News & Opinion C OPS & C OURTS Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law en- forcement agencies. Every ef- fort is made to report the court disposition of arrest cases. Circuit Court CANYON CITY — The Grant County Circuit Court reported the following ines and judgments: • Derek Michael Mason Cole, 33, pleaded guilty to second-degree burglary com- mitted on or about April 28. He was sentenced to prison for 18 months and post-pris- on supervision for one year, and ined $557.55. He plead- ed guilty to second-degree criminal mischief committed on or about April 28, and was sentenced to prison for 90 days, to be concurrent with all previously imposed sentenc- es. The court dismissed one count of second-degree crim- inal mischief. Grant County Sheriff CANYON CITY — The Grant County Sheriff’s Ofice LETTERS Continued from Page A4 Federal government bullying states To the Editor: On May 13, (President Barack Obama) King Obama issued a decree that every public school in the nation is to accommodate transgender students. Boys who identify as girls and vice versa must be al- lowed to use the bathrooms, locker rooms and shower stalls of their choosing. And they must also be allowed to play on the sports teams of their choosing. This is one more example where King Obama bypasses Congress to make a sweeping decree that takes away the rights of privacy and safety of our citizens. In this case, it puts our teenage girls at risk in the name of “political cor- rectness.” And this is not all. School districts that dare to defy the administration’s directive will face lawsuits and lose millions of dollars in federal funding. In the case of North Car- olina standing up to King Obama, the Obama adminis- tration responded by giving them only three days to con- form to their decree or face losing federal funding for education and threatening the potential of withholding fed- eral transportation funding as well. Where is the outrage about a federal government that be- lieves it can bully states into doing anything they want without congressional ap- proval? John Russell Salem FACEBOOKERS: Become an Eagle fan today! Go to: MyEagleNews reported the following for the week of May 13-19: • Concealed handgun li- censes: 7 • Average inmates: 14 • Bookings: 10 • Releases: 12 • Arrests: 1 • Citations: 3 • Fingerprints: 9 • Civil papers: 30 • Warrants processed: 3 • Asst./welfare check: 2 • Search and Rescue: 1 • Four juveniles were cited on May 9 for second-degree criminal trespass in Prairie City. • Megan Long, 23, John Day, was cited on May 16 for driving uninsured and operat- ing without proper exhaust. • Jordan Downing, 18, Canyon City, was cited on May 16 for purchasing or at- tempting to purchase alcohol- ic beverages by a minor. Justice Court CANYON CITY — The Grant County Justice Court reported the following ines and judgments: • Exceeding maximum width: Leslie Woodworth, 67, Prairie City, May 3, ined $110. • Violation of the basic rule: Charlotte Gay Doughar- ity, 70, Mt. Vernon, 70/55 zone, May 7, ined $135. • Dog as a public nuisance: Arden T. Eby, 82, Canby, April 23, ined $260. • Charles R. Hunt Jr. was found guilty of probation vi- olation, and sentenced to 10 days in jail and ined $85. Small Claims • Quick Collect Inc. v. Raelynn Cearns. Money judg- ment awarded to Quick Col- lect Inc. for $241. Dispatch John Day dispatch worked 166 calls during the week of May 16-22. Along with the various trafic warnings, trespassing, injured animals, noise complaints and juvenile complaints, these calls includ- ed: • John Day Police: May 16: Cited a Prairie What is going on? Sad to lose To the Editor: ‘squaw’ names, What is going on?! I hear that there are memories two meetings of the Blue Mountains Forest Part- ners, one that is published with an agenda and one that meets before the pub- lished one, and it doesn’t have a published agenda. This has the appearance of being a secret meeting and the one where the real work is being done. This then has the ap- pearance of the public meeting being only a sham meeting to make it look like they are an open organization. How can you trust the Blue Mountains Forest Partners to have the in- terests of the good peo- ple of Grant County at heart? This effectively locks the public out of their meetings where the real work is being done, and only what they want you to hear is what you get at the public meeting. Am I the only one that sees the appearance of it this way? If anyone has the an- swers to what is going on, please let me know. I also want to thank the voters of Grant County for making your voices heard. This is wonderful. Nicky A. Sprauve Public Forest Commissioner No. 2 Canyon City To the Editor: I am weighing in late on the “Squaw” issue. Words change meanings over time. Not too long ago, “gay” meant a happy person. Not so anymore. I could name some other words that now have different meanings. I am almost positive that by the time landmarks in the West, and probably most other places, were named “Squaw,” the word meant a female Na- tive American. I ind it really sad that with the new names given these places, the mem- ory of these women are going to be forgotten. Many of them were the