The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, November 22, 2017, Page A8, Image 8

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Shelley: Girls State ‘very much worth it’
By Angel Carpenter
Blue Mountain Eagle
Grant Union senior Rea-
gan Shelley, who attended
Girls State earlier this year,
said she and the other girls
kept busy and had little sleep,
but “it was very much worth
Shelley was recognized at
the Nov. 13 meeting of the El-
lis Tracy Unit and Post No. 77
of the American Legion and
Auxiliary Unit.
She was ill and unable to
attend the meeting, so the Ea-
gle caught up with her at the
American Red Cross blood
drive Nov. 15 at Grant Union
where she was signing in stu-
While taking on the role
of lobbyist at the June 11-17
session of Girls State held at
Willamette University in Sa-
lem, Shelley said she had the
opportunity to observe the
House in session for a few
During the week of Flag
Day, the young women
also met with veterans who
showed them how to properly
Reagan Shelley
dispose of an old flag.
She said the event was
worthwhile and she made
many friends.
“It prepared me for taking
government this year,” Shel-
ley said. “It gave me a back-
ground on the topics we talk
Female empowerment was
another focus at the event.
“The camp was not only to
teach you about government
but that females can have as
much importance in their role
in government,” she said.
Shelley was the only Grant
Union girl signed up for Girls
State this year, and no boys
signed up for Boys State,
which runs during the same
Girls State advisor Tam-
my Bremner and Boys State
advisor Art Pereira both said
they’d like to see more ap-
ply next year.
“It is an amazing pro-
gram and a wonderful op-
portunity,” Bremner said.
“It makes you stand out.
They learn a lot about lead-
ership and a greater respect
for people who served this
Sponsors for Girls State
this year were Carl Lino and
Bonnie Goss.
Lino’s late wife, Sondra,
was involved in Girls State
for many years.
Carl said when he was
young, only one boy and one
girl were chosen to go to the
event from each school, and
now more are able to attend.
“It was a huge honor to be
the Boys State and Girls State
representatives,” he said. “I
encourage all the girls to go
to Girls State and the boys to
go to Boys State.”
O utlook
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Revature offers EOU grads
fast track to tech industry
Free training
offered to
students, alumni
Blue Mountain Eagle
Eastern Oregon Univer-
sity and Revature, a lead-
ing technology talent de-
velopment company, have
established a strategic part-
nership to provide EOU
students and alumni with
no-cost, hands-on technolo-
gy training that will prepare
them to fill critical gaps
in the technology work-
force, according to a press
Revature offers intensive
online and in-person coding
The partnership offers
students and alumni free
training that otherwise
would cost thousands of
“This partnership con-
nects EOU graduates with
the many career opportuni-
ties in today’s tech indus-
try,” said David Vande Pol,
EOU’s executive director
of Regional Outreach and
Innovation. “We’re excited
about the skills and net-
works Revature has to offer
for our students and alum-
Vande Pol noted that
EOU’s regional centers,
hosted at community col-
leges throughout Oregon,
also connect alumni with
Revature’s training pro-
“By attending EOU at
our regional sites and on-
line, students can com-
plete their degrees and
start building a career with
Revature,” Vande Pol said.
“I am looking forward to
bringing this program to
our locations around the
The partnership consid-
ers K-12 students as well,
encouraging the next gen-
eration of college gradu-
ates to become technology
Graduates of Reva-
ture’s immersion program
are certified in the latest
enterprise-level, next-gen-
eration and niche tech-
nologies, helping them
make an immediate im-
pact upon entering the
“Through our partner-
ship with Eastern Oregon
University we are work-
ing to alleviate the tech-
nology skills gap,” said
Joe Mitchell, executive
vice president of academic
partnerships at Revature.
“We are able to work with
their highly talented stu-
dents and alumni and pro-
vide them with a direct path
to becoming highly skilled
software developers.”
For more information or
to enroll visit
And a Happy
Thanksgiving to you!
