The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, October 31, 2018, Page A5, Image 5

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    News & Opinion
Blue Mountain Eagle
Continued from Page A4
Larson is an
honest man
To the Editor:
A small but vocal group with
an agenda of gaining power and
control of the county court is
working hard to make you be-
lieve that Gordon Larson is not
an honest man. You have seen
their accusations all over social
media, and some people choose
to simply ignore the fact that the
accusations have been proven to
have no merit.
Gordon Larson had a long,
honorable career in law enforce-
ment as a trooper, senior troop-
er, sergeant, master sergeant and
lieutenant with the Oregon State
Police. When you work in law
enforcement, you live in a glass
house, and your life is seldom
private. I know firsthand. Peo-
ple watch what you do. If you
are dishonest in either your per-
sonal or professional life, people
are going to know it and make
it known. Were accusations of
dishonesty rampant in the many
years before this man retired and
decided to run for the position
of county commissioner? No.
Has Gordon ever been found to
be dishonest in all those years?
The answer is no. Gordon has
an impeccable record in his per-
sonal and professional life. Gor-
don Larson spent over a decade
serving in the very public po-
sition of school board member
for Grant School District 3. As
a board member and chairman,
your actions and decisions are
very public and constantly un-
der scrutiny. If you are dishon-
est, people are going to know
about it. Was Gordon ever found
to be a dishonest person in all
those years? The answer is no.
When Gordon became a can-
didate for Grant County com-
missioner, suddenly you were
being asked to believe that he is
a dishonest person, and has been
for years. Those who are behind
these vicious personal attacks
on his character will constantly
tell you that you should believe
it. Instead, I am asking you to
take a good hard look at the life
Gordon Larson has actually led
for the many years he has been
in Grant County, and you will
know who and what to believe.
Gordon Larson deserves
your vote for Grant County
Judy Schuette
John Day
Larson has time
for the job
To the Editor:
I support Gordon Larson for
county commissioner. He has
the intelligence and desire to
lead this county. He also has the
time to do the job as evidenced
by the countless hours he has
devoted to his campaign.
He is a natural leader and an
excellent communicator, which
are traits that this county needs.
I admire his strength. He has
suffered vicious personal at-
tacks during this campaign, and
yet he has persevered.
This county needs a man like
Gordon Larson. Join me to vote
for him for county commission-
Dan Cronin
John Day
Larson has ‘work
ethic, stamina and
To the Editor:
Gordon Larson has worked
hard to earn your vote. Through-
out his campaign, he has
demonstrated the work ethic,
stamina and commitment nec-
essary for the position of county
commissioner. Since primary
season, he’s held 13 public meet
and greets, at which he listened
and responded to a wide array
of questions and concerns. He’s
shared a positive vision for our
county, outlining the proactive
ways he hopes to move forward
working to reduce divisiveness
and create a positive, coopera-
tive approach to county needs.
His broad work and life experi-
ences mean he is highly skilled
and qualified to carry out the du-
ties of commissioner effectively.
In his public and private interac-
tions, he has consistently shown
integrity, honesty and high eth-
ical standards. I am confident
he will commit the same energy
and ethics as county commis-
sioner. Please join me and other
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Grant County citizens in voting
for Gordon Larson.
Louise LeDuc
Canyon City
Larson brings
‘sense of hope
and optimism’
I glimpsed that night of coun-
ty government conducted in a
courteous manner by people of
goodwill coming together to
seek solutions and build a more
positive atmosphere in this
county we call home.
Lynn Larssen
To the Editor:
Listening to Gordon Larson
engage with questioners at last
week’s meet and greet in Can-
yon City gave me a renewed
sense of hope and optimism for
the future of Grant County. Not
only did Mr. Larson empha-
size repeatedly his intention, as
county commissioner, to listen
respectfully to diverse opinions,
but indeed demonstrated that
very quality during some vig-
orous questioning that night. He
also made it clear that he would
take the time to study and reflect
upon an issue, seeking input
from constituents countywide,
rather than being pushed into
an uninformed, hasty decision;
this, too, was evident in his re-
sponses during the meeting. I
am encouraged by the vision
Jordan Valley
Skinners support
Oct. 22: Received a report of
a prowler on 11th Street in Prai-
rie City.
Oct. 26: Responded to
Thompson Avenue in Mt. Ver-
non for an unattended death.
Oct. 26: Received a report of
an attempted suicide on High-
way 395 south of Canyon City.
Oct. 28: Received a report of
shots fired on Southwest First
Avenue in John Day.
• John Day ambulance
Oct. 26: Dispatched with
state police and Monument am-
bulance to Highway 402 for an
accident with injury.