wives of trappers that opened up this country we now call home. It also bothers me that some of the new names being given to “squaw” landmarks can’t even be pronounced by the av- erage person and maybe not by quite a few of the Native Amer- icans. English is the common language understood by most everyone. It makes better sense to use that language. Sandra Sutton John Day County elections To the Editor: The old council is losing its stack. Gone and not coming back. W. Toop Canyon City 3 34 3 33333333 3333333 33334333 3333333333 33333333 33333 3 333333333 3 333333333 3 333333333 3 333333333 3 333333333 3 33333  3­3€ acebook “FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED, THANK YOU! ” JOHN DAY RIVER VETERINARY CENTER 59989 Hwy. 26, John Day • 541-932-4428 Colleen Robertson, DVM Laura Meadows DVM Christopher Kelly, DVM City woman for allowing a dog to be a nuisance; theft of a canopy reported on South Canyon Boulevard. May 17: Theft reported in Prairie City. May 20: Report of a bee box stolen at Les Schwab in John Day. • Grant County Sheriff: May 17: Arrested a person for an assault at the rock pit. May 18: Break-in reported in Seneca. May 19: Theft of service reported at Clyde Holliday State Park near Mt. Vernon. May 20: Verbal domestic reported at Humbolt Elemen- tary in Canyon City. • John Day ambulance: May 16: Responded for a 58-year-old woman who fell and was unresponsive. May 17: Paged for some- one with a leg infection. May 18: Responded for a 78-year-old woman with ab- dominal pain. May 19: Paged for a man with dificulty breathing. May 22: Responded for a 71-year-old woman. Protect our children To the Editor: As you have probably heard, President Barack Hussein Obama is forcing states to enact the trans- gender bathroom law. He is trying to extort states by threatening to pull pub- lic school funding from the states that do not comply. The leaders of North Carolina and Texas are not going to comply to this will- ful act of violating consti- tutional law in regards to a state’s choice in implement- ing federal laws. Despite this, Obama is still pushing to get every state to adhere to his newest law. Obama has forced the Texas Department of Crim- inal Justice to enact a simi- lar law where a man/woman can claim to be, mentally, of the opposite sex and get placed on a unit that hous- Wednesday, May 25, 2016 A5 Refuge occupier arrested in Mt. Vernon pleads guilty to theft Maximum sentence: 10 years, $250,000 By Sean Hart Blue Mountain Eagle After initially plead- ing not guilty in March, Scott Alan Willing- ham changed his plea to guilty on a theft charge related to the occupation of the Mal- heur National Wildlife Refuge. In U.S. District Court in Portland May 12, Willingham, 49, Lead- ville, Colorado, pleaded guilty to theft of govern- ment property in excess of $1,000, which carries a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. es members of the oppo- site sex. Over 50 percent of TDCJ funding comes from the federal government. This executive law will make it possible for a man or a woman to enter into the restrooms of the opposite sex. It is quite obvious that Obama does not care about the safety of our children. Who is going to stop a pe- dophile or a rapist from say- ing that mentally they are a woman, just so they can gain access to women or young girls? I fear the worst on this scenario, and it has made me fearful for my own chil- dren. This is a real possibili- ty! If you want to keep your children safe, say no to this In the s i g n e d plea, Will- ingham admitted he “did k n o w - Scott Alan ingly aid Willingham and abet another to steal” federal gov- ernment cameras in mid-January during the refuge occupation. U.S. District Court Judge Anna J. Brown ordered that Willingham remain in custody until sentencing, which she set for Sept. 23. Willingham was taken into custody on a federal warrant af- ter being arrested by a Grant County Sheriff’s Office deputy the eve- ning of March 16 in Mt. Vernon. abominable law. Write to your leaders in Oregon, tell- ing them to stand up against this horrific law that has come down from our tyrant president. This law cannot stand, regardless of what ways the president tries to ex- tort us with. Morality must stand above perversion if we are ever going to make a stand for true justice and a state and country that we can be proud to call home! Write to the governor and to our congressmen, and state your unwilling- ness to allow harm to come upon your children. God bless Oregon and the Unit- ed States! Richard Shafer Childress, Texas Pro Saw Shop and a Whole Lot More 02131 Blue Mountain Eagle R ELIEF FROM R EGISTRATION The laws are changing SOON. Time to file for relief NOW. If you think you are eligible for relief, contact us for a low cost consultation. If your registration requirement is from a juvenile adjudication, you may be entitled to court-appointed counsel. Call Grant County’s full service law firm, the Law Office of Robert Raschio, today to set up an appointment at 541-575-5750. We can also assist you in a Divorce, drafting a Will or Trust and Restoration of your Gun Rights under Oregon Law. RR L AW 541-575-5750 206 S. Humbolt St. Canyon City