We served our
‘famous’ Thanksgiving
meal to over 100
diners. Was good to
see the ol’ hall filled
Rose Coombs
with appreciative
people. And special
thanks to our cooks
and helpers: Marjean, Tom, Joy, Fran, and Pam. It was delicious. The
turkey was special: raised by Tom’s daughter organically. That
enabled at least one person who has food issues to partake of the
meat. Along with the turkey we had mashed potatoes and gravy,
dressing, corn, coleslaw, rolls, cranberry sauce (plain or livened up),
olives, pickles, and a plethora of pies for dessert. Did I say it was
We only had one boo-boo: the drivers mistakenly took a couple of
meals intended for one address to another. Sorry about that. That was
a break down in communications. But everyone eventually got their
meals. Remember no meal on the 22nd. Go to the teen center at 1
p.m. on Thanksgiving Day for another delicious meal. Aren’t we
blessed? Acts 20:34 “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Beverly Curtis led the flag salute and Jack Retherford asked the
blessing. We were able to begin two new door prizes. The Outpost
has donated a $5 gift card towards a meal there, and Valley View
Assisted Living has donated 2 meals there. We will be awarding these
on a monthly basis. Thanks so much to these new donors. So we
Prairie City
Monday, November 13,
at the John Day Senior
Center found Merry
Henry and Ron Dowse
at the greeter’s desk.
The crew from the
Lutheran Church was
on hand to serve,
including Bonnie and
Francis Kocis,
Jeannette Kile and Betty Holznagel. Bonnie and Francis started
by delivering meals to John Day and Canyon City while Rodney
Bruser from Step Forward delivered in Mt Vernon. Altogether,
they delivered 29 regular and 28 frozen meals. If I have missed or
misspelled your name, I am sorry. Those of you who volunteer to
serve need to check in for our volunteer hour credits. I like to be
able to thank you for your help, and that is where I get my
Betty opened our time by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Winners of the drawings were Billie Bullard, who won the free
meal, and Yvonne Majors, who won the Lens Drug certificate.
Francis gave the blessing for our meal and we began enjoying it.
Our main dish was great tasting BBQ beef short ribs, served with
potato wedges, cucumber and tomato salad, cornbread muffins
and a very generous supply of chocolate parfai. We served 21
happy diners.
We had a packed house on the 16th for our Thanksgiving meal. It
was a wonderful meal, from the turkey, dressing, mashed
potatoes and gravy, and all of the traditional sides to the surprise
dessert… pumpkin ice cream! (Shay, Lisa & Danny!) with
John Day
Nicky Essex
Our cooks Terry Cade
and Carrie cooked us a
wonderful Thanksgiving
meal. We were spoiled
with some juicy and
tender turkey, mashed
potatoes and gravy,
fluffy dinner rolls,
yummy green bean
casserole, and pumpkin
cake for our dessert. I hope you didn’t drool over the paper as you read
that. I saved my appetite by not eating breakfast so that I could really
pig out. We all enjoyed our meal and we thank our cooks for all their
hard work.
Our greeters were Bodean Andersen, Jimmy Cole, and Debbie Reed.
Bodean led us in the flag salute, made the announcements, and prayed
the blessing over our meal. Jimmy and Debbie collected and counted
the money. The free meal tickets were won by Bob Blakeslee and
Karen Stubblefield. We had a few visitors, Sierra Rose, daughter of
Roger from the Phelps’ ranch, and Dick and Pam Wanous from Spray.
We had 47 guests on the books and five takeouts.
We were all very thankful and happy to see Bob Blakeslee and Judy
Harris rejoin us. They both looked good and it seemed like their
recovery is going well. Max Breeding had back surgery and is now
home so please keep him in your prayers. We pray for the Lord’s
Soo Yukawa
awarded the regular gift certificate donated by Chuck’s Little Diner to
Scott McMahan. The Valley View one went to me, and the Outpost
went to Ken Koser.
