The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, April 19, 2017, Page A7, Image 7

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Blue Mountain Eagle
The deadline for What’s Happening items is 5 p.m. Friday. Call the
Eagle, 541-575-0710, or email For meetings this
week, see our list in the classifieds on Page B8.
‘Host a foreign exchange student’ meeting
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
• 5:30 p.m., Dayville School library
Community members are invited to attend a meeting about
hosting foreign exchange students.
Oil painting class
• 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Keerins Hall north room, Grant County Fair-
The class, sponsored by the Grant County Art Association, fea-
tures lessons from Katherine Taylor. Artists of all skill levels are
welcome. The cost to attend is $30. Space is limited. To register or
for more information, contact Eloise Boren at 541-987-2138 or elo-
File photo
The Youth Arts Program summer ensemble during
practice at Dayville School. From left: Grace Carothers,
assistant teacher Janine Goodwin, Katrine Bogardus,
Jessica Reames, teacher Samantha Floyd and Jaydon
Monument Senior Center rummage sale
• 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monument Senior Center
The senior center will hold its second annual rummage sale. Chili,
pies, coffee and maple bars will be served. All proceeds go to the se-
nior center operation fund. Donations are accepted until the day the
sale begins. For more information, contact Judy at 541-934-2244.
Seneca PTA bingo fun night
• 6-9 p.m., Seneca School gymnasium
Seneca PTA will host its annual bingo fun night, featuring bingo,
50/50 boards, a silent auction and concessions. Doors open at 5 p.m.
Proceeds benefi t the Seneca PTA.
Grant County Democrats meeting
• 6:30 p.m., Canyon City Community Hall
John Day City Manager Nick Green will be the featured speaker
at the Grant County Democrats meeting. Green will discuss his pro-
Eagle file photo
Janine Goodwin leads a Youth Arts Program summer
choir. A free Youth Arts Program ensembles concert is
planned April 28.
active proposals to address local problems of declining population,
low rate of employment and infrastructure problems. For more infor-
mation, call 541-542-2633.
Youth Arts Program ensembles free concert
• 7 pm., United Methodist Church, John Day
All are welcome to attend the concert featuring music by a wide
variety of artists. Donations will be accepted to support the choir and
instrumental ensembles. For more information, contact Rebecca Bo-
gardus at 541-987-2440.
Spring Rummage Sale
• 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Hall, 111
SW Second Ave., John Day
The spring rummage sale is offered by the ladies of St. Eliza-
beth of Hungary Catholic Church. Donations are also welcome (no
electronics), which may be brought to the parish hall after church on
Sunday mornings. Proceeds benefi t needs in the community.
Concert and art exhibition
• 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, John Day
The Rev. David Seacord and Peter and Rachel Littlewood will
perform a variety of piano, guitar and voice compositions. Admis-
sion is free, but donations are accepted. Additionally, the art exhibit
will be available for viewing starting at 7 p.m. Friday, April 28, and
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday, April 30.
Young Women’s
Natural Resource
Career Camp
seeks applicants
Discover Your Forest and
the Deschutes National Forest
are seeking applicants for the
Young Women’s Natural Re-
source Career Camp, which
will be held June 27-29.
Young women from around
Central Oregon in grades 9-12
are invited to apply for the
camp, which is hosted on the
Deschutes National Forest as a
three-day, two-night camp out.
During the camp, female mem-
bers of the Forest Service and
Discover Your Forest will su-
pervise and mentor the young
women as they learn about a
variety of careers including
wildlife biology, engineering,
botany, archaeology and fi re.
To register or get more in-
formation, contact the Forest
Service, 541-383-4771 or email
Karen Gentry, Discover Your
Forest Education program di-
rector at
Interested applicants can also
apply at
Applications are due by June 12.
The camp is provided free
of charge to young women
from Central Oregon through
the combined efforts of Dis-
cover Your Forest and female
employees of the Deschutes
National Forest. Transporta-
tion can be provided to and
from communities in Central
Oregon where participants
live and all meals and sleep-
ing quarters will be provided
as well.
Volunteers needed
for Grub & Grog
in the Park
Volunteers are sought for
a new event this year, Grub &
Grog in the Park, planned for
3-8:30 p.m. June 23 at the Sev-
enth Street Complex in John
Day. John Day Canyon City
Parks and Recreation District
is sponsoring the event, which
will feature a variety of music
from DJ Jeff from 3-5:30 p.m.
and live classic rock from I4NI
from 5:30-8:30 p.m., as well as
food vendors and craft beer, ci-
der and wine from 1188 Brew-
ing Co. The $10 admission fee
will benefi t the district.
Volunteers are needed for
ticketing, waste management
and working with children
during the event.
