The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, January 13, 2016, Page A6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
John Day
Alma Joslin
JOHN DAY — On Jan.
4, we had approximately 32
diners enjoying a lunch of
chicken and dumplings with
black-eyed pea salad. For
dessert we had fruited Jell-O
with oatmeal cookies. Off to
a great start for the new year.
Marianne Morris and Bil-
lie Bullard greeted us. Karen
Bailey led the flag salute,
and Ben Luethe asked the
blessing. Karen and Mary
Miles, representing the Blue
Mountain Hospital Auxiliary
Board, delivered 19 meals,
as well as 24 frozen ones
to shut-ins. Veanne Weddle
helped them with the deliv-
eries. Karen and Mary were
also our servers.
Veanne didn’t have any
announcements, but she said
she didn’t know whether or
not to believe the kitchen
crew. They told her it was
national “Thank God it’s
Monday” day. That is a new
one on me.
Lisa Miller joined us for
lunch, first time in a long
time. Also I think Fred and
Shilo Ostberg have been in
before, but it was good to see
them again.
Karen Barrietua won the
Len’s Drug gift certificate,
and Debbie Lambeth won
the free meal.
I really have had a se-
nior week. Ron and Rober-
ta Dowse invited me to go
with them to Monument
Senior Center for lunch on
Tuesday. We had a wonder-
ful lunch and a wonderful
time of fellowship. They are
a great bunch of people. On
Wednesday, Karen Barriet-
ua invited me to go to the
Prairie City Senior Center
for another wonderful day.
Grant County is so fortunate
to have so many wonderful
senior centers and the peo-
ple that frequent them. I felt
very welcome at both places.
Enough about me. Thurs-
day, Jan. 7, we had approxi-
mately 56 people dining on
porcupine meatballs, mashed
potatoes, gravy, vegetable
medley and dinner rolls. For
dessert we had our monthly
birthday cake made and dec-
orated by Chester’s bakery
and donated by Driskill Me-
morial and Blue Mountain
Hospice. Very good meal.
The entrée was furnished by
Tootie Cernazanu in memory
of her late husband, Jim.
Thank you to everyone for
their donations. We couldn’t
do it without you. Pam Durr,
Everett King and Joan and
Joe Tayles also delivered
22 meals. They represented
the Church of the Nazarene
and were also our servers.
Serving were Adele Wilson,
Tracy Andrews, Roseanne
Palmer, Vicki Harris, Dale
Stennett and Gina Leigh.
This was their first time
serving, but they did a great
job, as if they had done it a
hundred times. Tracy led the
flag salute, and Dale asked
the blessing. Welcome, you
guys, and thank you to all
our servers. One person I
always forget to mention is
Don Porter, who washes the
silverware every time we
have a lunch. Thank you for
your faithfulness, Don. We
really appreciate you.
Veanne announced the
local Red Cross DAT team
will hold a preparedness fair
some time in February. It
will cover flooding prepa-
rations. They are asking for
donations of goodies for the
fair. For more information or
to donate call Paula Long at
The card players joined
us, and we also had some
other guests. Betty Starr and
her husband were joined by a
friend, Mike Marcucci from
Mt. Vernon. Heather Rook-
stool also joined us, bringing
her grandparents, Nicky and
Gene Essex from John Day.
Susan Fowle won the
Chester’s Thriftway gift
certificate, and Roseanne
Palmer won the free meal
for two. Thursday, Jan. 14,
we will have chicken divan
with rice, and Monday, Jan.
18, we will be served navy
beans and ham.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There
is a time for everything, a
season for every activity un-
der heaven.”
Soo Yukawa
night, the sky has been so
clear that the stars have been
exceptionally beautiful and
bright. The last time I saw
stars like this in the city
was when I was little. I love
how I live in such a place
where I can look and gaze
at the stars without the in-
terference of bright city
lights. People in the city
don’t know what they are
missing. I want to have a
platform made so that my
family and I can lay there at
night and watch the shoot-
ing stars and try and name
the constellations. God’s
creation and handiwork just
takes my breath away.
