October 2018 Giving Back | 33 CANYON CITY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Est. 1888 123 S. Washington St., Canyon City, OR 97820 | 541-575-0509 | canyoncityfire@gmail.com Sponsored by: Blue Mountain Chiropractic In memory of Greg Bremner: Beloved friend, colleague, husband and father. Program Overview: Fully trained and accredited through DPSST, longest running certified fire department in the county since 1992. Meet and exceed federal mandates and standards. Assist any and all other fire departments in the area. In house training. nized in rtment was orga pa de re Fi ity C The Canyon the firefighters The uniforms of ere very proud the late 1880s. the members w l al d an ue iq e boys.” The were un called the “hos e er w ey Th . of them and brown knee breeches ue bl e ed or w en firem ought they look some people th d ht an ig m s, y ng ed ki m oc st hat co Regardless of w job p -u ng ba a d quite comical. ey always di th , ed lv vo in have been of fighting fire. ganizations of fire fighting or , ys al da rly ea e In thos es were the soci aller communiti sm y e ar th om in st rt cu so as this ion it w July 4 celebrat leaders. At the als in contests. riv r ei meet th ch could for the teams to ganizations whi or to n ve gi e er lected object Awards w w water on a se ro th d an n ru e make th first. Mission Statement: To provide fire protection to Canyon City residents, businesses, and to assist other local fire departments. Vision: Save lives and property, train up the new recruits and continue giving fire protection to our community. Giving Opportunities: Humbolt Halloween Night at the grade school, handing out treats and fire safety material. Volunteers are always needed! We are always in ne of new volunte ed ers! 82355