News Blue Mountain Eagle Continued from Page A6 not beholden to any other FRXQW\RI¿FHUZKLFKLVKRZLW should be.” Facebook pages and groups in support of Palmer have more than 2,000 members and likes. Even Ammon Bundy, the leader of the refuge occupation, has voiced his support of Palmer from jail. Palmer declined to speak to OPB for this story. “I am not doing any inter- YLHZV LQ WKH SDVW SUHVHQW RU IXWXUH´ KH ZURWH LQ DQ HPDLO “and I am not likely to change my mind.” A Contentious History With Federal Agencies Palmer’s approach to the oc- cupiers is just one example of a leadership style that, for years, has set him apart from other Or- HJRQHOHFWHGRI¿FLDOV Palmer challenges federal land policies and practices, re- IXVHV WR HQIRUFH ODZV WKDW KH believes are unconstitutional DQGIRVWHUVDIROORZLQJRIVKHU- LIIHPSRZHUHGFLWL]HQGHSXWLHV ZKRUHSRUWWRKLP+H¶VSDUWRI a movement of self-described ³FRQVWLWXWLRQDO VKHULIIV´ ZKR YLHZ WKHLU SRVLWLRQ WKH KLJK- HVW H[HFXWLYH DXWKRULW\ ZLWKLQ D FRXQW\ ZLWK WKH SRZHU WR remove or bar federal agents from their jurisdiction. Palm- er is the only current Oregon VKHULIIOLVWHGDVDVVRFLDWHGZLWK the Constitutional Sheriffs and 3HDFH2I¿FHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ Palmer, a decorated Air )RUFH YHWHUDQ ZLWK PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RI ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW H[SHULHQFH KDV EHHQ LQ RI¿FH as Grant County Sheriff since 2000, and is currently running IRUUHHOHFWLRQ+HDQGKLVZLIH DUH NQRZQ LQ -RKQ 'D\ IRU hosting community Christmas dinners open to anyone and building beds made out of logs for a local charity. +LV\HDUVLQWKHVKHULII¶V seat have been unusual from RWKHUODZHQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FHUV LQDQXPEHURIZD\V/DVWIDOO KH GHSXWL]HG ORFDO FLWL]HQV WR create a document called the Grant County, Oregon Public /DQGV1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV3ODQ an effort to give him and po- tentially other county leaders PRUHVD\LQKRZIHGHUDOODQGV are managed. Palmer surprised leaders of Grant County’s gov- HUQLQJERDUGZKHQKHEURXJKW them his plan in September and asked them to adopt it. ³,¶YH HPSRZHUHG D SDQHO of 11 people to formulate this plan, and they gave it to me,” Palmer told the county judge DQGWZRFRXQW\FRPPLVVLRQHUV “I’m adopting it, and I’m here to tell you today that I’m imple- menting coordination.” The idea behind Palmer’s plan is to leverage more local say in federal land manage- PHQW E\ HPSKDVL]LQJ VRPH- thing called the “coordination clause” in federal land poli- cies — an obscure, often over- looked requirement that directs DJHQFLHVWRFRRUGLQDWHZLWKOR- cal governments. ³,ZDQWDVHDWDWWKHWDEOH´ Palmer said. “The people that I represent are not getting heard. I’m not getting heard.” The court declined to adopt the plan, said Grant County -XGJH6FRWW0\HUV ³,W ZDV LQDFFXUDWH ,W ZDV ZULWWHQ DQG DJUHHG XSRQ E\ WKHVH GHSXWL]HG LQGLYLGXDOV RXWVLGH RI DQ\ SXEOLF YLHZ RU A7 ZLWK VHDUFK DQG UHVFXH :KLOH he refused to enforce Oregon’s IRXU\HDU WHUP WKLV 1RYHPEHU Citizen Deputies public input,” Myers said. “It all Oregon counties require spe- QHZ ODZ WKDW UHTXLUHV EDFN- +LVRSSRQHQWLVIRUPHU8QGHU- Back Palmer did not involve at all a public 3DOPHUKDVGHSXWL]HGDWOHDVW cial training for search and res- ground checks