Oct. 26: Responded to
Northwest Seventh Avenue in
John Day for an 83-year-old
man with a diabetic problem.
• John Day fire
Oct. 25: Contained and
mopped up a 0.1-acre grass and
log fire in the Laycock Creek
area with assistance from Ore-
gon Department of Forestry and
Mt. Vernon and Prairie City fire
• U.S. Forest Service
Oct. 27: Advised of suspi-
cious circumstances on Road
52 in the Ukiah area.
Oct. 28: Received a report
of trespassing on Road 2620
near Bates.
To the Editor:
Saturday at the district tour-
nament in John Day, I was visit-
ing with the Skinner family from
Jordan Valley. They said they do
not support Jamie McLeod-Skin-
ner in any way. They do not like
her using them or their ranch in
her ads or bio. They are personal
friends of Greg Walden and back
him for Congress. I think they
posted a picture on Facebook
of them with a “Vote Walden”
sign with their ranch sign. Just
thought people should be aware
of this fact.
Delores Scott
Prairie City
Arrests and citations in the
Blue Mountain Eagle are taken
from the logs of law enforce-
ment agencies. Every effort is
made to report the court dispo-
sition of arrest cases.
Grant County
Circuit Court
Louis G. Long, 65, Day-
ville, pleaded guilty Oct. 4 to
misdemeanor menacing com-
mitted on May 21. He was sen-
tenced to 15 days house arrest,
18 months probation and 30
hours community service. Two
counts of menacing and one
count of reckless driving were
Ben A. Voigt, 35, Prai-
rie City, pleaded guilty Oct.
24 to felony criminal driving
while suspended or revoked
committed on Aug. 5. He was
sentenced to 30 days jail, 24
months probation and 80 hours
community service. His license
was suspended for one year,
and he was fined $2,000.
Grant County
The Grant County Sheriff’s
Office reported the following
for the week of Oct. 24: con-
cealed handgun licenses, 26;
average inmates, 12; bookings,
10; releases, 18; arrests, 4; ci-
tations, 1; fingerprints, 3; civil
papers, 15; warrants processed,
6; asst./welfare check, 0; search
and rescue, 0.
Oct. 24: Johnson Howe, 60,
Satsuma, Florida, was cited for
passing in a no-passing zone.
Justice Court
• Violation of basic rule:
Cody A. Boyer, 32, Prineville,
Oct. 20, 72/55 zone, fined $165;
Peter C. Mendell, 36, Bend,
Sept. 20, 75/55 zone, fined
$165; William R. O’Regan, 31,
Oakridge, Sept. 20, 75/55 zone,
fined $140; Aryan B. Slay, 45,
Carroll, Arkansas, Aug. 19,
77/55 zone, fined $265.
• Exceeding speed limit:
Deborah J. Morris, 63, Mt. Ver-
non, Oct. 7, 50/35 zone, fined
$165; Herman J. Bielenberg, 78,
Medford, Oct. 7, 82/65 zone,
fined $240; Cody D. Crawford,
26, Yamhill, Oct. 5, 83/65 zone,
fined $265; Anitha S. Sairam,
26, Salem, Sept. 1, 72/65 zone,
fined $165; Steven M. War-
rington, 29, John Day, Sept. 5,
79/65 zone, fined $265.
• Driving uninsured: Tim-
othy L. Keith, 35, Prairie City,
Sept. 8, fined $500; Brandi K.
Henderson, 33, John Day, Sept.
4, fined $265; Steven M. War-
rington, 29, John Day, Sept.
5, fined $265; Aryan B. Slay,
1809 First Street • Baker City • (541)523-5439
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chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's legend-
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HALLOWEEN (PG) Two young
friends find a magic book that brings a
ventriloquist's dummy to life.
( ) = Bargain Matinee
45, Carroll, Arkansas, Aug. 19,
fined $265.
• Driving while suspended:
Timothy L. Keith, 35, Prai-
rie City, Sept. 8, fined $1,000;
Brandi K. Henderson, 33, John
Day, Sept. 4, fined $440; Steven
M. Warrington, 29, John Day,
Sept. 5, fined $440.
• Open container of alcohol:
Kenneth Hostetler, 47, Oregon
City, Sept. 29, fined $265; Bren-
ton J. Vanderkooy, 21, Hermis-
ton, Sept. 2, fined $265.
• Unlawful entry to a wild-
life area: Matthew A. Eide, 50,
Newberg, Sept. 30, fined $115;
Jerome R. Coleman, 51, Salem,
Sept. 30, fined $440.
• Failure to register vehicle:
Robert L. Russell, 40, Creswell,
Sept. 5, fined $115; Aryan B.
