The Blue Mountain GRANT COUNTY TEAMS HAVE WINNING WEEKEND EAGLE – PAGE A8 Grant County’s newspaper since 1868 W EDNESDAY , J ANUARY 13, 2016 N O . 2 16 P AGES $1.00 Plaintiffs withdraw challenge to county pot ban Officials to consider referring decision to voters By Sean Hart Blue Mountain Eagle A legal challenge to the Grant County RUGLQDQFH EDQQLQJ FRPPHUFLDO PDULMXD na operations has been withdrawn. 6HYHUDOFRXQW\UHVLGHQWVKDGUHTXHVW HG D FRXUW RUGHU LQYDOLGDWLQJ WKH RUGL QDQFH FODLPLQJ SURFHGXUDO HUURUV LQ LWV DGRSWLRQEXWDKHDULQJVFKHGXOHGIRU-DQ 6 was canceled after attorneys for both sides discussed the matter. $WWRUQH\5REHUW5DVFKLR¿OHGDFRP SODLQW IRU GHFODUDWRU\ DQG LQMXQFWLYH UH OLHIDJDLQVWWKHFRXQW\'HFRQEHKDOI RI KLV FOLHQWV -HUU\ 5XVVHOO (YD +DUULV and Paul and Loreen Cooper. Russell and the Coopers sought to legally grow PDULMXDQD RQ WKHLU SURSHUWLHV LQ QRUWK ZHVWHUQ *UDQW &RXQW\ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH FRPSODLQWDQG+DUULVLVDPHGLFDOPDU ijuana patient who relies on others for transportation to the nearest dispensary in Deschutes County. 5DVFKLR VDLG &RXQW\ -XGJH 6FRWW Myers indicated he was willing to hold a hearing on referring the ordinance to FRXQW\YRWHUVVRKLVFOLHQWVGURSSHGWKH complaint. “We need a hearing on the referral as TXLFNO\DVSRVVLEOH´5DVFKLRVDLG³:LWK WKHVH DVVXUDQFHV P\ FOLHQWV IHOW LW ZDV in the best interest of everyone that the injunction request be dismissed for now as to not cost the county or my clients any more resources. My clients want to bring resources into this county not take LWDZD\´ -RKQ'D\¿UHKDOO street improvement projects continue &RXQW\ -XGJH 6FRWW 0\HUV VDLG KH ZDVSOHDVHGWKHLVVXHZDVUHVROYHGZLWK out further litigation. “It was going to be expensive for both VLGHV´ KH VDLG ³, WKLQN LW¶V EHVW IRU DOO LQYROYHG´ Myers said county attorney Ron Yockim is looking into the possibility of WKHFRXQW\UHIHUULQJWKHRUGLQDQFHWRYRW HUVZKLFKWKHFRXQW\FRPPLVVLRQHUVZLOO FRQVLGHU