The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, June 28, 2017, Page PAGE 66, Image 86

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    511 111 120: Favorite Recipe Collection with five
recipes of foods that you have prepared. Write current
year in upper right hand corner of each recipe. Cards
or recipes must be in front of file or designated (paper
clips, tabs, etc.) throughout the collection for ease in
judging. Recipe collection can be in a file box or in a
recipe book form. Pen, pencil or type is acceptable.
Refer to 4-H Recipe collection Exhibit Check Sheet
(40-470), available at the county Extension office, for
specific guidelines.
Basic Skills Level 2 -
Cooking 201 and Baking 2
511 120 000: Recipe of the Year Class: Even Years:
Let’s Bake Corn Bread - must use recipe from Baking
2, page 37.
Odd years: Scones - muse use recipe from Cooking
201, page 51.
0. Exhibit 2 individual items.
511 120 010 Cookies. Exhibit 2 cookies. No frosting,
icing, or glaze.
511 120 020 Basic Nut Bread (must use recipe in
Cooking 201 book, pg. 48 - no variations.) Exhibit 1/4
of loaf. No frosting, icing, or glaze.
511 120 030 Non-Yeast Coffee Cake. Coffee cake
is to be made with a muffin method of mixing. Muffin
mehtod of mixing generally means that the fats in a
liquid form (like oil) and all liquids are added the dry
ingredients with a minimum amount of stirring. Exhibit
1/4 of the cake. No frosting, icing, or glaze.
511 120 040 Scone. Scone is to be made with a
biscuit method of mixing. Biscuit method of mixing
generally means that the fat is semi-solid (like butter/
shortening) and cut into the dry ingredients before
liquid is added. The dough may be beaten or kneaded
for a few strokes. Exhibit 2 scones. No frosting, icing,
or glaze.
511 120 160 Quick Bread. Baked Food Product
reflecting alternative dietary choices. Recipe for the
food product has been chosen specifically to address
choices or altered signficantly to now reflect needs for
an alternative diet, such as gluten free, sugar substi-
tute, vegetarian, vegan, reduced fat, et. al. Underline
alternative ingredient(s) in the recipe. Exhibit 1/4 of a
large item.
511 222 010 Poster showing and explaining some-
thing you have made, done, or learned in your Foods &
Nutrition project. Poster must not exceed 24”x30”.
511 222 120 Favorite Recipe Collection with five
recipes of foods you have prepared using ingredients
grown in the Pacific Northwest. Write current year
in upper right hand corner of each recipe. Cards or
recipes must be in front of file or designated (paper
clips, tabs, etc.) throughout the collection for ease in
judging. Pen, pencil, typed, or printed is acceptable as
long as required elements are on the recipe. Recipe
collection can be in a file box or in recipe book form.
Follow specific guidelines on check sheet. Adding
decorative items to recipes is optional and is not a part
of the judging process.
Expanding Skills Level 3
Cooking 301 and Baking 3
Food products. See Phase 1 for class descriptions.
511 130 000: Recipe of the Year Class: Exhibit 1/4
of the item.
Even Years: Cool Rise White Bread (must use recipe
from Baking 3, page 23).
Odd Years: Dakota Bread (must use recipe from Baking
3, pg. 22)
511 130 10 Shortened Cakes (cakes with fat). No
commercial mixes, no fillings or toppings (i.e., frosting,
icing, glaze, powdered sugar, fruit or nuts) Exhibit 2
individual Items or 1/4 of a large item.
511 130 020 Basic Dinner Rolls (must use recipe
from Cooking 301, pg 40). may be shaped into clover-
leaf, crescent, knot, bun, break stick or any other type
of roll. Exhibit 2 rolls.
511 130 030 Yeast Bread product, plain dough using
all white flour. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 130 040 Yeast Bread product, plain dough
using all whole wheat flour. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 130 050 Yeast Bread product, plain dough
using an alternative grain. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 130 060 Yeast Bread product, plain dough
using a combination of flours. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 130 070 Yeast Bread product, (using any
type of flour) with added non-perishable ingrei-
dents (ie, herbs, nuts, dried fruit, etc.). Exhibit 1/4
of a loaf.
511 130 080 Family Food Traditions. Any baked
item associated with family tradition and heritage.
Entry must include a) recipe, b) tradition or heritage
associated with preparing, serving the food, and c)
where or who the traditional recipe came from. Exhibit
at least 1/4 of baked product or 2 muffins, cookies,
pita, tortillas, etc.
