The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, April 26, 2017, Page A5, Image 5

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Trump administration announces
Canadian lumber tariff
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Arrests and citations in
the Blue Mountain Eagle are
taken from the logs of law en-
forcement agencies. Every ef-
fort is made to report the court
disposition of arrest cases.
Grant County
Circuit Court
June Dutcher Philomena
pleaded guilty to second-de-
gree disorderly conduct and
was issued a suspended sen-
tence of 18 months probation
and fi ned $200. One count of
fourth-degree assault and one
charge of attempt to commit
a class A misdemeanor were
File photo
A truck hauls logs from a local timber harvest. The United States lumber market may
see a boost after the U.S. Department of Commerce announced Monday a preliminary
decision to impose countervailing duty subsidies — tariffs to counteract “market
distorting effects caused by injurious subsidization of imports” — on Canadian
softwood lumber imported into the United States. For most Canadian exporters, the
department established a preliminary subsidy rate of 19.88 percent for which it will
require cash deposits. In 2016, imports of softwood lumber from Canada were valued at
an estimated $5.66 billion. The final determination is expected in September.
Mt. Vernon man accidentally
shoots himself in his leg
Blue Mountain Eagle
A Mt. Vernon resident
injured himself on Sunday
evening after accidentally dis-
charging a handgun.
According to a press re-
lease from Grant County
Sheriff Glenn Palmer, David
Kreger, 24, was seated while
handling a .45-caliber model
1911 semi-automatic pistol
when it discharged at a resi-
dence in Mt. Vernon.
The bullet entered Kreger’s
inner left thigh and exited the
left thigh.
Kreger was transported by
private vehicle to Blue Moun-
tain Hospital in John Day
where police were notifi ed.
Deputy Brandon Hutchi-
son and John Day Police Of-
fi cer Mike Durr investigated
the incident, determining the
location of the shooting and
that the shooting was acciden-
Kreger was treated and lat-
er released from the hospital.
Hutchison pleads guilty
on felony weapons charge
Blue Mountain Eagle
Joseph A. Hutchison plead-
ed guilty Monday to several
charges related to pointing a
fi rearm at a woman and child
in December.
The 25-year-old John
Day resident pleaded guilty
to a felony charge of Un-
lawful Use of a Weapon and
two misdemeanor charges of
reckless endangerment, ac-
cording to his April 24 plea
“On December 11, 2016 I
unlawfully attempted to use a
deadly weapon against Sier-
ra Elliot,” Hutchison said in
the document. “On the same
date and as part of the same
course of conduct I reckless-
ly engaged in conduct by
pointing and waving a loaded
fi rearm at Sierra Elliot and
Elijah Hutchison.”
Hutchison was sentenced
to 10 days in jail with cred-
it for time served and five
years supervised proba-
tion. He was ordered to pay
$600 in fines. Two counts
of menacing and one count
of pointing a firearm at an-
other were dismissed. Alco-
hol and drug, mental health
and domestic violence as-
sessments will be required,
as well as the comple-
tion of any recommended
treatment. Following the
successful completion of
probation without any vio-
lations, the court may con-
sider reducing the felony
charge to a misdemeanor.
Hutchison, who was a
corrections deputy for Grant
County Sheriff’s Offi ce at
the time of the incident, will
also lose his right to possess
fi rearms and ammunition
because of the domestic vio-
lence conviction.
Grant County Sheriff
The Grant County Sheriff’s
Offi ce reported the following
for the week of April 13-19:
• Concealed handgun li-
censes: 9
• Average inmates: 15
• Bookings: 10
• Releases: 10
• Arrests: 1
• Citations: 1
• Fingerprints: 8
• Civil papers: 13
• Warrants processed: 3
• Asst./welfare check: 2
Cited Jason Dole, 35,
Canyon City for driving un-
Justice Court
The Grant County Justice
Court reported the following
fi nes and judgments:
Exceeding the speed limit:
Gaylene Ann Bruce Moyers,
53, Baker City, 75/65 zone,
March 31, fi ned $160; Mi-
chael Dennis Montague, 27,
Mt. Vernon, 74/65, April 14,
fi ned $135; Levi Robert Mc-
Clellan, 21, John Day, 75/65
zone, March 9, fi ned $160;
Francois-Robert Raymond
Picard, 35, Seattle, Washing-
ton, 82/65, April 5, fi ned $260.
Driving uninsured: Chris-
topher Keith, 36, Canyon City,
March 22, fi ned $260.
Driving while suspended:
Christopher Keith, 36, Canyon
City, March 22, fi ned $435.
Operating an ATV in vio-
lation of posted restrictions:
John Eric Denham, 42, Leba-
non, March 25, fi ned $160.
Dog as a public nuisance:
Mary P. Rowell, 28, Prairie
City, Feb. 21, fi ned $260 and
required to pay $300 in resti-
tution to victim.
