October 2018 Giving Back | 31 Est. 2004 PO Box 82, Canyon City, OR 97820 518 South Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845 Sponsored by John Day Auto 541-575-4335 • Fax: 541-575-4336 Executive Director/Advocate: Shelly Whale Murphy DV/SA Advocate: Cindy Kalin 24-HOUR HOTLINE: 541-620-1342 heartgc@ortelco.net Mission Statement: Heart of Grant county provides comprehensive services to support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. We promote the value of living life free from violence. Our vision is to promote strength and safety, offer encouragement and education, give hope and help, and to inspire courage and change. Program Overview: Heart of Grant County is a Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program. As a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization serving all of Grant County, we work closely with a network of community partners to help families break the cycle of violence. Heart of Grant County delivers a wide range of crisis and educational services to adults, teens & children. Outreach Activities: • “Color Me Free” Fun Run • Clothesline Display • Purple T-shirt Display • Hands are Not for Hurting Presentation • Teen Dating Violence Prevention Presentation • Family Fun Day Participant • Informational Booth at the Health Fair, Teen Health Fair & Grant County Fair, with Grant County Victim Assistance Giving Opportunities: We appreciate having volunteers to help organize and assist during outreach activities. We accept monetary donations that will be used towards victim assistance. Donations of specific items are always gladly accepted. 82357