511 130 160 Yeast Bread. Baked Food Product
reflecting alternative dietary choices. Recipe for the
food product has been chosen specifically to address
choices or altered significantly to now reflect needs
for an alternative diet such as gluten free, sugar
substitute, vegetarian, vegan, reduced fat, et al. Un-
derline alternative ingredient(s) in the recipe. Exhibit 2
individual items or 1/4 of a large item.
511 333 110 Poster showing and explaining some-
thing you have made, done, or learned in your Foods &
Nutrition project. Poster must not exceed 24”x30”.
511 333 120 Favorite Recipe Collection with ten
recipes of foods you have prepared, using a variety
of grain products. (Examples: granola, rice pudding,
bulgur salad, pizza). Write current year in upper right
hand corner of each recipe. Cards or recipes must be
in front of file or designated (paper clips, tabs, etc.)
throughout the collection for ease in judging. Pen, pen-
cil, typed, or printed is acceptable as long as required
elements are on the recipe. Recipe collection can be
ina file box or in recipe book form. Follow specific
guidelines on check sheet. Adding decorative items
to recipes is optional and is not a part of the judging
511 333 130 Photo series or pictorial story
depicting hunted or harvested foods of the Pacific
Northwest from harvest to table. Series may include up
to 20 color photos, pictures or drawings of one theme
on one story board not to exceed 24”x30”. Please
note if some of the photos were taken by someone
else. Exhibits will be judged on the exhibitor’s ability to
creatively depict a story and not on their photography
or drawing ability.
Advanced Skill Level 4
Cooking 401 and Baking 4
511 140 000 Recipe of the Year Class Even Years.
Busy Day Oatmeal Cake (must use recipe from Baking
4, pg. 21). Exhibit 1/4 of the item. Odd years single pie
crust (must use recipe from Baking 4 Page 21.
511 140 01_ Foam Cakes. Angel Food, Sponge, Chif-
fon). No commercial mixes; no fillings or toppings (i.e.,
frosting, icing, glaze, powdered sugar, fruit or nuts).
Exhibit 2 individual items or 1/4 of a large item.
511 140 02_ Focaccia Bread. (must use recipe from
Cooking 401, pg. 22). Exhibit 1/4 of the item.
511 140 03_ Yeast Bread product, plain dough
using all white flour. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 140 04_ Yeast Bread product, plain dough
using all whole wheat flour. Exhibit 1/4 of the item.
511 140 05_ Yeast Break product using an alter-
native grain. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf
511 140 06_ Yeast Bread product plain dough
using a combination of flours. Exhibit 1/4 of a loaf.
511 140 07_Yeast Bread product (using any type
of flour) with added non-perishable ingredients
(ie, herbs, nuts, dried fruit, etc.). Exhibit 1/4 of a
511 140 08_Yeast Bread product using special
shaping. Exhibit 2 individual items or 1/4 of a large
511 140 09_ Specialty Pastry. Baked items such as
pie tarts, puff pastry, phyllo doughs, scones, biscotti,
choux, croissants, danish, strudels. Phyllo dough must
be made from scratch. Pastries made with cream or
egg based filllings will be disqualified. Exhibit 2
individual items.
511 140 14_A Gift Package with homemade foods
featuring up to five Pacific Northwest products. At
least two foods must be made by the exhbitor and
feature Pacific Northwest products. Gift package can
be in a box or basket not to exceed 18”x24”. Ex-
hibit must include a breakdown of costs incurred
preparing the gift package, including items on
hand or recycled. Baked items should be at least
two of a small or one-quarter of a large food. Include
recipes on 5”x8” card or paper. Include to whom the
gift is intended and for what occasion. Criteria for
judging will include creativity, cost (value), food safety,
and nutrition.
511 140 16_ Baked Food Product (from any
exhibits in Level 4) reflecting alternative dietary
choices. Recipe for the food product has been chosen
specifically to address choices or altered significantly
to now reflect needs for an alternative diet, such
as gluten free, sugar substitute, vegetarian, vetgan,
reduced fat, et. al. Underline alternative ingredient(s)
in the recipe. Exhibit 2 individual items or 1/4 of a
large item.
511 444 01_Poster showing and explaining some-
thing that you have made, done, or learned in your
Foods and Nutrition project. Poster must not exceed