I was craving pie this
past week, so I made two
blueberry pies. We ate all
but one piece so far. I think
I shall finish it off very soon
after a lunch. I don’t nor-
mally eat pies, but for some
reason I had a hankering for
pie really badly. Ah, there
is nothing better than to be
able to satisfy a food crav-
ing, for a foodie that is.
We had a most delicious
meal prepared for us by
our wonderful chefs, Terry
Cade and Carrie Jewell, on
Jan. 5. They made us self-
serve Mexican burritos with
all the fixings. We also had
cookies and sliced peach-
es for dessert. Our greeters
were Bob Blakeslee, Bo-
dean Andersen and Marva
Walker. Bob led the flag
salute. Bodean made the an-
nouncements and prayed the
blessing over our meal. Kar-
en Stubblefield won the
Len’s Drug gift card. Jack
Cavendar and Pam Calah-
an won free meals. We had
visitors from John Day join
us for lunch, Chris Labhart,
Veanne Weddle, Alma Jos-
lin, and Ron and Roberta
Dowse. Ron will be giving
his AARP driving course on
Tuesday. March 15. We had
49 guests and seven take-
We have a beautiful quilt
that was made and donated
by Charlotte Brody of Bak-
er City to the Senior Center
to be given away by a raf-
fle. There is also a chocolate
basket to be raffled off. The
chocolate basket will be raf-
fled to a winner on Tuesday,
Feb. 9, just in time for Val-
entine’s Day. An assortment
of sweet goodies would be
just the thing to give to that
special someone in your life,
wink. You may purchase raf-
fle tickets for a chance of
winning these items. Tickets
are $1 each or six tickets for
$5. All proceeds will go to
the Senior Center’s general
funds. You don’t have to be
present to win.
We had a great home bas-
ketball game on Jan. 8. Both
our girls and boys teams
won their games. Great job,
kids! Go Tigers!
Isaiah 40:26 “Lift up
your eyes on high, And be-
hold who hath created these
things, That bringeth out
their host by number: He
calleth them all by names By
the greatness of his might,
for that he is strong in pow-
er; Not one faileth.”
Prairie Hardware & Gifts.
salute, and Jack Retherford
asked the blessing. Our vol-
unteer servers included Mar-
jean Koser, Carla Wright,
Ginger Kendall and Fran
Bunch. They served apple
juice, baby lima bean and
ham soup, baked potatoes,
corn bread and chocolate
Lorna and Kellyn brought
Dorothy Blasing, Lois Hill,
Marilyn Randall and Dolli-
na Humphreys from Blue
Mountain Care Center.
Have you had your ses-
going around? Another one
of those weird ones, I hear. I
have managed to avoid it, so
far (knock on wood).
The Easter Ensemble will
be starting practice at 6:30
Prairie City
p.m. on Monday, Jan. 11, at
Grace Chapel. So if you miss
Rose Coombs
Monday. It also looks like
we’ll have enough hands to
PRAIRIE CITY — Yes! do some choir chimes for the
We did it! The Prairie City “Evening of Entertainment”
Senior Citizens are now the in April. If you want to join in
proud owners of the historic on that, practices will be from
Strawberry Grange property. 9-10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays
A public thanks to those who at the Senior Center in Prairie
in years past donated enough City. It is very good exercise!
money to be able to do this.
In 1915, the average US
And everybody concerned is wage was 25 cents an hour.
happy. I introduced the Site Sugar cost 4 cents a pound.
Council members and com- Eggs were 14 cents a doz-
municated that if there were en. Coffee was 15 cents a
any problems or items that pound. The U.S. flag had
needed to be addressed, bring 45 stars. The population of
them to one of the board Las Vegas was 30. The local
members, not me. Next prob- drug store sold marijuana,
lem is to get the rest of the heroin, morphine and gas-
utilities in our name. If you oline. The tallest structure
need to rent the building, call in the world was the Eiffel
Tower. What will the next
We had 79 names on the 100 years bring?
Psalm 37:37 “Consider
meal of the new year. Gary the blameless, observe the
Jacobson was the winner of upright; there is a future for
the $5 in trade donated by the man of peace.”
Church Services In Grant County
Sunday School..............................9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service .............. 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service................6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895