Sports Blue Mountain Eagle ARCHERS RODEO Continued from Page A10 Continued from Page A10 Some of the archers like shooting for prac- tice, while others such as Declan Zweygardt ad- ditionally appreciate the skills they build for the hunting season. “Getting to compete is fun and enjoyable, espe- cially when you’re doing good,” he said. “I archery hunt elk and deer. It’s fun and helps you get dialed in for the hunting sea- son.” Traditional bow Junior Alexis Anderton, 163 points, white ribbon Intermediate Preston Boethin, 241, red Kate Hughes, 233, red Riley Reames, 219, red Leah Comer, 208, white Senior Emily Springer, 302, blue, champion Andrea Comer, 271, blue, reserve champion Compound bow Junior June Wolf, 376, blue, champion Talon VanCleave, 360, blue, reserve champion Gus McDaniel, 332, blue JW Haskins, 292, red Madi Grassl, 265, white Ava Gerry, 262, white Intermediate Gabriel Smucker, 397, blue, champion Declan Zweygardt, 396, blue, reserve champion Tara Miller, 378, blue Isaac Koopman, 377, blue Lucas Wolf, 345, blue Honorae Miller, 337, blue Paige Gerry, 332, blue Logan Namitz, 305, red Analisha Smucker, 256, white Senior Ty McDaniel, 394, blue, cham- pion Julianna Smucker, 393, blue, reserve champion Abby Winegar, 374, blue Kolby “Opie” McDaniel, 367, blue Mason Gerry, 360, blue Other locals competing at the event Friday and Sat- urday were Ty Holly of Mt. Vernon, who placed fourth in tie-down roping with a time of 18.3, and Stephanie Holly of Mt. Vernon, who placed fourth in breakaway with a time of 2.6. Stephanie was close behind competitors Jennifer Frohman of Yelm, Washington, who placed first with 2.2, Kimber- ly Williams of North Powder, second with 2.4, and Stevie Rae Willis of Terrebonne, third with 2.5. Lindsey Wyllie of John Day was the rodeo announcer. Fair and Rodeo Queen Trinity Hutchison and Princess Courtney Nichols presided at the show, and Nichols was an- nounced as the new queen. The pair were also among the winners of the cowhide races, with Nichols on horse- back, pulling Hutchison be- hind on a cowhide in the wild and ruckus race. Fans filled the stands Sat- urday after a lighter showing Friday, all cheering on the cowboys and cowgirls in all the events. “I’m excited that people still come out to see this tradi- tion,” said Fair Manager Min- dy Winegar. “The crowd was amazing and we had a lot of local contestants. We think it’s a great kickoff to the fair.” Winegar said she hopes everyone returns Wednesday through Saturday, Aug. 15-18, for all types of fun at the 109th Grant County Fair. “This was a little taste, and we’re looking for everyone to come out to the fair to see Lon- estar, Nate Botsford and Brit- nee Kellogg,” she said. Wednesday, August 15, 2018 A13 Stephanie Holly of Mt. Vernon competes in breakaway at the NPRA Rodeo. More photos at Eagle photos/Angel Carpenter Kyle Bounds of Harrisburg goes for a wild bareback ride on Rojak, placing first with 80 points at the NPRA Rodeo in John Day. NPRA Rodeo results Name/Score/Payout Bareback Kyle Bounds, Harrisburg, 80, $533.50 Tyler Beeman, Prineville, 75, $320.10 Zakk Earp, Scio, 71, $213.40 Saddle Bronc Luke McKay, Juntura, 76, $392.85 (entry 1) Luke McKay, Juntura, 76, $392.85 (entry 2) Christian Stremler, Winnemucca, 76, $392.85 Tucker Hill, 72, $130.95 Novice Saddle Bronc Dylan Sigman, Prineville, 71, $155.20 Tie Down Roping Garrett Robinson, Heppner, 12.2, $407.40 Trey Recanzone, Burns, 12.2, 407.40 Tim Messner II, Terrebonne, 12.5, $232.80 Ty Holly, Mt. Vernon, 18.3, $116.40 Steer Wrestling Tucker Wright, Canyon City, 7.3, $291.00 Bryce Harrison, Condon, 8.4, $174.60 Jayce Garthwaite, Powell Butte, 15.5, $116.40 Team Roping