News Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, March 30, 2016 A5 Refuge occupier arrested in Mt. Vernon indicted for stealing Willingham, from Lead- YLOOH &RORUDGR SDUWLFLSDW- HG LQ WKH RFFXSDWLRQ RI WKH 7KH UHIXJH RFFXSLHU DU- Malheur National Wildlife rested in Mt. Vernon March 5HIXJHDQGDSSHDUVLQSKRWRV ZKR WKUHDWHQHG WR VKRRW DQG YLGHRV E\ WDNHQ E\ 7KH federal agents unless jailed, Oregonian holding a camera ZDV WDNHQ LQWR IHGHUDO FXVWR- UHPRYHG IURP D XWLOLW\ SROH dy Wednesday on a charge of by LaVoy Finicum at a trans- former station near Burns Jan. VWHDOLQJIHGHUDOSURSHUW\ According to a federal 15. :LOOLQJKDP ZDV DUUHVWHG grand jury indictment, Scott $ODQ :LOOLQJKDP VWROH by a Grant County Sheriff’s FDPHUDV DQG UHODWHG HTXLS- 2I¿FH GHSXW\ WKH HYHQLQJ RI PHQWZRUWKPRUHWKDQ March 16 in Mt. Vernon. 'DQ3HUU\DQRZQHURIWKH The charge carries a maxi- Blue Mountain Lodge in Mt. mum sentence of 10 years. By Sean Hart Blue Mountain Eagle Vernon, said Willingham VKRZHG XS DW the motel of- ¿FH WKDW HYH- ning, though he had not Scott Alan been staying Willingham there. ³+H ZDON ed into the motel, into the IURQW GHVN DQG DVNHG PH WR FDOO DQG KDYH D VKHU- LII GHSXW\ FRPH RXW´ 3HUU\ VDLG ³, DVNHG KLP ZKDW LW ZDVDERXWDQGKHVDLGµ:HOO , WDONHG WR 6KHULII *OHQQ Palmer the other day. Tell WKHPP\QDPHLV6FRWW:LOO- LQJKDP DQG WKH\¶OO NQRZ ZKDWLW¶VDERXW¶´ )RUHVW6HUYLFHKRSHVWRRSHQDOO &DQ\RQ&UHHN&RPSOH[FORVXUHV by 2016 hunting season Blue Mountain Eagle $V ZHDWKHU JUDGXDOO\ WUDQVLWLRQV WR VSULQJ PHOW RII IRUHVW VWDII ZLOO UHVXPH DGGUHVVLQJ KD]DUGV ZLWKLQ WKH &DQ\RQ &UHHN &RPSOH[ closure area, according to a SUHVV UHOHDVH IURP WKH 86 Forest Service. 7KHJRDOLVWRUHRSHQWKH HQWLUH FORVXUH DUHD SULRU WR the 2016 hunting seasons. Various hazards remain ZLWKLQ WKH FORVXUH DUHD UDQJLQJ IURP ILUHZHDNHQHG trees to damaged roads, road signs and guard rails. 7KH )DZQ 6SULQJV DUHD may be the first area to have the road hazards removed DQG DFFHVV UHRSHQHG ZLWK WKH 9DQFH &UHHN DUHD OLNHO\ WRIROORZ$VURDGVLQWKH8S- SHU &DQ\RQ &UHHN 5RDG¶V End and Dry Soda Ridge areas are cleared of hazards, WKH\ ZLOO DOVR EH RSHQHG WR WKH SXEOLF$W WKLV WLPH WKH 3LQH&UHHNDQG,QGLDQ&UHHN areas on the north side of the 6WUDZEHUU\ 0RXQWDLQ UDQJH DUHH[SHFWHGWREHWKHODVWWR EHUHRSHQHG $QQRXQFHPHQWV ZLOO EH made as the closure area is UHGXFHG 7KH SXEOLF PD\ contact any Malheur Nation- DO)RUHVWRIILFHIRUXSGDWHV For more information on the Malheur National Forest, YLVLW ZZZIVXVGDJRYPDO- KHXU 86 )RUHVW 6HUYLFH Malheur National Forest on )DFHERRN #0DOKHXU1) RQ 7ZLWWHU RU FDOO WKH VXSHU- YLVRU¶V RIILFH DW 3000. Last day for studded tires is March 31 ODOT: Season won’t be extended Blue Mountain Eagle SALEM — The Oregon 'HSDUWPHQW RI 7UDQVSRUWD- tion reminds drivers to have studded tires removed from vehicles by Thursday, March 31. 7KRVH ZLWK VWXGGHG WLUHV on their vehicles after the GHDGOLQHFDQEHFKDUJHGZLWK a Class C traffic violation. 