The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, March 30, 2016, Page A8, Image 8

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Contributed photo
Railey Namitz of John Day, a member of the Grant
County 4-H program, gets up close with the Florida
wildlife during a trip to Marine Science Camp in
Marine camp: an
‘amazing experience’
located in central Florida near
the Everglades. At the station,
I was allowed to hold a python
As a 4-H member, I was and learn the nature of how
given the opportunity to par- they came to live in Florida.
ticipate in a marine camp The next day, our group hiked
called Ocean Watch in 2013 through everglade trails. The
on the Oregon Coast. This water was so black in places
camp led me to make many that you could not even see
great friends and contacts in \RXURZQUHÀHFWLRQ9LUJLQLD
WKH + VWDWH RI¿FH 2QH RI one of our leaders, found the
those contacts, and friends, boardwalk too sketchy for her,
was Andy Hoffman. Two so she waited by the vans for
years later, Andy invited me us.
That night we had a bon-
back to another marine camp.
But this one would be in Flor- ¿UH VLOO\ VWULQJ ¿JKW DQG JRW
our food stolen by a family
ida from Feb. 14-20, 2016.
For months, this trip of raccoons. The next few
seemed very out of reach. I days were spent down at Sea
used most of my spare mo- Camp, which is located by
ments earning money for the keys of Florida. We went
my plane ticket and was also snorkeling, dissecting and en-
sponsored by the Grant Coun- joyed exploring the island. I
ty 4-H Association and Ore- learned about the ecosystems
gon Fairs Association. Once in Florida and how they differ
VFKRRO VWDUWHG WLPH ÀHZ E\ from Oregon. I now want to
Before I knew it, I was in possibly intern at Sea Camp,
Portland waiting to board and I am considering a career
my plane. Of course, being in marine biology or Exten-
P\ ¿UVW WLPH RQ D SODQH DQG sion work. I made such great
afraid of heights, I was very friends and will never forget
nervous. But everyone on the this amazing experience.
Railey Namitz is a mem-
trip, though I had never met
them beforehand, was very ber of the Sharpshooters
club, part of the Grant Coun-
kind and supportive.
While in Florida, we ty 4-H program. A senior at
stayed at a 4-H camp center. Grant Union Junior-Senior
From there, we went to the High School, she lives in
Archbold Biological Station John Day.
By Railey Namitz
To the Blue Mountain Eagle
The Eagle/Angel Carpenter
The Grant Union senior band won the March 16 Special District 4 band competition in Hermiston. Front
row, from left: Ali Chobo, McKeeley Miller, Rose Allen, Chloe Bentz and Mariah Boyd. Back row: Chase
Workman, Alyssa Hoffman, Jeffrey Hensley (back), Kohlten Jones, director Mary Ann Vidourek, (back),
Samantha Floyd, Ricky Weickum (with drum in back), Carle Wright, Sam Bentz and Connor White.
Grant Union senior band
wins district contest
The state band competition is in
May at Oregon State University.
She said the junior-senior choir
also performed well, but didn’t qual-
ify for state.
“We received good scores and
marks and comments,” she said. “I’m
By Angel Carpenter
proud of their progress as a 7 through
Blue Mountain Eagle
12 (grades) choir.”
HERMISTON — The Grant Union
senior band, led by director Mary Ann proud of the 14-piece ensemble.
“We have excellent instrumenta-
tion with many students being the
Special District 4 band competition.
“I was thrilled, and this is our only instrument on their part — each
fourth consecutive year winning,” she person is very important,” she said.
“We received a very high sight-read-
To qualify for state, a band has to ing score.”
meet certain requirements, including
playing in a certain amount of time ty Band Festival concert at 6:30 p.m.
and playing repertoire from a list pro- Wednesday, April 6, at Grant Union’s
old gym. Admission is $1.
Tri-County Band
Festival set for
March 16 in John Day
It gives kids who
play in small bands
the opportunity to play
in a 125-plus member
Mary Ann Vidourek
Band director
Band students from Weston-McE-
wen, Stanfield, Heppner, Irrigon, Riv-
erside and Grant Union will practice
all day for the event with band clini-
cian, retired Burns High School band
director Ken Peckham.
“It gives kids who play in small
bands the opportunity to play in a 125-
Blue Mountain
We would like to recognize
our great team of
professionals. Thank you
for your hard work and
Blue Mountain
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Board-Certified by the
American Board of Surgery
Strawberry Wilderness