News Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, October 24, 2018 A5 C OPS AND C OURTS Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforcement agencies. Every effort is made to report the court disposition of ar- rest cases. Grant County Circuit Court Jared Baker, 23, John Day, pleaded guilty Oct. 18 to driving under the influence of intoxicants and failure to perform duties of a driver in an accident with proper- ty damage committed on Sept. 11. He was sentenced to 168 hours in jail, 24 months probation, 20 hours community service and $2,236 in fines and fees. His li- cense was suspended for one year, and he was ordered to have an ig- nition interlock device installed on any vehicle he drives. A charge of first-degree criminal trespass was dismissed. Aaron L. Hancock, 28, Prai- rie City, pleaded guilty Oct. 18 to driving under the influence of in- toxicants committed on Aug. 24. He was sentenced to 24 months probation, 80 hours community service and a $2,000 fine. His li- cense was suspended for one year, and he was ordered to have an ig- nition interlock device installed on any vehicle he drives. Karina P. Robinson, 18, tran- sient, pleaded guilty Oct. 18 to fel- ony first-degree theft committed on Sept. 14. She was sentenced to 10 days in jail, 18 months proba- tion, 40 hours community service and $100 in compensatory fines. Sabrina D. Wyllie, 27, John Day, pleaded guilty Dec. 7, 2016, to driving under the influence of intoxicants committed on Oct. 8, 2016, and entered diversion. Her diversion was revoked, and she was sentenced Oct. 19, 2018, to one day in jail, 24 months proba- tion, 60 hours community service and fined $1,000. Her license was suspended for one year, and she was ordered to install an ignition interlock device on any vehicle she drives. Grant County Sheriff The Grant County Sheriff’s Office reported the following for the week of Oct. 17: Concealed handgun licenses: 9 Average inmates: 18 Bookings: 3 Releases: 10 Arrests: 2 Citations: 1 Fingerprints: 3 Civil papers: 15 Warrants processed: 3 Asst./welfare check: 0 Search and rescue: 0 Oct. 15: Lars Johnson, 45, Eagle, Idaho, was cited for vi- olation of open container law. Oct. 22-23: The sheriff’s of- fice was closed for training. Justice Court • Violation of basic rule: Stephen J. Berkert II, 36, Toms River, New Jersey, Sept. 15, 78/55 zone, fined $265; An- drew J. Welch, 37, Portland, Sept. 17, 80/55 zone, fined $265; Daniel B. Stark, 55, Eugene, Sept. 13, 82/55 zone, fined $265; David E. Kilby, 61, Wikieup, Arizona, Oct. 1, 48/30 zone, fined $140; Ra- mona A. Gentry, 62, Santa Margarita, California, Sept. 29, 70/55 zone, fined $165. • Violation of speed limit: Cody J. Winters, 21, Gresh- am, Aug. 24, 39/25 zone, fined $165. • Open container of alcohol: Randall W. Chatfield, 70, Bea- vercreek, Oct. 6, fined $265. • Failure to properly use seat belt: Rodger W. Wright Jr., 45, John Day, Sept. 16, fined $115. Oregon State Police Oct. 15: Responded to a sin- gle-vehicle rollover noninjury crash on Highway 26 at Bear Creek Road. A westbound vehi- cle driven by a 17-year-old boy from Prairie City with a 15-year- old boy from John Day struck a deer. Oct. 16: A rancher reported finding the carcass of a buck mule deer missing the head and the backstraps. Evidence of a gunshot wound was found. Oct. 17: Responded to a two-vehicle noninjury crash on Highway 395 at East Cowboy Lane near Silvies. A driver tow- ing a horse trailer pulled into the opposing lane to avoid hitting southbound vehicles slowing in front and struck a left-hand turn- ing vehicle. The driver of the left-hand turning vehicle was transported to the hospital. Oct. 18: Following a traffic stop for speeding on Highway 26 in Mt. Vernon, Sabrina L. Long was cited for driving with a suspended or revoked license. Oct. 18: Responded to a bank on North Canyon Boule- vard in John Day for a counter- feit $20 bill. Dispatch John Day dispatch worked 144 calls during the week of Oct. 15-21, including: • John Day Police Depart- ment Oct. 15: After responding to the former Oregon Pine