Daniel King, Fossil, plead-
ed guilty to second-degree
criminal trespass and was
fi ned $260.
Nicholas Jack Weldon,
Monument, pleaded guilty to
a fi sh and wildlife license vi-
olation and was sentenced to
12 months probation, 15 hours
community service, required
to forfeit antlers, head, cape
and meat and fi ned $935. One
count of criminal forfeiture
was dismissed.
John Day dispatch worked
128 calls during the week
of April 17-23. Along with
the various traffi c warnings,
trespassing, injured animals,
noise complaints and juve-
nile complaints, these calls
• John Day Police
April 17: Took a report of a
theft in Prairie City. Took a re-
port of a possible identity theft
in John Day. Took a report of
animal abuse.
April 18: Responded to a
report of a verbal dispute. Re-
ceived information on a stolen
vehicle out of Baker City.
April 19: Responded to a
report of criminal mischief.
Arrested a 50-year-old John
Day resident on a Grant Coun-
ty warrant. Received a com-
plaint from a landowner that
people were throwing parties
on their land and stealing
April 21: Took a report of
theft in John Day. Responded
to a report of kids throwing
pine cones at cars.
April 23: Took a report of a
suspicious vehicle in the Cha-
rolais Heights Area and posted
a request for extra patrols.
• Grant County Sheriff’s
Offi ce
April 23: Advised by John
Day Police Department of an
accidental gunshot wound in
Mt. Vernon.
• John Day ambulance
April 20: Responded to a
report of a woman who had
lost consciousness.
• Oregon State Police
April 21: Took a report of
people chasing deer with a
• John Day Fire
April 23: Advised of a burn
pile that might be getting out
of control.
Unlicensed home inspector fi ned $80,000
Blue Mountain Eagle
The Construction Contrac-
tors Board has levied more
than $80,000 in fi nes against
a phony home inspector who
performed dozens of inspec-
tions in Central and Eastern
Oregon in recent months.
Gregory Mason Miller of
Bend used a license number
belonging to a legitimate con-
struction contractor with the
same fi rst and last name, along
with the name of an unrelated
Bend business, according to a
CCB press release. In advertis-
ing, he claimed to be licensed,
bonded and insured.
Home inspectors must be
certifi ed by the Construction
Contractors Board after pass-
ing a national exam. Addition-
ally, a home inspection busi-
ness must hold a CCB-issued
contractor license. Miller was
neither certifi ed nor licensed.
The CCB added Miller to
its new Buyer Beware list that
warns the public of chronic
offenders. People who make
the list generally are phony
or predatory contractors who
take money and produce little
or no work or who repeatedly
violate state contracting laws.
Consumer complaints trig-
gered the CCB investigation,
which is ongoing.
The CCB licenses con-
struction contracting business-
es, including home inspection
businesses and home inspec-
tors. Contractors must include
their CCB license number on
any advertising. Visit oregon.
gov/ccb and enter a license
number or name in the orange
“Search” feature. Verify that
the license is “active” and that
the full name on the license
matches the contractor in
question. In this case, Gregory
Mason Miller did not show up
in a search with any home in-
spector credentials. Call 503-
378-4621 for help searching
or understanding the results.
Contractors and consumers
can report unlicensed contrac-
tors and other illegal activity
on the CCB’s website or by
calling 503-934-2246.
Licensed contractors car-
ry bonds and insurance and
can be held accountable if
something goes wrong. Only
licensed contractors can get
required building permits.
Michael B. DesJardin
Dentistry, PC
Preventive, Restorative & Endodontics
Monday - Thursday
7am- 6pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Mendy Sharpe FNP
New Patients
208 NW Canton
John Day
Debbie Ausmus
245 South Canyon Blvd.
John Day, OR 97845
9 am - 5 pm
24 hrs/7 days wk
The junior and senior classes from Spray High
School, along with the Spray School
District staff, would like to express our
appreciation to the community of
John Day and surrounding areas.
We thank the following businesses for hosting
our annual job shadow week.
We couldn’t do it
without your willingness to help!
John Day Fossil Beds
John Day River Vet Center
Chester’s Thriftway
Les Schwab Tire Center
Blue Mountain Hospital
Len’s Drug
John Day Police Department
Grant County Jail
Boyd Britton Welding
Newton Mechanics in Monument
Again, thank you!
Sincerely, Spray High School Students & Staff
Help is available
for victims of
sexual assault in
Grant County.
If you or someone you
know has been a victim of
sexual assault, please call:
Heart of Grant County
Grant County Victim
Assistance Program
sex without
consent =
sexual assault
This project was supported by Grant No. 2015-WR-AX-0008
awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S.
Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions,
and recommendations expressed in this publication/
program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice,
Office on Violence Against Women.
Designed by the Blue Mountain Eagle