Eagle Cap Excursion Train
Sunday, May 14
Mother’s Day Brunch
Get reservations now for this popuar ride!
Book online at
or call 800.323.7330
Leaves Elgin at 10 a.m.
You have seen or heard of Mel
Gibson’s acclaimed film, Hacksaw
Ridge. Now you can experience
with a FREE 101 minute
documentary featuring interviews
with Desmond Doss, the hero of
the film, and those who served with
him. Doss was
the first non-
combatant to be
awarded the
Medal of Honor.
documentary will
be shown at:
Grantville Theater,
Canyon City Community Hall
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
For more information or to
volunteer, call 541-575-0110 or
contact Program Director Jeff
Meyerholz at 541-620-4515.
Painted Hills
wildfl ower hike
The picturesque Painted
Hills will again be dotted with
wildfl owers this spring. The
increase in snow this past win-
ter marks favorable conditions
for the famous yellow fl owers
John Day Chaenactis and Gold-
en Bee Cleome to bloom in the
Painted Hills area. Register to-
day for the guided wildfl ower
photography hike from 8-10
a.m. May 13. This two-hour
hike will be through areas of
the park that are normally off
limits to the public. The pro-
gram is free to the public, along
uneven terrain, with designated
stops and ranger discussions.
Participants are encouraged to
wear sturdy shoes with ankle
protection, bring plenty of wa-
ter, sun protection, snacks and
a camera. The walk is limited
to 20 people, and spots must be
reserved by calling 541-987-
2333 or emailing joda_inter-
applications due
April 27
Grant County Futures
Scholarship applications are
due at 4 p.m. April 27.
The Grant County College
Advisory Committee adminis-
ters the funds, which must be
used by students who are pur-
suing online or on-site classes
or degrees from Blue Mountain
Community College or East-
ern Oregon University through
the Grant County Center in the
ESD building, 835 S. Canyon
Blvd., John Day. Applications
are available at the center and
online through the ESD schol-
arship page,
Applicants must be county
residents for one year, demon-
strate fi nancial need, provide a
letter of recommendation and
present a specifi c request. The
funds benefi t those who want
to increase job skills, who have
never taken a college course or
who are working on degrees
but cannot do so full time.
Contact the center at 541-
575-2168 or 541-575-1550 for
more information.
Fossil Beds
recruiting youth
John Day Fossil Beds Na-
tional Monument will sponsor
an 8-week long Youth Con-
servation Corps program this
summer. Youths 15 to 18 are
encouraged to apply, provided
that they do not reach their 19th
birthday before Aug. 4, 2017.
YCC team members will
work June 12 through Aug. 4,
earning the Oregon state min-
imum wage of $9.50 per hour.
The schedule is 7 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
The YCC team will work at
John Day Fossil Beds National
Monument under the supervi-
sion of National Park Service
Applications are avail-
able from: Grant Union High
School offi ce, Dayville School
offi ce, Monument School of-
fi ce, Grant County Library,
National Park Service at John
Day Fossil Beds National Mon-
ument, 32651 Hwy 19, 8 miles
northwest of Dayville on High-
way 19 toward Kimberly.
The completed application
must be postmarked no later
than May 3 to John Day Fossil
Beds National Monument, Attn:
Jonathon Fitch – YCC, 32651
Hwy 19, Kimberly, OR 97848.
Is it spring yet? April is always a little
unpredictable but is one of my
favorite months of the year, when the
valley turns green, the flowers are in
bloom, and the sight of all the
newborn calves romping around the
pastures. Your chamber has been
busier then ever with summer
vacation approaching and the
increased activity surrounding the
solar eclipse. Last week’s monthly
eclipse meeting was well attended
with folks from around the county. It
seems every meeting new ideas
surface as well as potential problems
that could arise. Tammy Bremner has
been doing an excellent job of co-
ordinating all of the different groups
and activities that will help everyone
make it thru the event in a positive
way, and also leave a good
impression of our county to all of our
visitors. We would like to welcome
two new chamber members, NORTH
President of the Grant County
Snowballers, informed me that the
club was successful in attracting the
OSAA state convention to John Day
on January 10-13, 2018. The
planning has begun and the club is
looking for a few volunteer’s so give
Tim a call. We have two remaining
sponsor spots left on our monthly
newsletter. If you would like to help
us out the annual advertising cost is
$200.00. Join us Thursday, April 20th
for both our monthly business
meetings at the chamber office at
11:00 and adjourn to the Outpost at
noon for our lunch meeting. Our
guest speakers for this month will be
Catie Bennett from Boise, Idaho who
will provide information about the
Small Business Administration, and
TJ Cooley, the new John day
Postmaster, who will be sharing
matters of interest about the Postal
Department. I hope to see all of you
Jerry Franklin