Classifieds Blue Mountain Eagle Continued from A12 Employment Employment Employment Announcement Employment ^LSJVTL,_JLSSLU[ ILULÄ[WHJRHNL including 401K, $4,000 signing bonus, $2,500 relocation L_WLUZLZ4HRLH 2-year commitment HUKYLJLP]L to pay down your student loans. Shifts HYLVUVɈVU HUKVɈ;OL hourly wage is $25.14 to $37.98, +6,,,_JLSSLU[ ILULÄ[WHJRHNL including 401K. Apply online and upload resume at communitycoun- Position open until ÄSSLK,,6 __________________ Support Specialists in our John Day facilities. This position is an on call position and `V\OH]L[VILHISL to work all shifts PUJS\KPUNNYH]L`HYK The weekly hours ^PSS]HY`:[HY[PUN wage is $11.42 per hour. Also hiring a -\SS;PTL]VJH[PVUHS position, with health ILULÄ[Z]HJH[PVU and retirement. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to WT8\HSPÄLK applicants must be 18 years of age or older, pass a background JOLJRHUKOH]LH ]HSPK6YLNVUKYP]LY»Z license. Apply at the Canyon City ,TWSV`TLU[6ɉJL 120 S. Washington, Canyon City or at our Vocational Site at 27877 Apple Rd, John Day, OR. KJDY Sundays 7 - 8 a.m. on the internet. Go to www.MyEaster- Call me at 541-620-4255 and tell me how I sound and I’ll say “Hi, howdy, how Community Counseling :VS\[PVUZPZHJ JVYWVYH[PVU ZLY]PUN6YLNVUPU Gilliam, Grant, Lake, Morrow, Sherman, and Wheeler Counties. We are currently recruiting for a 9LNPZ[LYLK Nurse[VWYV]PKL ZLY]PJLZ[V PUKP]PK\HSZ^P[O ZL]LYLTLU[HS illness at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center in John Day. 8\HSPÄLKHWWSPJHU[Z T\Z[OH]LH]HSPK Oregon Registered Professional Nurse’s license at the time VMOPYLOVSKH]HSPK ODL and pass a criminal history background check. New Grads are Step Forward (J[P]P[PLZOHZ immediate openings for Respite Community Grant County Meetings WEDNESDAY, Jan. 13 WT¶:LUPVYZ4LHS7YVNYHT at the Prairie City Senior Center, Prairie City. WT¶>VTLU»Z:\WWVY[, by Heart of Grant County, for KVTLZ[PJ]PVSLUJLZ\Y]P]VYZ-YLLS\UJO !WT¶.YHU[VTLU»ZZ[LW9LJV]LY`, John Day Church of the Nazarene. 541-620-0065. !WT¶.YHU[*V\U[`:[VJRNYV^LYZ, Keerins Hall. WT¶4VU\TLU[:JOVVS)VHYK, high school. WT¶1VOU)PYJO:VJPL[`, Grant County Chapter, Mt. Vernon. 541-932-4547. FRIDAY, Jan. 15 WT¶*HU[VU:[YLL[1VOU+H` WT¶>OPZRL`.\SJO.HUN, Sels Brewery, Canyon City. 541-575-0329. SATURDAY, Jan. 16 HTUVVU¶6SKYLJ`JSPUNJLU[LYPU7YHPYPL*P[`, accepts glass for crushing. WT¶6YLNVU56943,HZ[ZPKL*OHW[LY, Long Creek. Community Hall. 541-620-0768. WT¶)PUNVHUKWV[S\JR, Mt. Vernon Community Hall, corner of Ingle and Cottonwood streets. SUNDAY, Jan. 17 -\U1HT, musicians and listeners welcome for bluegrass, gospel and traditional country western music. Call for time and location, 541-575-1927. MONDAY, Jan. 18 HT¶.YHU[*V\U[`:LUPVY:P[L*V\UJPS, John Day Senior Center, 142 N.E. Dayton St., John Day. 5VVU¶:LUPVYZ4LHS7YVNYHT, John Day Senior Center, 142 N.E. Dayton St. 541-575-1825. WT¶4[=LYUVU=VS\U[LLY-PYL+LWHY[TLU[, 541-932- 4688. WT¶+H`]PSSL=VS\U[LLY-PYL+LWHY[TLU[ÄYLOHSS !WT¶6\[SH^.YV\WVM(SJVOVSPJZ(UVU`TV\Z, Presbyterian Church in Mt. Vernon. 