2'27 FUHZV ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR PRQLWRU URDGZD\V DQG FOHDU ODWHVHDVRQ VQRZ DQG LFHDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH'ULY- ers traveling after March VKRXOG PRQLWRU ZHDWKHU FRQGLWLRQV XVH RWKHU W\SHV of traction tires or chains or SRVWSRQHWUDYHOLIQHFHVVDU\ 7RFKHFNURDGFRQGLWLRQV at any time of year, visit ZZZ7ULS&KHFNFRP RU FDOO 511 for the latest road con- ditions. $IWHU 3HUU\ FDOOHG KH VDLG :LOOLQJKDP ZDONHG outside to the corner of High- ZD\ DQG +LJKZD\ WR ZDLWIRUDGHSXW\ $FFRUGLQJ WR D SUHVV UH- OHDVH IURP &DUSHQWHU :LOO- LQJKDPGHPDQGHGWREHWDNHQ to jail immediately and threat- ened to begin shooting federal ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DJHQWV WKH IROORZLQJ PRUQLQJ XQOHVV KH ZDVMDLOHG &DUSHQWHUVDLG:LOOLQJKDP ZDVLQSRVVHVVLRQRID6SULQJ- ¿HOG$UPRU\ DQ DVVDXOW ULÀHVW\OH ZHDSRQ DQG PRUH than 230 rounds of ammu- nition. He said Willingham stated the gun belonged to 5\DQ3D\QHZKRZDVDUUHVW- ed Jan. 26 in an Oregon State 3ROLFH DQG )%, RSHUDWLRQ RQ +LJKZD\QRUWKRI%XUQV :KHQ 3D\QH ZDV WDNHQ LQWR custody on charges related to WKH RFFXSDWLRQ :LOOLQJKDP VDLGKHWRRNWKHJXQDQGÀHG the refuge, according to Car- SHQWHU :LOOLQJKDPZDVRULJLQDOO\ arraigned on a felony charge RI XQODZIXO XVH RI D ZHDSRQ and a misdemeanor disorder- O\ FRQGXFW FKDUJH 0DUFK &DUSHQWHU VDLG D JUDQG MXU\ did not indict Willingham on those charges. ,WZDVGHWHUPLQHGKRZHYHU that Willingham had been con- victed of felony crimes — lar- FHQ\DQGWDNLQJDPRWRUYHKLFOH C OPS & C OURTS Justice Court CANYON CITY — The Grant County Justice Court UHSRUWHG WKH IROORZLQJ ¿QHV DQGMXGJPHQWV • Steven Michael Woe- KOHUW -RKQ 'D\ ZDV FRQ- YLFWHG RI GULYLQJ ZKLOH VXVSHQGHGPLVGHPHDQRU Grant County Sheriff CANYON CITY — The and driving uninsured. He Grant County Sheriff’s Of- ZDV VHQWHQFHG WR MDLO IRU ¿FH UHSRUWHG WKH IROORZLQJ KRXUV SUREDWLRQ IRU IRUWKHZHHNRI0DUFK 12 months and 25 hours of • Concealed handgun li- community service, and ¿QHG ,I RI FHQVHV WKH ¿QH LV SDLG ZLWKLQ ‡$YHUDJHLQPDWHV days and community service ‡%RRNLQJV FRPSOHWHG ZLWKLQ GD\V ‡5HOHDVHV MDLOWLPHZLOOEHVXVSHQGHG ‡$UUHVWV ‡&LWDWLRQV ‡)LQJHUSULQWV Dispatch -RKQ 'D\ GLVSDWFK ‡&LYLOSDSHUV ZRUNHGFDOOVGXULQJWKH ‡:DUUDQWVSURFHVVHG ZHHNRI0DUFK$ORQJ ‡$VVWZHOIDUHFKHFN ‡ .DWK\ 0H\HU 0W ZLWKWKHYDULRXVWUDI¿FZDUQ- Vernon, cited for violation of LQJVWUHVSDVVLQJLQMXUHGDQ- LPDOV QRLVH FRPSODLQWV DQG the basic rule, 50/30 zone. • Philomena Dutcher, 32, Prairie City, cited for GULYLQJ ZKLOH VXVSHQG- ed-violation and driving uninsured. ‡6FRWW:LOOLQJKDP Leadville, Colo., arrested for disorderly conduct. Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforcement agencies. Every effort is made to report the court disposition of arrest cases. 5RDG'HSW changes schedule Blue Mountain Eagle JOHN DAY — The Grant &RXQW\ 5RDG 'HSDUWPHQW ZRUN VFKHGXOH DQG RI¿FH KRXUVDUHQRZRSHUDWLQJRQD VSULQJVXPPHU ZRUN VFKHG- XOHDPSP0RQ- day-Thursday. 7KH FKDQJH ZDV HIIHFWLYH DVRI0DUFKZLWKWKHVWDUW of Daylight Saving Time. 7KH URDG GHSDUWPHQW LV DW /RZHU