for private gun VKHULII 7RGG 0F.LQOH\ ZKR SURFHVVDQGWKH\ZDQWHGXVWR in statement said he decided to WDNH LW DV RXU SODQ ,W ZDV QRW *UDQW &RXQW\ FLWL]HQV LQ- cue teams, most do not go so far sales. +HH[SODLQHGKLVVWDQFHLQD run after seeing the “audacity FOXGLQJ WKH KH GHSXWL]HG WR DVWRGHSXWL]HWKRVHYROXQWHHUV our plan.” 9DOHULH/XWWUHOOWKH-RKQ'D\ OHWWHU³ZHVKDOOWDNHQRSDUW RI LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR WKLQN WKH\ For years, Palmer has ex- GHYHORSWKHUHVRXUFHSODQ'HS- SUHVVHG IUXVWUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH uties are appointed “to do and emergency dispatch manager in investigating, responding to, can dictate the course of Grant U.S. Forest Service, tying Grant SHUIRUPDQ\DFWZKLFK3DOPHU ZKR VXEPLWWHG D IRUPDO FRP- expending resources or taxpayer &RXQW\ ZLWKRXW WKH LQSXW RI County’s economic struggles might perform as sheriff,” ac- plaint about Palmer, expressed IXQGVLQPDNLQJLVVXHZLWKGLV- DOO´0F.LQOH\FXUUHQWO\ZRUNV ZLWK WKH DJHQF\¶V ODQG PDQ- FRUGLQJWKHLUGHSXW\FHUWL¿FDWHV concern over these deputies’ DUPLQJ RI ODZ DELGLQJ FLWL]HQV as the county’s director of com- DJHPHQW+H¶VEDWWOHGZLWKWKH 6KHULIIVFDQGHSXWL]HFLWL]HQVIRU DFFHVVWRWKH/DZ(QIRUFHPHQW ZKHQWKRVHFLWL]HQVDUHH[HUFLV- munity correction. 0DOKHXU 1DWLRQDO )RUHVW RYHU various reasons, but it’s unusual 'DWD6\VWHP7KDW¶VDVWDWHZLGH ing their 4th Amendment right 7KH 'HSDUWPHQW RI -XVWLFH WKLQJVVXFKDV¿UHZRRGFXWWLQJ for them to designate “special database that includes sensitive to be secure in their personal ef- investigation could stretch be- permits and road access, and deputy” community members LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW ZDUUDQWV fects and 2nd Amendment right \RQG WKH 1RYHPEHU HOHFWLRQ )RUHVW6HUYLFHODZHQIRUFHPHQW at the rate and number as Sheriff criminal histories, license plate to bear arms.” %XWHYHQLIVWDWHUHJXODWRUVZHUH information and more. Before that, in 2013, Palm- WRUHYRNH3DOPHU¶VODZHQIRUFH- Palmer has — or even at all. patrols on county roads. In her complaint submitted er joined several other Oregon PHQWFHUWL¿FDWLRQLWZRXOGQRW “I can tell you it’s not a stan- At the county meeting sheriffs and oth- necessarily lead to him being GXULQJ ZKLFK I will not tolerate nor will I permit any federal incursion ers across the UHPRYHGIURPRI¿FH,IKHZHUH he presented States in WR SHUIRUP ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW his natural re- within the exterior boundaries of Grant County, Oregon, United VD\LQJKHZRXOG GXWLHV ZLWKRXW FHUWL¿FDWLRQ KH source plan, where any type of gun control legislation aimed at not enforce any ZRXOGEHEUHDNLQJWKHODZEXW Palmer ex- IHGHUDO ODZV LQ- only a vote by Grant County pressed frustra- disarming law abiding citizens is the goal or objective.” FUHDVLQJ¿UHDUP FLWL]HQV FRXOG IRUFH KLP IURP tion at not be- regulations. ing included in his job. And in Grant Coun- Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer ³, ZLOO QRW ty, perspectives on the sheriff Forest Service WROHUDWHQRUZLOO UHPDLQ ¿HUFHO\ GLYLGHG ZLWK management decisions that affect his ability dard practice in Oregon,” said WR '3667 /XWWUHOO VDLG WKDW LQ I permit any federal incursion both sides claiming that the Malheur County Sheriff Brian fall 2015, she asked Palmer for ZLWKLQ WKH H[WHULRU ERXQGDULHV