History Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, November 9, 2016 A9 O UT OF THE P AST Blue Mountain Eagle Nov. 7, 1941 75 years ago Chatter Mrs. Ida Norris has leased her home and has gone to Port- land on a vacation. Claude Crouch, farmer and stock buyer of Monument, was in the John Day valley section during the week. Mrs. Brooks Hall of Can- yon City is enjoying a visit from a sister, Miss Doris Phil- pott, of near Eugene, who is here for a while. According to word re- ceived from Mrs. Humphrey of the Basin, the bunch grass is the best that has been known in her section of the county. Mrs. Ruah Ward of Prairie City was down from her home the fore part of the week. Mrs. Ward was confined to the hos- pital for a while but is feeling better once more. Brooks Hall, who is employed by the county, made a trip to Pendleton early this week after a pile driver, which will be used at the Mt. Vernon and Rudio creek bridg- es this fall. If Miss Violet Mack should threaten to shoot in your direc- tion, you should immediately stand aside or obey orders for she is a crack shot with a rifle. During the last days of open season, she with a 30-30 smok- er shot a two-point buck right through the neck, killing the deer instantly. Toney Burnham of Bates, who has been operating a cat and bull-dozer for the Timms Dredging company, was bad- ly crushed last week by a log while at work. Mr. Burnham was rushed to a Baker hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slocum of the Banana ranch on Deer creek were over Monday on business matters. The Slocums just returned last week from a two week’s trip into the Willa- mette Valley. Mr. Nyles I. Christenson, di- rector Disaster Relief, and Mar- garet Bermejo, field representa- tive for Oregon, in Red Cross work, came to Grant county and held a public meeting in connection with the Red Cross drive for membership this year. Mrs. Maude Boyce Pyle is placed in charge of all subchair- men in the Roll Call and she has set the mark at $1,200 for her county. A Red Cross sticker in all windows is her goal. Eagle file photo From Nov. 7, 1991: Just clowning around — No, the circus isn’t coming to town, it’s just the employees of the local U.S. Bank. From left to right, the clowns in question are: Andrea Klenski, Christy Finley, Dolores Young and Julie Powell. Blue Mountain Eagle Nov. 7, 1991 25 years ago Headstart program going strong in first full year The John Day Headstart program is in its first full year of operation and is going strong. “It’s an early childhood ed- ucation program,” said Mark Lesniak, program director, in describing the program’s class- es which began last March. Since the Headstart program is only in operation during the school year, when it began, it was only in operation for about three months before the 1990- 91 school year ended. That, however, allowed Lesniak and the other people who make this program a reality, time to work out many of the bureaucratic problems associated with a pro- gram such as this. This year, the classes which are focused towards children between the ages of 3 and 5, began on Sept. 16, and will run through the end of May. The primary focus of the program is on 4-year-olds from low income families. “I have a waiting list of over-income families,” said Le- sniak, who feels that there are a number of low-income families that the program is not reaching. However, Lesniak also knows that there are some families that are simply too far away to reach with a program in John Day. Some of the services that the Headstart program provides which makes it different from a pre-school program is that it works with not only the child, but the child’s family, in pro- viding education, health infor- mation, nutrition information, social services and, in some cases, help in dealing with mi- nor handicaps. “We work together with the families to provide these ser- vices,” Lesniak said. To do this, classroom ses- sions are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, while home-visits are scheduled on Thursdays. During a home vis- it, the Headstart teacher will go to a child’s home and meet with one or both of the parents and go over ways that the parent can work with his or her child. “Each home visit is individ- ualized to the needs of the fam- ily,” Lesniak said. “It’s not like we’re doing parenting classes,” said Shelley Myers, the teacher for Head- start. Rather, this program sim- ply helps to focus the program towards each student. When a student enters the program, they are evaluated in language skills, socialization, cognitive skills, motor skills and self-help. From that point on, the child is dealt with on an individual basis. The classroom sessions take place at Kiddie Kastle day care center where the children are provided with lunch, a snack and transpor- tation to and from the center. This set up works well since the center provides the food for the children in the Headstart program and the Headstart pro- gram owns their own bus. The John Day program cur- rently serves children from