C14 LETTERS TO SANTA Blue Mountain Eagle Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents. How are your elfs doing? My friend Rylee wants roller blades. Is it really cold there? My friend Colbie wants a Fit- bit, and my Dad wants the cattle to always listen. I would like a side by side please. Sincerely, Anna Jacobs Mrs. Croghan’s third-grade class Dear Santa, Has anybody ever seen you? Be prepared. This year your days of hiding are over. What I would like a tablet. My friend Han would a pocket watch. Can your reindeer fly? Love, Jacob DeHart Dear Santa, Thanks for the presents last year. My brother would like a new xbox 1 controller. How’s Mts. Clause? I want a lego set. Love, Landyn Lewis Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus, How are the elves doing? Are they doing a good job? I love you Santa and Mrs. Clause. Santa can you give food to an eagle? I would like a phone or a go cart. You pick Santa. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents you got me last year. This year may I have a guineapig please? I think my family would like some four wheelers. How is Mrs. Claus? Love, Nora Donathan Dear Santa, Thank you for the sled got me last year. This year I want a hound dog. If you can would you please get my friend Anna a pet hedgehog. How is Mrs. Claus? Love, Rylee Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year. This year I want a doll that talks. Can you bring a real horse for Mad- die? Do you have snow at your house? Your friend, Rayne Dear Santa, Thank you for all the candy in my stocking. I want a pet puppy and a mom too. I want to get a pony and a dog for Nora. How is Rudolph and the other reindeer? Love, Maddilynne Dally • 5th Grade, Humbolt Downtown John Day • 541-575-0632 94182 Shreya Vyas • 4th Grade, Humbolt Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like an Ameri- can Girl doll. Can you please bring Owen a music player? How do you make toys? Love, Sophia Dear Santa, One thing I want is a bunny and a cat please. Please bring my brother a Barney the Purple Dino- saur. How are hot dogs made? Your friend, Lee have a skateboard for Christmas. How is Rudolph is he doing good? Your friend, Brenna Dear Mr. Santa, Thank you for last Christmas. This year I would like a Nintendo switch with Fortnite. Also my friend, Sam Rausch, a Nintendo 2DSXL. What do you, Mrs. Claus and your little elves eat at the North Pole? From, Trevor Mrs. Croghan’s fourth-grade class Mrs. Tremblay’s fifth-grade class Dear Santa, Thank you for the guitar that gave me last year. I love it. 1 thing I want for Christmas is some new ear phones. My friend Anna wants a real car. And my other friend Rylee. How are all the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? With care, love, Colbie Dear Santa, I think I want a pocketwatch and a trumbet for Christmas. I think you should get Sam a skate- board with a cat on the botem for Christmas. How is Cupid, Santa? Sincerely, Jon Dear Santa, Thank you so much for the stuffed animal mom cat and 3 baby cats for Christmas last year. This year would you please bring me a pocket knife. I have been feeding cows a lot and I need a pocket knife to cut the bailing twine. Also, how are your little elves? I hope they are doing great! Oh yah, and my friend Erin has been realy nice and I would like her to have a really nice ring she has always wanted. Sincerely, Emma Field Dear Santa, Thank you for all the toys. This year can you get me a few thangs from project MC Square. My little brother would like a T-Rex toy for Christmas. How are the elfs? Love, CeCe Dear Santa, Thank you for the stuff in my stocking from last year. This year I would like a skateboard with a cat on the bottom. My friend Jon wants a pocketwatch for Christmas. How is Rudolph and are the elves still making toys? Sincerely, Samuel Dear Santa, I want to thank you fro the stuff you brought last year. This year can you please bring me some yoga stuff. Brenna was realy nice to me can you bring her a jewelry set this Christmas, please. How is Mrs. Claus? You friend, Erin Dear Santa, Thank you for the slime stuff. I loved to make slime with my mother. Can you please bring me a violin for Christmas. My friend Sam would like to Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claws? Is she feeding the reindeer or is that the elves job? My brother would like a phone to play fortnite. My mom would like putty. My puppies Buddy and Coco probably want red and yellow balls. Last but not least, me myself and I want some hair chalk. Don’t get on the naughty list, because Mrs. Class will put you there. From, Alexis Dear Santa, How are all of the elves at the shop? Do you have a lot of cookies? I want a bow and arrow. My dad wants a new bow and arrow. My mom wants some new boots. My brother would like a new basketball. My sister would like an apple Ipod. My little brother would like a new toy truck. My baby sister would like a new baby doll for her little baby bed. Love, Keira Dear Santa, Did you have Thanksgiving? My mom and dad would like new stuff for the dog. My brother would like Power Rangers! I would like headphones please! See you soon Santa! From, Gracie Gangler Dear Santa, My brother and I have been wondering how the reindeer are doing? We hope they’re ready to fly too. We also wish you a Merry Christmas. My little brother Carl wants a toy truck for Christmas. I want a professional art kit for Christmas. Make sure you get your milk and cookies before you leave. Yours truly, Zella LeClaire Dear Santa, What did you have Thanksgiving? I had turkey. For Christmas my mom wants a computer. My sis- ter wants a Barbie doll. My brother wants a million dollars. My other sister wants new clothes. My other brother wants a new car. And for myself I want a trampoline. Thank you Santa. From, Maison Dear Santa, How are your reindeer and elves and Mrs. Claus doing? Do you like cookies and milk? I do. My mom wants an Eminem coffee cup. My dad wants a Kan- sas City hat and scarf. My brother Preston wants a new game. My brother Wyatt wants a watch. I want a computer. From, Riley Davis Colter Handley • 3rd Grade, Humbolt 94793 Saige Lundbom • 2nd Grade, Humbolt 721 W. Main St., John Day • 541- 575-1850 94117 Nora • 3rd Grade, Prairie City 94187 94181