Shane Erickson, Terrebonne, 5.5, $552.90 Brent Falon, Yakima, Washington, 5.5, $552.90 Zach Raley, Brush Prairie, Washington, 7.2, $414.68 Jake Raley, Brush Prairie, Washington, 7.2, $414.68 Tyler Kaess, Jasper, 7.4, $276.45 Steen Schumacher, Lebanon, 7.4, Grant County Fair and Rodeo Princess Courtney Nichols prepares to pull Queen Trinity Hutchison along in the cowhide races at Saturday’s NPRA Rodeo. $276.45 Austin Woods, Molalla, 8.10, $138.23 Paul Brashears, Casa Grande, Arizona, 8.10, $138.23 Breakaway Jennifer Frohman, Yelm, Washington, 2.2, $640.20 Kimberly Williams, North Powder, 2.4, $480.15 Stevie Rae Willis, Terrebonne, 2.5, $320.10 Stephanie Holly, Mt. Vernon, 2.6, $160.05 Barrel Racing Stevie Rae Willis, Terrebonne, 17.95, $611.10 Bekkie Bowerman, Madras, 18.15, $458.33 Taylor Hammack, Burns, 18.2, $305.55 Katy Kafka, Burns, 18.22, $152.78 City of Prairie City Press Release To: All City of Prairie City municipal water users Due to severe drought conditions and the continued use of domestic water for non-essential purposes, the Mayor of the City of Prairie City now declares that a water supply emergency exists and mandatory restrictions on water use will be imposed. In March 2018 the Grant County Court passed a resolution declaring a drought and asking the state to follow suit. In April 2018 Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, declared a drought emergency for Grant County. Prairie City Municipal Code, Chapter 13, document #200, allows the City to limit water usage to “essential use” only. Domestic water is to be used for consumption, sanitation and fire emergencies only! All use of water for other purposes is prohibited at all times during this emergency. That includes but is not limited to: all irrigation; washing vehicles, sidewalks, or other hard surface areas and structures; filling or refilling pools, ponds, or storage tanks. The continued use of municipal water for any non-essential purposes will result in a citation being issued to the offender for which the court may impose a fine for each occurrence. Make no mistake, this is a serious matter that may result in the inability of the City to deliver water to your residence! Jim Hamsher, Mayor THANK YOU The John Day Swim Team would like to thank the Butterfly Sponsors who supported us during the season. • Blue Mountain Hospital • Chester’s • Law Office of Robert Raschio • Blue Mountain Healthcare Foundation • America’s Best Value Inn • Wildcat Basin Outfitters • Tanni Wenger Photography • Gardner Enterprises • Clark’s Disposal • Nature’s Calling Sanitation • Hutch’s Printing • Grant County Fairgrounds We’d also like to thank the many other sponsors. 73566 Bobbie Brown, City Recorder 73269 The Blue Mountain Healthcare Foundation would like to thank all the sponsors of 12th Annual Fundraiser Golf Scramble on July 28th. Len’s Drug Les Schwab Tire Center Bank of Eastern Oregon Malheur Lumber Benchmark Land Surveying Mary Ellen Brooks Blue Mountain Hospital Mobile Glass Auxiliary Northwest Quadrant Dan & Chris Cronin Wealth Management Gary & Virginia Miller (3 Holes) Gregory & Melody Jackson Old West Federal Credit Health Tech S3 Union Huffman’s Select Market Oregon Trail Electric Co-op John Day True Value Subway Judy & Ansel Krutsinger The Law Office of Robert Raschio KJDY The Outpost Keith Thomas, MD, FACS Board Certified General Surgeon Triangle Oil HOLE SPONSORS TEAM SPONSORS Central Oregon Radiology (3 Teams) Chester’s Thriftway Derek Daly Health Tech S3 NFP Roof Creek Guttering Solutions CPA’s Southworth Brothers (2 Teams) Strux Engineering Turn Key Medical For more information contact Grant County Veterans 541 620-8057 73143 61008