mill site, Dustin A. Hubbard, 21, Corvallis, was cited for criminal trespass. Oct. 16: Dispatched to North Canyon Boulevard in John Day for a report of suspicious cir- cumstances. Oct. 16: Following a traf- fic stop at Bridge and Second streets in John Day, Steven War- rington, 29, John Day, was cited for driving with a suspended li- cense, no insurance and expired plates. Oct. 18: After responding to Bridge and Main streets in John Day, Robert Crosby Jr., 31, John Day, was arrested on a Grant County warrant. Oct. 18: Received a report of a suspicious person selling items on West Main Street in John Day. Oct. 19: Advised of fraud on Northeast Dayton Street. Oct. 20: Received a report of suspicious circumstances at the fairgrounds in John Day. Oct. 20: Responded to Bridge Street in John Day for suspicious circumstances. Oct. 20: Dispatched to Glea- son Pool in John Day for suspi- cious vehicles. Oct. 21: Advised of some- one rattling doorknobs on Ford Road in John Day. • Oregon State Police Oct. 17: Advised of a non- injury motor vehicle crash on Highway 26 near the truck scales west of John Day. Oct. 19: Received a report of cattle on Highway 7 near Austin Junction. • Grant County Sheriff’s Office Oct. 15: Advised of a minor in possession of alcohol at Prai- rie City School. Oct. 16: Received a hit-and- run report from the Izee Road area. Oct. 18: Received a report of a domestic problem on East Main Street in John Day. Oct. 19: Advised of trespass- ing on Indian Creek Road in John Day. Oct. 20: Received a report of an assault on North Middle Fork Lane near Bates. Oct. 21: Advised of criminal mischief on Dixie Creek Road in Prairie City. • John Day ambulance Oct., 15: Dispatched with Long Creek ambulance to Kee- ney Fork Road in Long Creek for an allergic reaction. Oct. 15: Responded with state police to Indian Creek Road in John Day for a motor I got screened for colorectal cancer. You should too. Karen King, Pendleton resident According to research, Colorectal Cancer is the second deadliest of its kind. Screening for colorectal cancer can help you detect and engage in early intervention and treatment. Most people accept screening because they are encouraged by someone they know and trust. So if you have been screened, please talk about your experience and encourage others to get screened as well. 1809 First Street • Baker City • (541)523-5439 BARGAIN MATINEE IN ( ) Adults $7 ALL FILMS $6 ON TIGHTWAD TUESDAY MOVIE SCHEDULE OCT 26 - OCT 31 $9 Adult, $7 Senior (60+), Youth COLORECTAL CANCER The cancer you can prevent. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded campaign 84485 GOOSEBUMPS 2: HAUNTED HALLOWEEN (PG) Two young friends find a magic book that brings a ventriloquist’s dummy to life. FRI & SAT (4:10) 7:10 9:35 SUNDAY (4:10) 7:10 MON-THURS 7:10 THE OLD MAN & THE GUN (PG-13) Based on the true story of Forrest Trucker and his escape from San Quentin at the age of 70. FRI & SAT (4:20) 7:20 9:40 SUNDAY (4:20) 7:20 MON-THURS 7:20 HALLOWEEN (R) Laurie Strode comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago. FRI & SAT (4:00) 7:00 9:30 SUNDAY (4:00) 7:00 MON-THURS 7:00 vehicle crash. Oct. 16: Dispatched to North Johnson Avenue in Prairie City for a 59-year-old woman. Oct. 16: Responded to a senior home in John Day for a woman who had fallen and hit her head. Oct. 16: Dispatched to High- way 26 in Prairie City for a woman with difficulty breath- ing. Oct. 18: Responded with Monument ambulance and state police to Courtrock Road in Monument for a woman with severe bleeding. Oct. 19: Dispatched to South Humbolt Street in Canyon City for a woman with chest and back pain. Oct. 20: Dispatched to High- way 395 in Mt. Vernon for an elderly woman with flu-like symptoms. Oct. 20: Responded to Southwest First Street in John Day for a 40-year-old woman with vomiting and confusion. • John Day fire Oct. 20: Responded with Canyon City fire, Oregon De- partment of Forestry to a fire on West Bench Road in John Day. • Oregon Department of Transportation Oct. 19: Advised of bales of hay on Highway 26 near Mt. Vernon.