October 2018 Giving Back | 41 HELP THE BLUE MOUNTAIN HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION CONTINUE TO IMPROVE HEALTHCARE IN GRANT COUNTY WITH YOUR END OF YEAR GIFT. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE! HISTORY The Blue Mountain Healthcare Foundation is a local nonprofit organization, run by a board of Blue Mountain Hospital District employees, local business owners, and community members who are passionate about healthcare in Grant County. Their mission is to provide financial support for healthcare improvements in Grant County in order to build a brighter future for our community and to keep our friends, family and neighbors close to home for their healthcare needs. The Healthcare Foundation was founded in 1999, and over the years has provided significant financial support to the Hospital District. Some of the items the Foundation has helped fund include; a new ambulance, cardiac monitoring equipment, new hospital beds, updates to the Care Center, a new CT Scanner, a new nurse call system, and many more pieces of equipment and programs. GOALS The biggest goal of the healthcare foundation is to reach $1 Million in the Foundation’s Endowment Fund. This will allow for permanent support and additional funding to the Hospital District for years to come. Through gifts from our incredible community, and funds raised from our events throughout the year -we can get there! HOW TO HELP There are many ways to support the Blue Mountain Healthcare Foundation. Donations can be made at any time by bringing/ mailing a check to the hospital, or you can donate online at www.bluemountainhospital.org Blue Mountain Healthcare Foundation 170 Ford Rd John Day, OR 97845 You can also support the Foundation by attending both the Golf Scramble & Annual Dinner held each year. If you’re not able to attend you can also donate auction items, sponsor the events, or volunteer to help. If you’re interested in making a donation or would like to know more about the Foundation or any of the upcoming events, contact Jena Knowles at 541-575-1311 ext. 2213 or jknowles@bluemountainhospital.org. 80989