A2 FAMILY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Carpenter graduates from police academy OBITUARIES Junior Wayne Lissman Blue Mountain Eagle Offi cer Zachary D. Carpenter received his police offi cer certifi ca- tion Jan. 25 at the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards Training in Salem. As a member of Basic Police Class 384, Carpenter was among 40 grad- uating at the police academy after 16 weeks of coursework. Carpenter is an offi cer with the Bandon Police Department, where he started work in April of 2018. He was a corrections deputy at the Grant County Jail in Canyon City from 2015 through April 2018 and was a reserve offi cer with the John Day Police Department from November 2017 through April 2018. He is the son of Jim and Angel Car- penter of John Day and is a 2012 gradu- ate of Grant Union High School in John Day. Junior Wayne Lissman, 94, passed away Jan. 12 in Burns. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Feb. 16 at LaFollette’s Chapel, 332 W. Monroe St., Burns. Following the service, refreshments will be served at the Burns Elks Lodge, 118 N. Broadway Ave., Burns. Lissman will be interred in the fam- ily burial spot at the Hilltop Memorial Cemetery in Nyssa. In lieu of fl owers, memorial donations may be made to local organizations providing support and or services to military veterans. Eugene ‘Gene’ Floyd Brady Eugene “Gene” Floyd Brady, 97, of Roseburg, formerly of John Day, passed away Jan. 23 at the Veterans Hospital in Roseburg. A memorial will be held at noon Feb. 9 at Azalea Grange south of Roseburg. Norma Jean Bygness The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Bandon Police Department Offi cer Zachary D. Carpenter Eagles fl ock together Norma Jean Bygness, 76, of John Day passed away Jan. 28 at her daughter’s residence in John Day. No services are planned at this time. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the American Diabe- tes Association through Driskill Memorial Chapel at 241 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845. To leave online condo- lences for the family, visit driskillmemorialchapel.com. About Obituaries News obituaries of 300 words or less are a free service of the Blue Mountain Eagle. The paper accepts obituaries from the family or funeral home. Information submitted is subject to editing. Obituaries submitted to the Eagle with incorrect information may be corrected and republished as paid memorials. Obituaries longer than 300 words may be published as paid memorials. Send obituaries by email, offi ce@bmeagle.com; fax, 541-575-1244; or mail, 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845. For more information, or to inquire about a paid memorial, call 541-575-0710. Eagles rest in a tree on Forest Road 13 off of Summit Prairie Road. Have a great photo? Send it to editor@bmeagle.com for possible publication in the newspaper or a special section. Local students named to dean’s lists while completing a mini- mum of 12 hours of graded EOU coursework. Jeffrey Parolini of Long Creek was named to the COCC fall 2018 dean’s list. The list recognizes students enrolled in 12 or more graded credits who receive a term GPA of 3.60 or better. Duane Stokes of Mt. Vernon was named to the 2018 fall semester dean’s list at Pacifi c University. To qualify, students must earn a 3.7 GPA or better with at least 12 graded hours. Blue Mountain Eagle Contributed photo Thomas Dekany PRAIRIE CITY HONOR ROLL First semester Seniors 4.0 GPA: Deja Ams- den, Levi Burke and Josiah Hoeffner. Honor roll (3.5-3.99 GPA): Haley Pfeffer- korn, Kyla Winton, Jona- than Lawrence and Paige Moore. Honorable mention (3.0-3.49 GPA): Syd Hol- man, Raven Maloy, Brett Copenhaver and Lane Williams. Juniors 4.0 GPA: JoLynne Ash- ley and Shaelynn Bice. Honor roll: Aleah Johns, Johna Long and Jessica Reames. Honorable mention: Cole Deiter, Rilee Emmel, Shaine Madden, Mada- lyn Way, Carson McKay, Kaden Madden, Emily Ennis, Lucas McKin- ley, Hailee Wall and Abby Winegar. Sophomores 4.0 GPA: Aries Bice, Brandon Horrell, Cait- lin Willet and Declan Zweygardt. Honor roll: Jayden Win- egar, Katie Hire and Mikiah Kimble. Honorable mention: Samantha Workman, Jayda DuBois, Tristan McMahan and Abbey Pfefferkorn. Freshman 4.0 GPA: Issac Koop- man and Riley Reames. Honor roll: Marcus Judd. Honorable mention: Seth Moore and Hannah Wall. Eighth-graders 4.0 GPA: Kaitlynne Ash- ley and Janie Koopman. Honor roll: Leif Rausch, Laken McKay and Cole Teel. Honorable mention: Wyatt Nolan, Paige Shaw and Betty Ann Wilson. Seventh-graders 4.0 GPA: Cliff Bice. Honor roll: Cayden Howard, Jaycee Winegar, Tristen Gibson, Cody Rea- gan and Brooke