
indicate the table that went
first through the serving line.
He’s really getting with the
program, isn’t he? What will
Groundhog Day bring forth?
Since there are five
Wednesdays in this month,
we didn’t have a gift certif-
icate to award. But we did
give something away: a free
meal. And Alaina DeHart
was the recipient of that. So
what did she eat? Ham hocks
and beans, green salad, corn
bread and a two-toned cup-
cake with frosting and crum-
bled Heath bar on top. Nice
meal for this wintry day.
Thanks to Amber and Dick
for their good work.
brought Arlita Arnett, Mary
Crawford, Charlene Dean,
Marilyn Randall and Gor-
don Sindt from the Blue
Mountain Care Center. And
Marilyn even found some-
thing on the little senior sale
table that she wanted, so I
put it on layaway for her. We
aim to please.
Am busy writing new
choir chime music for the
new YAP term. Also am
actively recruiting for more
people. You don’t have to be
able to read music to play.
Does help if you can count
and keep time, though. Har,
har. Practice will be Mon-
days from 6-7 p.m. at the
Humbolt School music
It has now been 171 years
since gold was discovered
in California leading to the
American West gold rush,
which led to the Canyon
City excavations 14 years
later. Those who study such
things say that, if all the gold
in the world were combined
into one lump, it would
result in a cube that mea-
sures 20 yards on each side.
Somehow, that just doesn’t
seem right, when the USA
had to build a whole fort to
keep all the government’s
bullion in.
Then there is the story
about the man who was try-
ing to get St. Peter to let him
in the pearly gates with all
his golden hoard. St. Peter
couldn’t understand why
anyone would want to bring
paving material with them…
Proverbs 22:1 “A good
name is more desirable than
great riches; to be esteemed
is better than silver or gold.”
Contributed photo/
The junior choir kicked off
the Youth Arts Program
concert Jan. 18.
Youth Arts
$2,000 in
grant funding
Blue Mountain Eagle
The Youth Arts Pro-
gram recently received
almost $2,000 in grants.
The Juniper Arts Coun-
cil awarded $1,450 to
YAP’s string program.
The funding will provide
repairs and new cases
and bows for previously
donated instruments.
Additionally, quarter-
and half-size instruments
will be purchased so stu-
dents can try playing an
instrument in their size.
These instruments will be
used as low-cost rentals
for students who could not
otherwise afford lessons.
This will help estab-
lish a bowed string pro-
gram, and low-cost group
violin lessons will soon be
The John Day United
Methodist Church, repre-
sented by lay leaders Sher-
mayne Boethin, Becky
Carey and Sherry Fei-
ger, presented YAP with
a $500 grant. The Ore-
gave every church $500
to use for community out-
reach, and they agreed
YAP was their choice.
Church Services In Grant County