October 2018 Giving Back | 29 PRAIRIE CITY COMMUNITY CENTER • Music concerts George Winston, Blame Sally, Yo Pitsy Jugg Band, • Talent Shows • Poetry Readings • First Saturday Prairie City Marketplace • Wedding and Baby Showers, Family Reunions,Family Dinners • Grad Night, FFA Fundraiser Auctions •Town Hall Meetings, Planning Meetings, Management Workshops • High School Dance Parties, Fitness Training, Fitness BootCamp, Yoga • Harvest Festivals, Movie nights or Matinees, Christmas Programs • Memorial Services, Solar Eclipse NASA Astronomy Movie… We are open and available for rent for any and all community activities that you want to plan. Find us on Facebook! Search “Prairie City Community Association” This Prairie City “Fixer Upper” was donated to the Prairie City Community Association, 501 C3, in August, 2016, by Paul and Jeanne Butcher. It was a severely maintenance deferred home that was a neighborhood eye sore. Project directors, Melanie DeJong and Judy Jacobs, partnering with Bank of Eastern Oregon for a home improvement loan, made the remodel possible. The invaluable efforts of these participants made this project possible: Rick Bissonette, David Torres, Fabian Huerta, Bank of Eastern Oregon, Jim Ballinger and Gary Teel (True Value Hardware and Plumbing), Mills Building, North River Electric, Dale and Claudia Duby, Vickie Mullins, the City of Prairie, Jerry Franklin, David Gray, Melanie and Norm DeJong, Kathy Smith and Riverside Ranch. Step Forward Activities and Rodney Brunson, Billy Scott, Marcus Perkins helped a lot in the preparation and initial clean up of the restoration project. With the help of these dedicated individuals the House was completed and sold by June 2017! The cottage has its dignity back and what was once a neighborhood eye sore is now a very attractive home. prairiecity.com 82401 This project is truly a testament to community involvement! The funds will be used for the betterment of Prairie City and the much needed remodel of the Prairie City Community Center.