majority of the community to conduct search and rescues. “I can’t get a meeting, I :ROIHZKRLVDOVRSUHVLGHQWRI DOLVWRISHRSOHZKRFRXOGDFFHVV RI*UDQW&RXQW\2UHJRQZKHUH DJUHHVZLWKWKHP any type of gun control legis- FDQ¶WJHWDQDQVZHU,FDQ¶WJHW the Oregon State Sheriffs’ As- the database. “Our sheriff is probably /XWWUHOO VDLG 3DOPHU ID[HG ODWLRQ DLPHG DW GLVDUPLQJ ODZ the greatest asset the people a document from these people,” sociation. “I can’t think of any other sheriff that’s doing it at the D KDQGZULWWHQ UHVSRQVH WR KHU DELGLQJ FLWL]HQV LV WKH JRDO RU — the actual people — have,” Palmer said. memo: “Anyone that I depu- REMHFWLYH´3DOPHUZDUQHG9LFH VDLG 7DG +RXSW DQRWKHU RQH But the supervisor of the current time.” 0DOKHXU 1DWLRQDO )RUHVW 266$ ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU WL]H´/XWWUHOODVNHGIRUDOLVWRI 3UHVLGHQW -RH %LGHQ LQ D of Palmer’s deputies. Steve Beverlin, said it’s Palm- and former Curry County sheriff deputies, but said Palmer has letter. “We live in a free society “Is he here to protect us?” DQG¿UHDUPVRZQHUVKLSDQGWKH VDLG UHWLUHH 0DUN &HUQ\ ZKR HU ZKR UHIXVHV WR FRPH WR -RKQ%LVKRSVDLGWKDWLQKLVFD- never provided such a list. *RUGRQ /DUVRQ WKH UHWLUHG right to defend ones self from EHOLHYHV LW ZDV LQDSSURSULDWH the table. In four years of at- UHHUKHFDQUHPHPEHUGHSXWL]- tempts, Beverlin said, Palmer LQJRQO\RQHFLWL]HQWRKHOSZLWK area commander for Oregon becoming a victim of a crim- IRU 3DOPHU WR PHHW ZLWK WKH has never agreed to a meeting. patrol at the annual county fair. State Police, sees a problem inal act or from a far reaching militants from the refuge. “I Beverlin said he’s even sent 7KDW SHUVRQ ZDV D UHWLUHG ODZ ZLWK3DOPHU¶VSUDFWLFHRIGHSX- government attempting to enact don’t think so. I think he’s here WL]LQJVXSSRUWHUV ODZVWKDWDUHXQFRQVWLWXWLRQDO´ his requests to get together via HQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FHU RQVRPHW\SHRIKLVRZQDJHQ- ³:KHQ \RX VWDUW GHSXWL]LQJ FHUWL¿HG PDLO EXW WKH VKHULII Sproul, one of Palmer’s da that I don’t understand.” Up For Re-Election did not respond. deputies, said that he and oth- people under the auspices of Dave Blanchard contribut- 3DOPHULVUXQQLQJIRUD¿IWK ed to this report. In 2011, Palmer ended a HUV ZLWK DQ LQWHUHVW LQ QDWXUDO DFWLQJXQGHUWKHFRORURIODZVR ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW FRQWUDFW UHVRXUFH LVVXHV ZHUH GHSXWL]HG that they can do certain things ZLWK WKH 0DOKHXU 1DWLRQDO “to be eyes and ears of the sher- or obtain certain objectives, Forest that funded his office LII´6RLIWKH\VDZSRDFKLQJRU WKHQ \RX¶YH XVXUSHG WKH ODZ´ to the tune of thousands of other illegal activity, they could VDLG/DUVRQZKROLYHVLQ*UDQW County. “We can’t be so cav- dollars per year. In a Blue alert Palmer. ³:HZHUHQRWWKHUHDVODZHQ- DOLHU ZLWK RXU DXWKRULW\ DV ODZ Mountain Eagle report that year, the sheriff said he IRUFHPHQW´6SURXOVDLG³-XVWLI enforcement.” Summer Youth Conservation Crew Jobs Are Now Open planned to make up lost rev- ZH¶YHVHHQVRPHWKLQJWRUHSRUW with the North Fork John Day Watershed Council! HQXH ZLWK PRQH\ PDGH E\ it to the sheriff, especially in re- Gun Rights Activist LVVXLQJFRQFHDOHGZHDSRQOL- gards to access, roads, road clo- A staunch Second Amend- • Hiring young adults 14 & up in Grant County censes. Palmer sees himself sures, stuff