541-932-4844. TUESDAY, Jan. 19 HT¶:[VY`/V\YHUKJYHM[WYVQLJ[, Grant County Library, for preschoolers 0-6 years old. 541-575-1992. WT¶:LUPVYZ4LHS7YVNYHT at the Monument Senior Center. WT¶-VVK)HURHUKº:V\W»Z6U»*VTT\UP[`4LHS, Teen Center, Front Street, Prairie City. 541-820-3696. !WT¶*HU`VU*P[`*P[`*V\UJPS, City Hall. WT¶>H[LYZOLK*V\UJPS, 691 Hwy. 395 N., Long Creek, HJYVZZMYVT[OLWVZ[VɉJL WT¶/\TIVS[,SLTLU[HY`:JOVVS7;(, school cafete- ria. 541-932-4998. !WT¶.YHU[*V\U[`)PYK*S\I, with potluck. 541- 542-2006. !WT¶3VUN*YLLR:JOVVS)VHYK, school library. WT¶7YHPYPL*P[`9\YHS-PYL)VHYK, City Hall. WT¶=LU[\YPUN*S\I, Boy Scouts of America, Church of the Nazarene, John Day. 541-575-2765. WT¶.YHUP[L*P[`*V\UJPS, Granite City Hall. !WT¶)V`:JV\[;YVVW , John Day Elks Lodge, John Day. 541-575-2531. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20 HT¶.YHU[*V\U[`*V\Y[, courthouse, Canyon City. HT¶:OLWOLYK»Z*SVZL[, open, with free clothing for all HNLZHUKJVɈLLH[7YHPYPL*P[`(ZZLTIS`VM.VK 3682. HT!WT¶=L[LYHUZMHTPSPLZZLY]PJLZ, John Day ,SRZ3VKNL;VWPJZPUJS\KL7;:+ZLY]PJLZHUKPUKP]PK\HS needs. !HTWT¶;67:;HRL6Ɉ7V\UKZ:LUZPIS`, weigh-in, meeting. United Methodist Church library, 126 N.W. Canton St., John Day. 541-575-3812, 541-932-4592. Announcement ,_JP[PUNUL^Z@V\ can now listen to Cowboy Chapel on Announcement are you doing?” on [OLHPYUL_[^LLR Chaplain Richie. Public Notice Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A15 GAME ANSWERS HOCUS-FOCUS DIFFERENCES: 1. CLOTHESLINE IS MISSING 2. BUTTON STRIP IS MISSING 3. NUMBER IS DIFFERENT 4. HAT IS DIFFERENT 5. COLLAR IS DIFFERENT 6. POCKET IS MISSING PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE In Accordance with OAR 695-045-0185 and ORS 271.735. 6>,)3HUK(JX\PZP[PVU.YHU[7YVNYHTJVUJLYUPUNHWWYV_- PTH[LS`HJYLZPU[OL]PJPUP[`VM4P[JOLSS Grant Application No. 216-9902. The Oregon Watershed ,UOHUJLTLU[)VHYK6>,)PZHZ[H[LHNLUJ`[OH[WYV]PKLZ NYHU[Z[VOLSW6YLNVUPHUZ[HRLJHYLVMSVJHSZ[YLHTZYP]LYZ wetlands, and natural areas. OWEB is considering a grant of funds to Blue Mountains *VUZLY]HUJ`MVY[OLW\YWVZLVMW\YJOHZPUNJLY[HPUWYVWLY[` YPNO[ZVUHWWYV_PTH[LS`HJYLZPU[OL]PJPUP[`VM4P[JO- ell, in Wheeler County, under Grant Application No. 216- 6>,)^PSSOVSKHJVUZLY]H[PVULHZLTLU[VY[OPYK WHY[`YPNO[ZVMLUMVYJLTLU[PUHJVUZLY]H[PVULHZLTLU[PM the property rights are purchased with OWEB funds. 6>,)^PSSOVSKHW\ISPJOLHYPUNMVY[OLW\YWVZLVMWYV]PKPUN interested parties with a meaningful opportunity to comment on the OWEB grant application. Questions or comments about the grant application, or public hearing, are to be KPYLJ[LK[V[OL6>,)YLWYLZLU[H[P]LPKLU[PÄLKILSV^ Requests for special accommodations in order to participate PU[OLW\ISPJOLHYPUNT\Z[ILTHKLH[SLHZ[ZL]LUKH`Z prior to the hearing. Written comments concerning the grant HWWSPJH[PVUT\Z[ILYLJLP]LKI`6>,)VUVYILMVYL(WYPS 12, 2016. The hearing will be held January 29, 2016, 9am – 10am, at Mitchell Community Hall, 108 S Nelson St, Mitchell, OR 97750. 