Mt. Vernon, Canyon City, John Day and Prairie City, although the bus doesn’t travel to the latter. “It has a lot more compo- nents to it than the others do,” said Myers. Teaching kinder- garten for eight years and pre- school for three years before accepting this position, Myers said that she notices a differ- ence between students that are involved with a program simi- lar to Headstart and those who are not. SPOKEN The spoken “Word” is a manifestation of pure energy. We create a sound “wave” of energy, expending it with our vocal cords when we speak. E=MC² is an expression of the quantity of “Energy” (E) that is unleashed from “Matter” (M) when that Matter “Unravels” into energy: like on the sun. All things exist as either Energy or Matter, and according to Einstein, while one can be converted to the other, neither can be destroyed. The “C” stands for a “Constant” number that just happens to be “The Speed of Light”, so it would really be more accurate to call the “C²”, “The Speed of Light, times The Speed of Light”. The Apostle John tells us that: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1:1-4 (KJV) “The Singularity” is the name Astrophysicists have given to all that they say existed at the point at which it would have fit neatly onto the head of a pin, immediately prior to “The Big Bang”, when it exploded to become our Universe. Science demonstrates that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So that, just as “Genesis” predicted our atmosphere and the void of space in its description of “Heaven on Earth”, John instructed that before the “Singularity” was gathered together at the speed of light squared by The Lord God Jehovah, also known as Yahweh, God of the Bible; The One True God existed as pure “Energy”: That is to say, that if matter converts to energy at a rate of M times The Speed of Light Squared, then the equal and opposite “action” to which the “Unraveling” is “reacting”, would be a gathering together of “E” at a rate of The Speed of Light Squared to compress “E” (energy) into all that exists as matter. This is explained in more detail in the “Unification” chapter of “The Book of Answers” found on the web (.us) and included on CD in “Fight Club 2.0”. Moreover, were the universe not “Unraveling” according to E=MC², there would be no light for “Man” to perceive. So when Genesis says that God said, “Let there be Light”, it is referring to yet another undeniable “PROOF”: that being, that E=MC² was designed by God Himself. Moreover, it is “Light”, (which is energy in motion) that renders the “Image” (of God) contained in the matter from which you and all things were “Created”. Being God Omnipotent, He could have sat Moses down and put all these things in his head. Then again, Moses didn’t need convincing. He could have sat the Hebrew People down like the “Nanny State” we live in today and made them spend their lives oowing and awing at the Majesty of His Work. Instead He gave them “Free Will” and the rules that would one day lead them to “Heaven on Earth”: the “Promised” Land. 8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Cor 13:8-13 (KJV) The truth of the matter is that the “Age” of “Faith” existed for the sake of all those generations who thought like children afraid of the dark with good reason. Mankind had not yet subdued the wild beast, but was its prey. He did not understand mental illness but saw “Demonic Possession”. Earthquakes were caused by angry “Spirits” and the sun was believed to orbit the Earth. During our “Civil War” we were still unaware of Bacteria. We did not understand “E” or any other aspect of the “Scientific Realm”. God set us adrift on an orb in the sun and we began as “The Lord of the Flies” looking for God in all things until the appointed time when He revealed Himself to Noah and then to Abraham. From Moses (who was given the first five books of the Old Testament and possibly the book of Job) to this very day, no one would have “The Old Testament” of The Bible were it not for all those “Stiff Necked” Jews who died delivering it to you as they were “Chosen” to do. From the days of Jesus and His death on the cross, countless have died to deliver “The New Testament” to you. The Catholic Church made war on the Protestants for thirty years trying to keep The Word of God out of the hands of “The People” and one third of the population perished in the process as prophesied, in order that you could have God’s Own Words (and the keys to their understanding delivered by The Christ, Jesus) at your disposal. Among those words is God’s Own promise to raise up a Great Nation of the Line of Ishmael, Abraham’s first-born son. That “Rise” of Islam would bring to power a counterbalance to The Crusades, which were about the expansion of that power structure that forbade, under penalty of death, Bible possession by the masses. So that Muslims must be included in those who perished to carry The Holy Bible to you across time and space to when Mankind had reached the “Age of Reason”: when We could put aside “Childish Things” like “Winged” Angels