A8 Seniors Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, August 15, 2018 G RANT C OUNTY S ENIORS John Day Seniors Nicky Essex On Monday, Aug. 6, oh, was it hot. Looking back, it only got worse. Merry Hen- ry and Olivia Cornell were greeting. The hospital auxiliary la- dies, Mary Jones and Gloria Kulis, took deliveries to John Day and Canyon City before serving at tables. David Gill and Rodney from Step For- ward did the Mt. Vernon route. Altogether, they delivered 27 regular and 64 frozen meals. Good job to you all. I love our volunteers! Merry opened our time together by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Yog Harris won the draw- ing for the Len’s Drug gift card, and Roberta Dowse won the two free meals. Dale Stennett gave a lovely bless- ing on our meal, on the hands that prepared it and on our country. Lisa told me this was National Root Beer Float Day and Wiggle Your Toes Day. I lost to the floats, but I wiggled my toes whenever no one was looking. We had hamburgers with all the trimmings and BLT pasta salad. We all loved the floats. We had four-plus tables full and welcomed back Dar- lene Nodine after a year on a mission trip. We also wel- comed Carol and Ron Bright from Mt. Vernon. We will be having tai chi here on Mon- days after lunch, about 12:30 p.m., and are happy to have Ron Flores as our form lead- er. He just wants to be one of us, not a teacher, but he really is familiar with a lot of forms and can help us. On Thursday, Aug. 9, Jeanette Julsrud and Olivia Cornell were at the greeter’s desk, and Cornerstone church did our table service. Thanks to Carla and Andy Anderson, Linda Sprouffske, Zola Pike and Henry and Alecia Mill- er for taking such good care of us. Jeanette and Veanne filled in for our regular de- livery folks to take meals to John Day and Canyon City, as David and Rodney from Step Forward delivered to Mt. Ver- non. Altogether, they deliv- ered 34 meals. Thank you to all! Zola led us in the salute to the flag, Linda won the draw- ing for Chester’s Thriftway’s gift card and Helen Bogart won the drawing for two free meals here. Andy gave a won- derful devotional blessing on our meal. Everett King sponsored our meal, and Shay made delicious, yummy pork loin with gravy and sweet pota- toes, cheesy veggies, dinner rolls and, in honor of National Rice Pudding Day, Lisa made a cinnamon-flavored rice pudding. We filled six tables. Great. We had some of our regulars from Valley View, including Larry and Linda Christiansen who dined with Lynda’s dad, Chuck Corwin, Betty Sprague, Norma Ryer- son, Helen Bogart, Lois Bi- dasolo and their fearless lead- er, Kim Ausland. It’s so nice to see Leone and Bob Meador regularly, too. Welcome, An- nette Perry. We learned that our dear friend Maryanne Morris has passed away. We will miss you, dear one. Hebrews 12:14 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa Well, how is everyone do- ing? Did you survive the heat wave? It sure was hot and in- tense. I thought I came here to get away from the hot Califor- nia sunny weather. Ha. It did make my corn and zucchini plants take off. My romaine lettuce is now trying to bolt. I am thankful that we got to enjoy fresh let- tuce, and I believe we will at least for another few weeks more before it becomes tough and bitter. I did plant the next batch so maybe I will have new lettuce by the time the older batch goes to seed. I am definitely saving this variety of lettuce seeds. Would any- one like some of the seed? Shoot me an email or snail mail me. Our greeters were Jimmy Cole, Linda Blakeslee and Kristi Guimont. Judy Harris led us in the flag salute and also made the announce- ments. Yours truly prayed the blessing over the meal. We had 45 guests on the books and four takeouts. Our cooks, Carrie Jewell and Teawna Jewell, made us a nice meal of tater tot casse- role, boiled carrots, cookies and sliced pears for dessert. We thank our cooks for their hard and dedicated work. We had a few visitors that came to enjoy the lunch with us. We had Tina Allus and Andy Shutz. Tina had her son and his whole family. Her son’s name was Matti, along with his wife, Livia. Their kids were Lukas (7 years old) and Nella (4 years old). They were visiting from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I hope they enjoyed their stay. Judy Harris is having a couple of raffles going on currently. She has a quilt and rifle raffle to raise some mon- ey. The drawing will be held during the Buckaroo Festival in September. You need not be present in order to win. The winners of the free meals were Jan Ensign and Matti Allas. The lucky winner of the Len’s Drug gift card was Betty Breeding. So I’ve been exacting my revenge on the nasty grass- hoppers. I think the most I caught was about 100 at one time. I fed them to my chick- ens, and there was a frenzy. I thought it was an appropri- ate measure of poetic justice. I found a mother lode of the buggers on some thistle. They had gorged themselves so much on the leaves that they were quite fat and meaty. I found a way to pick them off without me getting hurt by those sharp thistle needle points. I used my disposable chopsticks. I grabbed them by the head and then I got a good hold of their legs and abdomen. Of course, I pop them in my cheese jar, and after a while, I take them over to the chickens. When they hear me shaking those grasshoppers in the jar, they come tearing over to wait for their delecta- ble treats. Yes, I have trained them well. Ha. Yes, it gives me quite a satisfied feeling that they are being eaten by the chickens and receiving my just revenge for eating the fruits of my labor. Psalm 37:3 “Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pas- ture.” Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs Old business: FedEx does not do business on the week- end, so the overnight ship- ment from San Francisco to Oregon City did not take place until Monday. But they said it would be there at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, and it was! PTL. Now they can begin enjoying their time in the USA. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you need to read last week’s column — or ask somebody who has. New business: We went to the Old Mill doctor’s office and satisfied them that Der- rol’s thumb is doing OK. Then to the therapy people and got half of the removable cast re- moved and got some exercises. ’Twas a long day. Back again in September. On the next day, we got our semi-annual teeth clean- ing done. Wednesday we got to stay in Prairie City for se- nior dinner! And lots of people signed up for it, too — 73. We had pineapple chicken over rice, kale salad, cantaloupe pieces and a chocolate chip zucchini cake with vanilla swirl ice cream. Delicious. The flag salute was led by Bob Meador, and the blessing was given by Jack Retherford. The free meal for two, donated by Valley View Assisted Liv- ing, was won by Sandra Hawk. Our summer helper Ellie let us know that she is going to be showing a turkey at the fair. She explained how that was done, and it sounded very interesting. It will be available for purchase, so attend the auc- tion and bid. Due to the fair being next week, we opted not to have a board meeting on the third Wednesday as directed in the by-laws. We did have a mini-meeting to dispense information on some of the projects that we are pursuing on the hall. The swamp cool- er is trying to go on the fritz. That is not good at this point. Always something to take care of, right? Which leads to a big thank you to those who volunteer to help in the kitchen and clean up before and after the meals. May your tribe in- crease. Lorna and Shauntele brought Marilyn Randall, Mary Crawford and Sandra Burns from the Blue Mountain Care Center. I was impressed with Ken Koser’s T-shirt: “The Sec- ond Amendment – America’s Original Homeland Security.” So we went to Baker Thurs- day. One of the stops between appointments was at the Sal- vation Army Thrift Store. As we were about to enter, a lady hollered at me from across the parking lot to wait as she had something for me. And I thought, what? A petition, a tract? Neither. She was on a mission to give out a gift package as a random act of kindness to someone each day. And I was the chosen one! I was speechless. She gave me a hug and a “God bless,” jumped in her car and drove away. I’m still in shock — the items in the gift package are all very useful, too. Thank you, Lord, for this lady. May her tribe in- crease, also. Galatians 5:22,23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle- ness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Church Services In Grant County Come Worship with us at 71664