Slay, 45, Carroll, Arkansas,
Aug. 19, fined $115.
• Failure to display license
plates: Timothy L. Keith, 35,
Prairie City, Sept. 8, fined $250.
• Careless accident: Darren
W. Pettyjohn, 56, John Day,
Sept. 16, fined $440.
• Illegal alteration of license
plates: Amanda L. Bogen, 32,
Prairie City, Aug. 27, fined
• Operation of motor vehi-
cle in violation of license re-
strictions: Jesse L. Jackson, 36,
Victorville, California, Sept. 6,
fined $265.
• Operation of semitrailer
exceeding weight restrictions:
Jesse L. Jackson, 36, Victorville,
California, Sept. 6, fined $115.
Oregon State
Oct. 21: Investigated a gut
pile in the Philip Schneider
Wildlife Area and located the
hunter who shot the doe. No
crime was committed.
Oct. 26: Investigated a sin-
gle-vehicle crash on Highway
402 with minor injuries. A
54-year-old woman was dis-
tracted by her two small dogs,
over-corrected her sport utility
vehicle and rolled three times.
Norma Y. May, Prineville, was
cited for careless driving.
Oct. 26: Responded to a
report of a six-by-six bull elk
skull with antlers at a hunting
camp. A hunter said he found
the skull and brought it back
to camp. The skull was seized,
and the hunter was warned
about unlawful possession of
big game parts.
John Day dispatch worked
199 calls during the week of
Oct. 22-28, including:
• John Day Police Depart-
Oct. 22: Responded to West
Main Street in John Day for a
dispute. Donald C. Stout, 62,
John Day, was arrested and
charged with fourth-degree as-
sault and harassment.
Oct. 27: Following a traf-
fic stop on Highway 26 east of
John Day, Gregg E. Devore, 29,
John Day, was cited for driving
without a license, no insurance
and expired registration.
Oct. 28: Following a traffic
stop on Highway 26 east of
John Day, Todd Miller, Oregon
City, was cited for speeding,
55/35 zone.
Oct. 28: Following a traf-
fic stop on Highway 26 east of
John Day, Angeline Angcana,
Portland, was cited for speed-
ing, 55/35 zone.
Oct. 28: Following a traf-
fic stop on Highway 26 east of
John Day, Susan Smith, Mt.
The first installment of the 2018-19
property tax is due Thursday, November
15th, 2018 by 5:00 p. m.
Vernon, was cited for speeding,
41/25 zone.
Oct. 28: Following a traffic
stop on Bridge Street in John
Day, Austene L. Hendrix, 72,
John Day, was cited for speed-
Oct. 28: Following a traf-
fic stop on Highway 26 east of
John Day, Jacob M. Krasberger,
18, Boise, Idaho, was cited for
speeding, 56/35 zone.
• Oregon State Police
Oct. 25: Responded to a
noninjury crash at Prairie City
• Grant County Sheriff’s
Democratic Party of Grant County
Endorses these Candidates
Kate Brown
US Congressional District 2
Jamie Mcleod-Skinner
The Democratic Party of
Oregon Recommends:
Allows local governments to work with
non-profts and businesses to build
affordable housing with bonds.
Adds a risky, misleading and permanent
tax loophole for specific businesses.
OR Senate 30th District
Expands supermajority requirement,
putting funding for healthcare,
schools and services in jeopardy.
Solea Kabakov
By 8 p.m.,
Nov. 6
Anti-Immigrant measure to repeal
Oregon’s Sanctuary State law
Restricts access to safe, legal
abortions, especially for the most
vulnerable Oregonians.
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Grant County. Not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee .
Feed f co
Vetera All
Payments may be made at the Tax Collector’s Office at
the Grant County Courthouse in Canyon City, or the
payment may be mailed and postmarked no later than
November 15th, 2018. Please remember that delinquent
taxes accrue interest at the rate of 16% per year.
If you have any questions, please call the tax
office at 575-0107 or 575-0189.
PO Box 185
Canyon City, OR 97820
Gertrude L. Mc Rae Trust Fund scholarship
applications are now available for 2018-2019.
Applicants must be a Grant County high school
graduate to qualify. Graduates of high schools in
Morrow, Wasco and Wheeler counties may also be
considered, if too few Grant County applications
are received. Preference will be given to
Grant County graduates who reside in
Oregon and have already completed one or more
years at an accredited college.
To request an application form, please contact
Grant County, 201 S. Humbolt Street, Suite 280,
Canyon City, OR 97820 or call 541-575-0059.
You may also request an application via email to Completed applications
including all required documents must be received
by Grant County on or before
Friday, November 16, 2018.