that do not appear in the Bible text, but are apparitions sold by snake oil salesmen who have now seen Daniel and Isaiah justified before their own eyes in this very newspaper and God Glorified by it, and still, it would appear, they refuse even to investigate for themselves. These Bible “Words” from God were delivered to you, at the sacrifice of so many, so that, more than Moses himself, you could metaphorically see God “FACE TO FACE” through the proof of His Words and His prophecies now fulfilled. Three religions with three crosses to bear as acted out at Jesus’ Crucifixion. Nearly every American home once held a copy of King James Version of “The Holy Bible” in preparation for and anticipation of these very days, but the blindness of clergy has misled those who still look for God in Churches that dare not offend those paying the tithe, and their hypocrisy before God has disenchanted our young until they have looked to false gods. They see the Bible as an old storybook, not unlike Harry Potter or Star Wars and so WE have lost our way. But the “Battle” has always been and remains between those who protect the Word of God and those who would usurp or disenfranchise or deny those Words in an attempt to see themselves worshiped as gods and, or to rule as gods. Among the words written in “Fight Club 2.0” are the words that would defeat ISIL and yet, with 18 churches represented in The Blue Mountain Eagle’s advertising, I have seen no evidence that any have chosen “Reason” as the cure for the World. None have taught you that since President Nixon dropped the “Gold Standard” our currency’s “Value” rests solely on American Taxpayers’ willingness to pay those taxes; making the “Interest” you pay to borrow money an extortion against the have- nots by those who have: when “Usury” (the original word for interest) is forbidden in The Bible. And so the fruits of the labors of my generation, and the inheritance of America itself, have been given over to corruption. Nor were you made aware of those who deceive you into thinking they worship The God of Abraham and His Word The Bible, when they do not. For these reasons and more, it was written that all the “power of the holy people” would be scattered by the truth. Moreover, it falls to you. You who have abandoned your hope and trust and “Faith” in God and His Word because you have been disillusioned by the misguided; you who have been taught that your “Free Will” extends to whether or not you may “Worship” THE ONE TRUE GOD, or reject Him for other gods: it falls to you to seek Him out in His Word, because this is the misguided fear of God taught as a precept of men that Isaiah spoke of and I paid to print for you before. Look up that 7/20/16 paper on the web and see what awaits you if you refuse to “Reason” with your enemies in a Universe that exists exclusively as a result of the sheer “WILL” of GOD to gather “E” together at the Speed of Light Squared. “I AM THAT I AM” Him declared and while “Grace” still exists as the only avenue for mere mortals to find salvation and a place in the “Afterlife” at “The Second Resurrection”, the “grace period” is over for shopping the god or gods of your choice. The proof is revealed and the sides are being taken in the battle over which “Spirit” will rule in Heaven: that “Sweet Spot” between the waters above and the waters below. This “Nanny State” and its objectives in opposition to Free Will have been known from the beginning and God’s plan promises “and the meek shall inherit the Earth” from the Mighty Men. The Battle for Heaven described in Revelation is described in the past tense as one might relate the story of a “Star Trek” episode that one has seen but that takes place in the future. John saw visions of the future and related them in the past tense where he saw them. But this is the introduction to “The Book of Revelation” (and remember, a thousand years is like a day to the Lord and Jesus rose on the third day): 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants who stands up for the sanctity of the Union of these Fifty States and against the looting of its job market by foreign invaders. Hypocrites, who hold harmless those who employ “Illegals” and champion such workers by virtue of their “Hard Work”, when it is the construct of the thief and the “Fence” in collusion, which is truly in play: and the list goes on and on. The Constitution has a “Bill of Rights”: rights given to Americans by Men. The Declaration of Independence spoke of God Given Unalienable Rights, but the US Supreme Court has ruled that that document is not binding, leaving your rights Man Made and vulnerable to Men. While applying for a simple part-time job recently, I was told I must submit to being fingerprinted and my prints entered into a national database. I perceive it to be the mark of the Beast of Revelations. It is the mark once taken with ink upon the hand, that marks the forehead metaphorically for surrendering one’s mind to the notion that they will trade away their God Given Rights, and their faith