Food for thought: Thanksgiving dinner takes 12 hours to prepare. It is
consumed in 12 minutes. Halftime is 12 minutes. This is no
coincidence. – Erma Bombeck. I was informed that it was not ‘The
Three Amigos’ who played and sang last week. It was ‘The Three
Amigas’. Not knowing Spanish, I did not put the proper ending. So I
stand corrected.
Lorna and Krystin brought Marilyn Randall, Alma Joslin, Joan
Metlock, and Bud Salisbury from the Blue Mountain Care Center.
And due to Tom’s judicious placement of an orange traffic cone, there
were no issues with getting the Care Center bus to the new ramp. By
doing this, it leaves the area at the front door available for anyone else
who has a disabled card to park close, too.
Was good to see Norma Rynearson in attendance who was able to
come due to the good offices of helper Mrs. Boss.
So it will only be a month until Christmas by the time you read this.
Are you ready? I made a tour through the Salvation Army store in
Baker to see what I might find for the kids and grands. I saw a book
that looked interesting, so I was leafing through it and looked at the
inside cover and you’ll never guess what I saw. My name. So how did
a book that I had purchased in 1986 end up in the Baker thrift store?
Ya got me. As I have mentioned before, you just never know what
you’ll find at yard sales and thrift stores. So I bought it back and
placed it in the g-kids toy box. Will see if any one recognizes it…
John 21:25 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them
were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not
have room for the books that would be written.”
superior care from the volunteer service of Ye Old Thrift Shop at
the Methodist Church, led by Sherrie Feiger, Barb Pollak, Margie
and Alva Conlee, Louise Nelson and Kathy Smith. Our hostess,
Linda Sprouske, and members of our Site Council have worked
hard to make a large crowd feel like a warm, snug family. James
Hercher and Ethan G, our Thursday setup guys, did a great job,
working around all of the activity too. We can only seat 80 and
are sad for those we had to turn away. Reservations must be made
for these special occasions. Shermayne and Ken Boethin
delivered meals in John Day and Canyon City, and Rodney
Bruser delivered to those in Mt Vernon. Total meals delivered
was 38. Margie Conlee led our flag salute and Sherrie Feiger
asked the blessing. This group from Ye Old Thrift Shop /
Methodist Church supports many of the local activities….we are
so thankful!?
Not only did the Lundboms (John Day Auto Parts) provide the
entrée, they joined us for our meal. Thanks to you and all of our
sponsors through the year. Oh, how can we remember all the
Our librarian/hostess/decorator Linda is having a “wreath
decorating” on December 1st at 11 a.m. Please call Linda here at
the center, and let her know you plan to participate, 541-575-
We will be closed next Thursday for Thanksgiving. We will be
serving again on Monday the 27th with chicken fettuccini and
green salad. God bless you and give you many reasons for
Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be
complete healing of their bodies, in Jesus’ Name.
We had a very nice turkey that was for raffle. I was mighty
disappointed I didn’t get to take that turkey home. Ha. I didn’t mind
that I didn’t win though because the great winner of the turkey was
Aaron Harris.
We will be needing bakers to make cookies for the “Cookie Caper”
coming up in December. I will have to give you more details at a
later date. It is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to others during
the Christmas season.
There is so much that I am thankful for. We had some breathtakingly
gorgeous days this past week. The skies were blue with big, white,
puffy clouds and air so clean, cold, and crisp. I love seeing the river
as we drive along the road. I’m so thankful for the privilege of living
out here in this quiet town where people wave at you on the road as
you pass by. (I still get a kick out of that)
This week will be Thanksgiving. My family and I are so thankful for
the Lord in bringing us out here. We are embracing the life here that
offers us peace, joy, a slower pace of life, and new friends just to
name a few. Monument is definitely unique. This tight-knit
community really cares about its people. We call Monument our
home and we are here to stay for the long haul unless God says
otherwise. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
Psalm 92: 1-2 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and
to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy
lovingkindness in the morning, And thy faithfulness every night.”