Sports Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, August 22, 2018 A13 Eagle photos/Angel Carpenter Prairie City head coach Jordan Bass speaks with the team with assistant coaches Lance Zweygardt, far left, and Louanne Zweygardt, far right. Continued from Page A10 Wall said the team has a lot of potential this year, and said their communication is especially good. “We always need that for great plays on the court,” she said. Ennis said she’s seen a lot of com- mitment from all her fellow players, and she hopes to keep the “pos- itivity” going Kyla Winton with the team. “All around, our team definitely has a drive this year compared to others,” she said. Emmel agreed, and said the entire team is “stepping up and playing a huge role.” “I see a lot of young- er-classmen stepping up and being leaders,” she added. “Team bonding is going to be huge. I’m looking forward to playing with these girls this season.” Sole senior Kyla Winton said this is her second year playing on the team. Her first year was as a freshman. She said, “We’ve grown up together and have a real- ly strong bond, so it’s like a family, not just a team.” Rounding out the roster are five sophomores and one freshman. Sophomore Katie Hire was another strong player last season. She said having so many seniors graduate is a chal- lenge, but growing as a team and motivating each other will make them better play- ers. Hire said she’s looking forward to the season and competing at the Country Christian Invitational. “I’m confident in my team that we can pull through and keep pushing,” she said. Bass said they are still working on who will fill which position, but there are a lot of promising athletes that will fill the leadership void. “Our defense is some- thing we’re really going to 2018 Prairie City volleyball schedule Aug. 24-25: @ Country Christian Tournament in Molalla, TBA Aug. 31: @ Dayville/Monument in Dayville, varsity at 4 p.m. Sept. 1: Prairie City Tournament, JV,varsity at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 7: vs. Harper, varsity at 5 p.m. Sept. 8: @ Condon Tournament in Condon, TBA Sept. 15: @ Powder Valley Tournament at North Powder, TBA Sept. 26: @ Grant Union in John Day, 5 p.m. Oct. 4: vs. Crane, JV at 5:30, varsity at 7 p.m. Oct. 5: @ Huntington, varsity at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 9: vs. Burnt River, varsity at 5 p.m. Oct. 11: @ Adrian in Unity, JV at 4:30 p.m., varsity at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 12: @ Jordan Valley, TBA Oct. 20: High Desert League Tournament at Grant Union, TBA Oct. 26: First Round State Playoffs, TBA be hitting hard,” she said. “We lost Brianna as setter and have a couple girls step- ping up into it.” She said Hire will bring a lot of energy to the team and is focused on improving her skills. “She played right side last year and puts up a real- ly great block,” Bass said. “Emily Ennis is another one stepping up into that setter role. Both have big shoes to fill, and I feel they’re rising to that challenge.” A new member of the team is junior Shaine Mad- den who transfered from Grant Union this year. “We’re excited about Shaine,” Bass said. “She’s bringing a lot of power. She’s a strong player with a great serve, and she’s consistent.” The Panthers will face league opponents Adrian, Burnt River, Crane, Dayville/ Monument, Harper, Hunting- ton, Jordan Valley and junior varsity Long Creek/Ukiah. Bass said she knows what to expect from their league competition. “My main goal is to get these girls focused on them- selves as a team and make adjustments in the game as necessary,” she said. “We’ll prepare for all of them just as we always would — we’re going to focus on us and our Prairie City Panther Katie Hire flies up to return the ball in last week’s practice. strengths.” She added, “Our goals are to have the girls solid on their basics and have a real- ly positive, family-oriented environment between all the players, whether JV or varsi- ty, that we’re unified.” Prairie City Panther Aleah Johns attacks the ball in practice. At Panther practice are, from left: Caitlyn Willet, Jessi Nolan, Aries Bice and Hannah Wall. A man wakes up in the morning after sleeping on an ADVERTISED BED, in ADVERTISED PAJAMAS. 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Kim Kell 541-575-0710 Blue Mountain Eagle EARLY DEADLINE We’re Celebrating! for the Sept. 5 edition Our office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 3 jeffry l meyerholz Thursday, August 30 We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary as well as our 2nd location in Burns with music in both locations! Display advertising, classified & legal deadline 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 30 Music in John Day: Elwood • Music in Burns: Danika & The Jeb. We will have giveaways throughout the day in John Day and during the evening event in Burns. John Day will kickoff Labor Day weekend, which will be our last Summer Sunday Brunch. We will be open all day on Sunday, regular menu at 3:00. 1188 B rewing Company 141 E. Main, John Day 541-575-1188 32996 See our Facebook pages for ticket information & more. 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day 541-575-0710 |