6>,)9LWYLZLU[H[P]L!,YPJ>PSSPHTZ.YHU[7YVNYHT4HUHN- er, 775 Summer St. NE, Suite 360, Salem, OR 97301-1290, Public Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On January 19, 2016 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the front steps of the Grant County Courthouse, 201 S Humbolt, Canyon City, Oregon, the defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real prop- erty commonly known as: The real property commonly known as 60813 Canyon Creek Lane, Canyon City, OR 97820. TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST OF THE WILLA- METTE MERIDIAN, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON: SECTION 14: A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NW1/4NE1/4NE1/4 LYING WEST OF THE COUNTY ROAD, AS SAID ROAD IS DE- SCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 2, 1959, IN DEED BOOK 80, PAGE 351. ALSO, THE NORTH 350.0 FEET OF THE SAID NW1/4NE1/4NE1/4 LYING EAST OF SAID COUNTY ROAD AND WEST OF THE CENTER LINE OF CANYON CREEK. The court case number is 150254CV, where DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT RELATING TO IMPAC SECURED ASSETS CORP., MORT- GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006- 5,PZHYLWSHPU[PɈZHUKJEREMY BUHR; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC,; and ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 60813 CANYON CREEK LANE, CANYON CITY, OR 97820, is/are defendant Z;OLZHSLPZHW\ISPJH\J[PVU[V[OLOPNOLZ[IPKKLYMVY cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Grant Coun- [`:OLYPɈ»Z6ɉJL-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUVU[OPZZHSLNV[V! ^^^VYLNVUZOLYPɈZJVTZHSLZO[T Public Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On January 26, 2016 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the front steps of the Grant County Courthouse, 201 S Humbolt, Canyon City, Oregon, the defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF GRANT, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND IN LOT 9 OF BLOCK A OF THE CITY OF JOHN DAY, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, AS SHOWN BY THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY AND STATE IN BOOK 1 OF TOWN PLATS, AT PAGE 11, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF HILLCREST ROAD (OLD JOHN DAY HIGHWAY AND FORMERLY MAIN ST.), IN SAID CITY OF JOHN DAY; SAID POINT BEING 922.8 FEET SOUTH AND 965.8 FEET EAST OF THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 26, TWP. 13 S., R. 31 E. , W.M.; SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE J. H. PARSONS LOT; THENCE N. 16°09’ E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARSONS LOT, A DISTANCE OF 151.0 FEET TO THE BOYCE FLUME; THENCE S.71°03’ E., ALONG SAID BOYCE FLUME, A DISTANCE OF 100.0 FEET; THENCE S. 15°42’ W. A DIS- TANCE OF 141.5 FEET TO SAID NORTHERLY BOUND- ARY LINE OF HILLCREST ROAD; THENCE, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE AS FOLLOWS: N. 84°36’ W. A DISTANCE OF 69.4 FEET; N. 59°31 ‘ W. A DISTANCE OF 34.