A4 Opinion Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Right and wrong ways to protest T wo separate, yet related, events in Burns this weekend are perfect H[DPSOHVRIKRZWRDQGKRZ not to protest. Harney County Sheriff David Ward pointed this out succinctly in a press conference Monday. “This began as a peaceful protest,” he said. “It took an unfortunate turn when some of those folks broke off and began an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.” First was a peaceful rally and march protesting the resentencing of the Hammonds, Burns ranchers convicted of arson on public land. The large group of protesters made their point. 7KH\H[HUFLVHGWKHLU)LUVW Amendment rights to speak freely and to peaceably assemble. No laws were broken. No one was hurt or threatened. 7KLVZDVDSHUIHFWH[DPSOH of how citizens can and should protest legally and peacefully. Later, an armed group of the protesters seized control of an unoccupied federal site. The group blocked entrances to the site and placed sentries in a watchtower. They threatened violence if provoked by law enforcement and said they had no plans to leave. Although both forms of protest had the same goal — at least on the surface — the armed occupation has only alienated the occupiers from people who may have supported their alleged original cause peacefully. Further, the armed occupation has created a situation that could easily end with bloodshed. When the protesters invaded and occupied the refuge with threat of force, they crossed a line. They tarnished all the efforts of a peaceful protest and lost potential support from most reasonable people. The only thing the armed occupation did well was create DSHUIHFWH[DPSOHRIKRZQRWWR protest. We stand with Sheriff Ward in urging the armed protesters to stand down, and we echo his comments to those at the UHIXJH “The Hammonds have turned themselves in. It’s time for you to leave our community. Go home, be with your own families and end this peacefully.” W HERE TO WRITE GRANT COUNTY Grant County Courthouse — 201 S. Humbolt St., Suite 280, Canyon City 97820. Phone: 541-575-0059. Fax: 541- 575-2248. Canyon City — P.O. Box 276, Canyon City 97820. Phone: 541-575-0509. Fax: 541-575-0515. Email: tocc1862@centu- rylink.net. Dayville — P.O. Box 321, Dayville 97825. Phone: 541-987-2188. Fax: 541- 987-2187. Email:dville@ortelco.net John Day — 450 E. Main St, John Day, 97845. Phone: 541-575-0028. Fax: 541- 575-1721. Email: cityjd@centurytel.net. ‡/RQJ&UHHN — P.O. Box 489, Long Creek 97856. Phone: 541-421-3601. Fax: 541-421-3075. Email: info@cityoÀong- creek.com. Monument — P.O. Box 426, Monu- ment 97864. Phone and fax: 541-934- 2025. Email: monument@oregontrail.net. ‡0W9HUQRQ — P.O. Box 647, Mt. Vernon 97865. Phone: 541-932-4688. Fax: 541-932-4222. Email: cmtv@ortelco.net. Prairie City — P.O. Box 370, Prairie City 97869. Phone: 541-820-3605. Fax: 820-3566. Email: pchall@ortelco.net. Blue Mountain EAGLE P UBLISHED EVERY W EDNESDAY BY Seneca — P.O. Box 208, Seneca 97873. Phone and fax: 541-542-2161. Email: cityseneca@centurytel.net. SALEM ‡*RY.DWH%URZQ' — 254 State Capitol, Salem 97310. Phone: 503-378- 3111. Fax: 503-378-6827. Website: www. governor.state.or.us/governor.html. Oregon Legislature — State Capitol, Salem, 97310. Phone: (503) 986-1180. Website: www. leg.state.or.us (includes Oregon Constitution and Oregon Revised Statutes). ‡6WDWH5HS&OLII%HQW]5-Ontario (Dis- trict: 60), Room H-475, State Capitol, 900 Court St. N.E., Salem OR 97301. Phone: 503-986-1460. Email: rep.cliffbentz@state. or.us. Website: www.leg.state.or.us/bentz/ home.htm. ‡6WDWH6HQ7HG)HUULROL5 — (District 30) Room S-223, State Capitol, Salem 97310. Phone: 503-986-1950. Email: sen. tedferrioli@state.or.us. Email: TFER2@aol. com. Phone: 541-490-6528. Website: www. leg.state.or.us/ferrioli. Oregon Legislative Information — (For updates on bills, services, capitol or messages for legislators) — 800-332-2313. L ETTERS TO THE E DITOR Wrong move against Malheur National Wildlife Refuge ability, with agency funding specif- ically in education, health care and public safety. She plans to create a position for a public records advocate and a new To the Editor: HGXFDWLRQ LQQRYDWLRQ RI¿FHU SRVL- What an outrageous situation WLRQDVZHOODVH[SDQGWKH2I¿FHRI in Harney County with the seizing Small Business Advocate. Lacking of Malheur National Wildlife Ref- in this report of her plan is address- uge by a radical militia group. The ing Oregon’s future to provide for people who are declaring Malheur homeless Americans