like that.” ment activist, Palmer has also • Crew members will help with a variety of natural resource ³QRWILJKWLQJZLWKWKHIHGHU- But the duties of special dep- opted not to implement certain projects al government. In my opin- uties are not spelled out in their JXQODZV,QIRUH[DPSOH • New opportunities and skill levels ion I’m defending the people DSSRLQWPHQW FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG To apply, stop by our office in Long Creek that I serve.” That’s from his that vagueness is a source of 2012 speech at a Constitu- anxiety for some county leaders. (691 Hwy 395 N.) tional Officers and Peace ³,W¶V DOZD\V ZRUULHG PH´ or visit Officers Association event VDLG*UDQW&RXQW\-XGJH0\HUV Call 541-421-3018 for information ZKHUHKHZDVUHFRJQL]HGDV ³,W¶V UHDOO\ KDUG WR JXHVV ZKDW “ Looking for an Adventure This Summer? “Constitutional Sheriff of the Year.” “I’ve pretty much start- HG GRLQJ ZKDW ,¶P GRLQJ RQ P\RZQ´3DOPHUVDLGRIKLV approach to federal agencies. ³,MXVWJRWWRDSRLQWZKHUH, ZDVWLUHGRIVHHLQJRXUHFRQ- omy and our communities WXUQLQWRJKRVWWRZQVDQGWKH public lands being shut off for no reason at all.” [Palmer] considers their authori- W\ZKHQLWFRPHVGRZQWRLW&DQ they tell somebody to get on the ground and put their hands up? That’s spooky stuff.” Myers also said he’s never seen Palmer deploy deputies in a ZD\WKDWVHHPHGLQDSSURSULDWH 3DOPHU ZRXOG QRW UHVSRQG to questions about his special deputy force, but some of the residents on his list are involved The Wheeler County Stockgrowers, BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE PG-13 Batman takes on the Man of Steel, while the world wrestles with what kind of hero it really needs. FRI-SUN (12:45) (4:00) 7:30 MON-THURS (12:45) (4:00) 7:00 MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 2 PG-13 Portokalos family secret brings the characters back together for an even bigger and Greeker wedding. FRI & SAT (12:45) (4:20) 7:20 9:40 SUNDAY (1:10) (4:20) 7:20 MON-THURS (12:45) (4:20) 7:20 DIVERGENT SERIES: ALLEGIANT, PT. 1 R After the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris must escape with Four beyond the wall that encircles Chicago to finally discover the shocking truth of what lies behind it. FRI & SAT (12:45) (4:10) 7:00 9:35 (1:10) (4:10) 7:00 SUNDAY MON-THURS (12:45) (4:20) 7:10 $9 Adult, $7 Senior (60+), Youth 03619 DOJ Wednesday, March 23, 2016 03597 in conjunction with OSU/Wheeler County Extension, will host a Stockgrowers Spring Meeting on Friday, March 25, at the Spray Grange, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM. This meeting will convene local stockgrowers encouraging them to bring their ideas for the group’s revitalization. Officer elections and planning for the upcoming year will occur. Please bring your ideas and input. The evening will consist of a complimentary tri-tip dinner, door prizes and great conversation with friends and neighbors. We will host Cari Wade, DVM who will speak on vaccinations, disease, and the importance of pre-weaning conditioning. Please contact Amy Derby, Wheeler County Extension agent at (541) 763-4115 with questions or to RSVP for the event . NO ONE KNOWS YOUR EQUIPMENT BETTER. Your AGCO Parts Dealer has the parts you need when you need them. 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