Teel. Honorable mention: Bri- anna Kimble, Wes Voigt, Nolan Madden, McKenzie Lawrence and Kyler Shaw. Second nine weeks Seniors 4.0 GPA: Deja Ams- den, Levi Burke and Josiah Hoeffner. Honor roll: Halcy Pfef- ferkorn, Kyla Winton and Lane Williams. Honorable mention: Jon- athan Lawrence, Raven Maloy, Paige Moore, Brett Copenhaver and Syd Holman. Juniors Honor roll: JoLynne Ashley, Shaelynn Bice, Cole Deiter, Kaden Madden and Jessica Reames. Honorable mention: Aleah Johns, Johna Long, Shaine Madden, Lucas McKinley, Rilee Emmel, Opie McDaniel, Carson McKay, Abby Winegar, Madalyn Way, Emily Ennis and Hailee Wall. Sophomores 4.0 GPA: Aries Bice, Brandon Horrell, Cait- lin Willet and Declan Zweygardt. Honor roll: Katie Hire and Jayden Winegar. Honorable mention: Jayda DuBois, Mikiah Kimble, Samantha Work- man and Tristan McMahan. Freshman 4.0 GPA: Riley Reames and Isaac Koopman. Honor roll: Marcus Judd. Eighth-graders 4.0 GPA: Kaitlynne Ash- ley and Janie Koopman. Honor roll: Laken McKay, Leif Rausch and Cole Teel. Honorable mention: Wyatt Nolan and Paige Shaw. Seventh-graders 4.0 GPA: Cliff Bice. Honor roll: Cayden Howard, Jaycee Winegar, Tristen Gibson, Brianna Kimble, Code Reagan and Brooke Teel. Honorable mention: Wes Voigt, McKenzie Law- rence, Nolan Madden and Kyler Shaw. Local students were named to dean’s lists at Eastern Oregon Univer- sity, Pacifi c University and Central Oregon Commu- nity College. EOU awardees include Cody Nielsen of John Day, James Hercher and Carmen Vaughan of Long Creek and Jozie Rude and Bri- anna Zweygardt of Prai- rie City. Qualifying stu- dents achieve and maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale Honorary Page Program applications available Senate and House programs will be accepted beginning in January of 2019 for the 2019 Legislative Assembly. The page program is vol- untary and will run during the regular session from February to June. How- ever, the House and Sen- ate have different sched- ules, and applicants need to inquire about the particulars of each. Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 18. For more information about the page programs, visit oregonlegislature.gov and follow the link under “Citizen Engagement.” Blue Mountain Eagle The Oregon House of Representatives and the Oregon Senate will once again host students from around the state as part of the Honorary Page Program. This program is steeped in history and allows stu- dents to witness the legisla- tive process in an up-close and personal way in a space of approximately six hours. In the last legislative ses- sion in 2017-18, over 400 students participated in the Senate and House programs. Applications for both 2019 Fares The family of Jeff Knowles would like to thank all of you that were so thoughtful and compassionate to us in our time of sorrow. Thank you for all the cards, flowers, food, prayers and donations they were greatly appreciated and so thoughtful. Sincerely, Sally, Trevor, Jena, Drew, Jessica & Grandsons Charley, Jack & Cody John Day Taxi - 541-620-4255 As a service the community, we are running If you’ve got the to time, call a People Mover for free 24 hours a day now - Monday thru Saturday If you’ve got the dime, & want to move’er, call me From John Day to: One Way Airport, GCR: Canyon City: Dayville: Dispensary: John Day: Mt. Vernon: Prairie City: Tidewater: Vet Clinic: $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 $7.50 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 Anything beyond that: up; $2.00 a mile the Please call any time and hang it eliminates Waiting: and $1.00 for every minutes telemarketers captures your 5 phone number. I will get right back to you. Happy New Year John Day Taxi Thanks, Richie Richie 102134 Last Week’s Temps John Day ...........................................................HI/LO Tuesday ........................................................... 37/28 Wednesday ..................................................... 47/31 Thursday .......................................................... 45/33 Friday ............................................................... 48/29 Saturday .......................................................... 53/30 Sunday ............................................................. 55/33 Monday............................................................ 44/29 24/7 F ORECAST A UTOMATED : 541-575-1122 R OAD CONDITIONS : 511; TRIPCHECK . COM NOAA W EATHER R ADIO FOR J OHN D AY 162.500 MHz W EATHER F ORECAST FOR THE WEEK OF J AN . 30-F EB . 5 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Afternoon rain Mostly cloudy Cloudy Low clouds Partly sunny 49 52 51 48 41 43 43 31 36 38 37 32 27 27