and veterans Headquarters as their new militia that constitute a large percentage base made a grave error in their se- of those Americans. Nor did she lection. address the possible funding for In recent times, Malheur Nation- additional housing, welfare, food al Wildlife Refuge has become a stamps, medical provisions and model of true coordination manage- WKH QHHG RI H[SDQGHG VFKRROLQJ WR ment involving a large cross-sec- accommodate the 10,000 Muslims tion of stakeholders. This alone is she has stated her intent to welcome headline news given the historical to take up residency in Oregon. FRQÀLFWV UHJDUGLQJ FDWWOH JUD]LQJ That shows an abysmal absence of on a national wildlife refuge. If the foresight. criminal occupiers of the headquar- We need terms like “honesty” ters set down their weapons long and “integrity” to be more than just enough to pick up a copy of the words in the dictionary. Citizens “Malheur National Refuge Com- need to climb out of the fog of apa- prehensive Conservation Plan” (that thy and avoidance and demand the I know is within sight around the IXO¿OOPHQWRISURPLVHVIRUJRYHUQ- RI¿FHV WKHUH WKH\ PLJKW GLVFRYHU ment transparency and accountabil- their huge mistake in seizing the ity once again. We need true inter- refuge. They ought to realize they pretation of the Constitution, both are attempting to destroy what local United States and state of Oregon, ranchers, hunters, federal agencies, and laws protecting our rights, not environmental interests and citizens the Supreme Court or lesser courts of the area and beyond worked so that assume to make laws such as hard to pull together and all signed allowing some welfare recipient to onto in the 2013 plan. VWRPSEXUQRUGHIHFDWHRQRXUÀDJ The militants say that they are in direct violation of 18 USC 700, there to protect the rights of people Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 33 (aka to use the refuge freely. However, 'HVHFUDWLRQRIWKHÀDJRIWKH8QLW- a reporter who drove to the head- HG 6WDWHV ZKLFK SURKLELWV quarters to interview them was told such an act and titles it a crime. to leave. They had weapons; he did Judy Kerr not. He left. Apparently you cannot Canyon City enter the refuge unless you are one of them. The occupiers have called upon Helpful nurse armed supporters from across the nation to come and make the na- appreciated tional wildlife refuge their head- To the Editor: quarters. Wait a moment. Does this Recently one of our relatives mean I can’t enter OUR refuge to was in the hospital in John Day. We photograph wildlife? Others can’t were waiting for him in Bend where go there during the rut to see large KH ZDV WR EH DLU ÀLJKWHG ,W HQGHG mule deer bucks? Thousands of up being a long wait, and we were birders will not be able to access the ZRUULHG +H ¿QDOO\ FDOOHG RQ KLV visitor’s center grounds, museum or cellphone and a nurse came on and trails and roads because the refuge updated us, and then, periodically, will be occupied by armed militant she called and told us what was go- terrorists who say they are protect- ing on. Although we didn’t get your ing people from “federal tyranny?” name, we want you to know that we We don’t need radicals protecting appreciate you so much. our rights. The true cooperative Charm Bogle Americans with a vested interest Prineville in Malheur Refuge are already in place successfully coordinating with the USFWS. I hope those from Citizens should get Harney County hang tight with the refuge management plan and get involved after the rid of these self-declared “patriots” &DQ\RQ&UHHN¿UH post haste. Kay Steele To the Editor: Ritter We are on top dead center after WKH&DQ\RQ&UHHN¿UH It seems that the county court and the county commissioners are Gov. Brown’s happy that things are quieting down blueprint lacking because the environmentalists and To the Editor: U.S. Forest Service as well as the The Dec. 23, 2015, issue of the Fish and Wildlife really do not want local paper reported on Governor anything investigated or changed. I Brown’s three-part blueprint to wonder how any of these folk would ³¿[´ 2UHJRQ JRYHUQPHQW *RY- react if it were their homes and life- ernment transparency and account- time memories that were lost, all The theme is not the type of parade To the Editor: 5LFKLH&ROEHWKPL[HVDSSOHVDQG oranges in his letter to the editor SXEOLVKHG 'HF FRPSODLQLQJ about the lack of religious referenc- es because the Dec. 12 event was a Christmas parade. It is the “Timber Truckers Light Parade,” called such since its incep- tion in 1993 to