October 2018 Giving Back | 13 Because Kids Matter to God! Prairie Baptist Church • 238 N. McHaley, Prairie City, OR 97869 541-820-3696 • www.prairie-baptist-church.com prairiebaptistchurch@gmail.com • Pastor: David Hoeffner Awana Club Age Groups: Preschool - Cubbies • K-2nd Grade - Sparks • 3rd-6th Grade - Truth & Training Costs: Handbooks - $10 • Uniforms - $15 • Dues - $25 Schedule: Sundays, 3pm-5pm • Earn points to “buy” items from our Awana store! Please call 541-820-3696 for additional information AWANA is a non-denominational children’s ministry open to all kids from pre-school to 6th grade. AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”. This statement comes from the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15). It describes the work of AWANA in reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ to train them to serve Him. We believe that the AWANA experience will help your child progress in spiritual, social, mental, and physical aspects of life and we hope this experience will be a blessing to your whole family. At AWANA Clubbers are divided into groups: Preschool (Cubbies), K-2 Grade (Sparks), and 3rd-6th Grade (T&T’ers). Each group takes part in the basic activities: Handbook time, Game time, and Council time. Clubbers love the activities and playing around the Awana game circle. At Handbook time, Clubbers have an opportunity to meet with an adult leader in a small group setting to ask questions, memorize Bible verses and work through their handbooks. And during Council time, children will be exposed to practical messages from the Bible designed to help them apply spiritual truth to everyday life. 22156 AWANA is held Sundays, 3pm-5pm at Prairie Baptist Church. From John Day, Church vans will leave Cornerstone Christian Fellowship at 2:30 pm and return to Cornerstone around 5:20 pm. If you have any question, give us a call: 541-820-3696. Here at Prairie Baptist Church, our mission is to live in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and we are committed to bringing people to new life and maturity in Christ, through loving God, loving others and reaching our world. We do this by being involved in and supporting, many Ministries and Missionary Organizations throughout Grant County and the world. For example, some local ministries are AWANA, Helping Hands, Prairie City Food Bank & Soup’s On, Young Life, and a Sunday afternoon service at Blue Mountain Care Center. We also offer Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, Men’s Coffee, Men’s Breakfast, Home Community Groups, and Youth Group. The Youth Group is open to youth from Middle School to High School ages. They meet at the Prairie Baptist Church building in Prairie City, Sunday at 5:30 pm. For youth in the John Day area, there is a Sponsored By youth group held at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Sunday from 3pm-5pm. If you do not have a church home or are interested in any of these ministry opportunities, please feel free to stop by or call the church office at 541-820-3696. 82351