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (TAX ACCT. 3-113-31-26AB TL5900; REF. 1072) The court case number is 142319CV, where NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, PZHYLWSHPU[PɈZHUKMARC CHRIS MAYNARD; LINDY L. MAYNARD; and ALL OTHER PER- SONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 405 SE HILLCREST ROAD, JOHN DAY, OR 97845,PZHYLKLMLUKHU[Z;OLZHSLPZH public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s JOLJRPUOHUKTHKLV\[[V.YHU[*V\U[`:OLYPɈ»Z6ɉJL For more information on this sale go to: www.oregonsher- PɈZJVTZHSLZO[T Public Notice 0U]P[H[PVU[V)PK *V\Y[OV\ZL;PSL-SVVYPUN7YLWHYH[PVUHUK0UZ[HSSH[PVU Grant County, is currently accepting sealed bids from qual- PÄLKZLY]PJLWYV]PKLYZ[VWLYMVYTÅVVYWYLWHYH[PVUHUK[PSL PUZ[HSSH[PVUPUHSSJVTTVUHYLHZHUKZ[HPY^H`ZL_JLW[[OL [VWÅVVYPU[OL.YHU[*V\U[`*V\Y[OV\ZLSVJH[LKH[: Humbolt, Canyon City OR. Common areas shall include the Main Foyer from east entry to west entry, stairs and land- ings, Main Floor Conference Room, and Basement Hallway. ;OL[PSLT\Z[TH[JO[OLL_PZ[PUN[PSLPUWSHJLVU[OL[VW ÅVVY(SSULJLZZHY`ÅVVYTLHZ\YLTLU[Z^PSSILWYV]PKLK[V contractors. Please contact Property Maintenance Specialist 5H[L/\NOLZMVYTLHZ\YLTLU[Z[PSLZWLJPÄ- cations, and to arrange an inspection of the premises. The WYVWLY[`^PSSUV[ILH]HPSHISLMVYPUZWLJ[PVU\U[PS1HU\HY` 2016. All work performed shall be in accordance with Oregon (KTPUPZ[YH[P]L9\SLZ696:/(JVKLZHUKYLN\SH[PVUZHUK standards adopted by the State of Oregon. Bidders shall WYV]PKLJVWPLZVMZLY]PJLWYV]PKLY»ZJ\YYLU[**)YLNPZ- tration, liability insurance, and surety bond. Bidders must Z\ITP[HKL[HPSLKÅVVYWYLWHYH[PVUHUK[PSLPUZ[HSSH[PVUIPK P[LTPaPUNHSSVM[OLJVTTVUHYLHZPKLU[PÄLKHIV]L :LHSLKIPKZT\Z[ILYLJLP]LKI`[OL*V\U[`*V\Y[VɉJL :/\TIVS[:[5V*HU`VU*P[`69 I` WT;\LZKH`1HU\HY`)PKZYLJLP]LKI`LTHPS VYMHJZPTPSL^PSSUV[ILHJJLW[LK Bid opening will be Jan- uary 27, 2016. Grant County retains the right to refuse any and all bids, and to accept the bid that is in the best interest of Grant County. Public Notice 3LNHS5V[PJL *HU`VU*YLLR*VTWSL_-PYL9LMVYLZ[H[PVU7YVQLJ[ +H`5V[PJLHUK:JVWPUN7LYPVK The Blue Mountain and Prairie City Ranger Districts of the 4HSOL\Y5H[PVUHS-VYLZ[^V\SKSPRL[VPU]P[L[OLW\ISPJ[V WHY[PJPWH[LPUWSHUUPUNMVY[OL*HU`VU*YLLR*VTWSL_9L- MVYLZ[H[PVU7YVQLJ[>LHYLWYLWHYPUNH*H[LNVYPJHS,_JS\- ZPVU*,+LJPZPVU4LTVHUKHYLHZRPUNMVYW\ISPJZJVWPUN comments on the proposed action. The Malheur National -VYLZ[PZWYVWVZPUN[VYL]LNL[H[LHWWYV_PTH[LS` HJYLZVMZ[HUKYLWSHJLTLU[ÄYLWH[JOLZ^P[OPU[OL*HU`VU *YLLR*VTWSL_[OH[I\YULKPU;OLZLHJ[PVUZHYL WYVWVZLK^P[OPU[OL*HU`VU*YLLR*VTWSL_-PYLIV\UK- ary, on the Blue Mountain and Prairie City Ranger Districts HWWYV_PTH[LS`TPSLZZV\[OVM1VOU+H`PU.YHU[*V\U[` Oregon. A copy of the planning participant letter, including a description of the proposed action and applicable maps, JHUILHJJLZZLKVU[OL-VYLZ[:LY]PJL^LIZP[LH[!http:// ^^^MZ\ZKHNV]WYVQLJ[ZTHSOL\YSHUKTHUHNLTLU[WYVQ- ects. A paper copy of the document or additional project information can be obtained by contacting Hannah Smith 5H[\YHS9LZV\YJL7SHUULYH[[OL4HSOL\Y5H[PVUHS-VYLZ[ :\WLY]PZVY»Z6ɉJL)S\L4V\U[HPU9HUNLY+PZ[YPJ[76)V_ 909, 431 Patterson Bridge Road, John Day, OR 97845; 541- 575-3031, or by email at >YP[[LUMHJZPTPSL-(?OHUKKLSP]LYLKHUKLSLJ[YVUPJ comments concerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following publication of this notice in the Blue Mountain Eagle, John Day, OR. The publication date in the UL^ZWHWLYVMYLJVYKPZ[OLL_JS\ZP]LTLHUZMVYJHSJ\SH[PUN the comment period for this proposal. Those wishing to comment should not rely on dates of timeframe information WYV]PKLKI`HU`V[OLYZV\YJL Written comments concerning the project must be submit- [LK[V!+H]L/HSLTLPLYJV/HUUHO:TP[O)S\L4V\U[HPU 9HUNLY+PZ[YPJ[76)V_ 7H[[LYZVU)YPKNL9VHK 1VOU+H`69 VY-(?JVTTLU[Z[V! /HUKKLSP]LYLKJVTTLU[ZT\Z[ILZ\ITP[[LKK\YPUN business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through -YPKH`L_JS\KPUNOVSPKH`Z>YP[[LUJVTTLU[ZZOHSSPUJS\KL `V\YUHTLHKKYLZZHUKPMWVZZPISL[LSLWOVULU\TILY organization represented if any, title of document on which [OLJVTTLU[PZILPUNZ\ITP[[LKHUKZWLJPÄJMHJ[ZVY comments along with supporting reasons that you be- SPL]L[OL9LZWVUZPISL6ɉJPHSZOV\SKJVUZPKLYPUYLHJOPUN a decision. Electronic comments must be submitted in a MVYTH[Z\JOHZHULTHPSTLZZHNLWSHPU[L_[[_[YPJO[L_[ MVYTH[Y[M>VYKKVJVYWVY[HISLKVJ\TLU[MVYTH[WKM Email electronic comments to JVTTLU[ZWHJPÄJUVY[O- For electronically THPSLKJVTTLU[Z[OLZLUKLYZOV\SKUVYTHSS`YLJLP]LHU automated electronic acknowledgement from the agency HZJVUÄYTH[PVUVMYLJLPW[0M[OLZLUKLYKVLZUV[YLJLP]LHU automated acknowledgment of the receipt of the comment, it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure timely receipt by other means. Emails submitted to e-mail addresses other [OHU[OLVULSPZ[LKHIV]LPUV[OLYMVYTH[Z[OHU[OVZLSPZ[LK VYJVU[HPUPUN]PY\ZLZ^PSSILYLQLJ[LK5HTLZHUKJVU[HJ[ information submitted with comments will become part of the public record and may be released under the Freedom VM0UMVYTH[PVU(J[0[PZ[OLYLZWVUZPIPSP[`VMWLYZVUZWYV]PK- ing comments to submit them by the close of the comment WLYPVKHUKLUZ\YL[OH[[OLPYJVTTLU[ZOH]LILLUYLJLP]LK In accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of HUK[OL(NYPJ\S[\YHS(J[VMJH[LNVYPJHSL_JS\ZPVUZ HYLL_LTW[LKMYVT[V[OLVIQLJ[PVUWYVJLZZW\YZ\HU[[V-VY- LZ[:LY]PJLYLN\SH[PVUZH[*VKLVM-LKLYHS9LN\SH[PVUZ *-9