support the timber industry. The theme this year was “An Old-Fashioned Christmas.” On occasions, the theme has been patri- otic. Colbeth mistakenly referenced the theme as being the type of pa- rade, which it is not. I would suggest, in the future, he learns the difference so he is not con- fusing a theme with the parade. The entrants choose their own decorating ideas, and if he noticed, at least one had a Nativity scene on the entry. I am sure the parade committee ZRXOGZHOFRPHKLVHQWU\QH[W\HDU Mary Jane Allen Timber Truckers committee member John Day L etters policy: Letters to the Editor is a forum for Blue Mountain Eagle readers to express themselves on local, state, national or world issues. Brevity is good, but longer letters will be asked to be contained to 350 words. No personal attacks; challenge the opinion, not the person. No thank-you letters. Submissions to this page become property of the Eagle. The Eagle reserves the right to edit letters for length and for content. Letters must be original and signed by the writer. Anonymous letters will not be printed. Writers should include a telephone number so they can be reached for questions. We must limit all contributors to one letter per person per month. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Send letters to editor@bmeagle.com, or Blue Mountain Eagle, 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845; or fax to 541-575-1244. Grant County’s Weekly Newspaper P UBLISHER ............................... M ARISSA W ILLIAMS , MARISSA @ BMEAGLE . COM E DITOR .................................... S EAN H ART , EDITOR @ BMEAGLE . COM A DMINISTRATIVE A SSISTANT ........ K RISTINA K REGER , KRISTINA @ BMEAGLE . COM E DITORIAL A SSISTANT ................ C HERYL H OEFLER , CHERYL @ BMEAGLE . COM C OMMUNITY N EWS .................... A NGEL C ARPENTER , ANGEL @ BMEAGLE . COM S PORTS ................................... A NGEL C ARPENTER , ANGEL @ BMEAGLE . COM M ARKETING R EP ....................... K IM K ELL , ADS @ BMEAGLE . COM O FFICE M ANAGER ..................... L INDSAY B ULLOCK , OFFICE @ BMEAGLE . COM MEMBER OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION because decisions were made that DOORZHGWKH¿UHWRJHWDZD\EHFDXVH there is big money to be made by KDYLQJDELJ¿UH You may not agree with Sheriff Glenn Palmer and what he is trying to do with the Natural Resources Plan for Public Lands, but you have to admire his courage for trying to do something. What can be done to jack up our FRXQW\ RI¿FLDOV DQG JHW WKHP RII dead center? You the people getting on the phone to these folk and/or writing letters to the editor demand- ing that something be done. I see four things that need to hap- pen yesterday, if not sooner. 7KH ÀRRG FRQWURO SURMHFW should be started immediately. 2. An investigation into who is UHVSRQVLEOH IRU OHWWLQJ WKH ¿UH JHW away, and who is responsible for holding up an investigation. 3. An investigation into why the county commissioners have backed the U.S. Forest Service forest man- agement plan. Clearly, the U.S. For- HVW6HUYLFHPDQDJHPHQWSODQIDLOHG 4. An investigation into why the county commissioners have not requested the Governor to declare Grant County a disaster area. This ZLOOIUHHXSIXQGVIRUWKHÀRRGFRQ- trol and restoration projects. How many of the county com- missioners and/or Public Forest Ser- YLFH&RPPLVVLRQHUVKDYHDFRQÀLFW of interest by holding contracts with the U.S. Forest Service while they are voting on issues before their commissions? If we keep voting in WKHVDPHSHRSOHH[SHFWLQJDGLIIHU- HQWRXWFRPHVKDPHRQXV Come on people of Grant County, get involved and hold your county RI¿FLDOV¶IHHWWRWKH¿UH Nicky A. Sprauve Grant County Public Forest Commissioner position No. 2 Canyon City 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES (including online access) Grant County .....................................$40 Everywhere else in U.S. .....................$51 Outside Continental U.S. ....................$60 Subscriptions must be paid prior to delivery Periodicals Postage Paid at John 'D\DQGDGGLWLRQDOPDLOLQJRIÀFHV POSTMASTER send address changes to: Blue Mountain Eagle 195 N. Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR 97845-1187 USPS 226-340 ZZZ0\(DJOH1HZVFRP Copyright © 2016 Blue Mountain Eagle All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means — graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping or information storage and retrieval systems — without written permission of the publisher. ZZZIDFHERRNFRP0\(DJOH1HZV @MyEagleNews