Giving Back | 13 November 2017 Carrie Young Memorial Est. 1993 (nonprofit status since 2014) PO Box 192, John Day, OR 97845 • 541-680-2098 • Tax ID: 27-1192455 Mission Statement: To provide assistance of every day living needs to the disabled and elderly in every corner of Grant County Sponsored by: Winegar Excavating President: Lucie Immoos Vision: To continue to grow and add more elderly each year to our list and move beyond the boundaries of Grant County Fundraising Events: Silent auction/raffle and dinner the first Friday in December (this year Dec. 1, 5:00 pm) at the John Day Elks Lodge. Donations. Vice President: Christie Winegar Program Overview: The Carrie Young Memorial supports the elderly in Grant County. For the past few years we were able to purchase everyday living items for every patient in 4 assisted living facilities. We also have helped approximately 160 elderly and disabled at home with heat certificates, groceries, clothing and every day living needs and supplied several cords of wood. Secretary/Treasurer: Wanda Voigt Giving Opportunities: Volunteer at the benefit, Grant writing, seeking donations. Come to this year’s event, Friday, Dec. 1, 2017, 5:00 pm at the John Day Elks Lodge. 22128