in that One True God to deliver them, for sustenance: “Esau’s Pottage”. Next it will be your DNA. If you will not seek the “Proof” that God “Is” then you will surely lose what few rights you have left. This is the nostalgia for the old ways that Americans are unable to articulate and immigrants are unable to understand. Where once We were a Christian Nation that went so far as to put our selves at the back of the “Affirmative Action Line” to right the wrongs of the past and do unto others as we would have them do unto us, now young White Males who ask to once again be included, are labeled as “Racists” or “Sexists”. things which must shortly come to The Holy Bible as translated for King pass ; and he sent and signified it by his angel James and The Revised Standard Edition (1952) unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Rev 1:1-3 (KJV) Now that you know where Heaven is and when the Battle for it is to come, as a member of “The Host of Heaven”, your time to make your choice is come. When the Bible says Jesus never saw the corruption of the grave, it is referring to the deterioration of the flesh. The word corruption is also used to indicate the deterioration of the Spirit: the “Angel” of a person, the Spirit of a people and of institutions and of Nations. There are no fences to sit on in this “The First Resurrection”, which is of the Spirit of Mankind from it’s corrupted Spirit (dead in Christ) to one transformed to a resurrected Spirit with Christ as its model of “Hero Worship” (The Living “Body of Christ”). There are only those who are ready to “Reason” and put forth the effort to do so and those who refuse to put away their childish ways. So don’t complain. It’s no longer someone else’s fault that the world is the way it is. It has become yours. We used to say that if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain. No matter who won yesterday, the “Machinery” was unchanged. Where there was once a great Nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the principle that All Men Are Created Equal, there is now only corruption and the struggle over money and power. Where there was once equity and equality there are only unaccountable Governors and the un-forgiven Governed. The Oregon State Supreme Court has “Found” that taxpayers may not renegotiate the 7 ½ % interest rate State Retirees negotiated for themselves when, presumably, those Judges will retire as beneficiaries of that exclusive club. While at the same time Democrats in the western half of the State vote to include ten or twenty million illegal immigrants, many of whom will become beneficiaries to the “General Fund” known as Social Security, which has no guarantees negotiated into its future on behalf of its recipients by bureaucrats who, likewise, built a separate “Federal Fund” for themselves, even as they sold out the “working” have-nots. Hypocrites, who rally to the aid of their unions out of self interest while disparaging as “Racist” anyone is in some ways like a treasure map in reverse. To find the “X” that marks the spot on a treasure map, one mu know the location of the starting point on the map. In the case of The Bible, one must first understand that the “X” of Heaven on Earth is found between the waters above and the waters below to find the path laid out on the map. The “Battle for Heaven” ends with the great deceptions of the world, (metaphorically know as “The Great Deceiver: Satan”) cast out of Heaven and into the (metaphorical) “Bottomless Pit” for a thousand years. The first prototype of a Nation of Laws without kings and lords was not Greek. God gave it to the Hebrews but they fell back and pleaded to God for a king. The Founding Fathers gave credit to God for their successes in their revolt against oppression, but we have failed to protect our inheritance as well. Galilee translates: “Revolution”. Jesus “came out of Galilee” as prophesied, to demonstrate that the path to “Free Will” in the “Age of Reason” is “Revolution”. He went to His death without a fight to show that the evolution of Christian revolt must lead to His path of “Peaceful Revolution”. He is the Resurrection and the Light (energy in motion). He sent His “Angel” to John to show you these very days. The knowledge and insights, which cast the light of the “Unsealing” laid out in “The Book of Answers”, are broad and deep. Like the river Jordan, a People wishing to enter The Promised Land must make the journey to the other side together. It requires a “group” of participants to help one another understand and cover all the material. It is the role of the Church, which the “Learned” have turned away from. That’s why you young people need to form “Fight Club(s) version 2.0”, which is the non-violent version, and “put away childish things” (like war, which is the Trojan Horse of Black Government) if you hope to escape “The Sword” of God, as I have no other words to offer to convince you to look, that you may see. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Isaiah 1:17-20 (KJV) PAID FOR BY RUSS DENTON