A18 News Blue Mountain Eagle REVIEW Wednesday, December 30, 2015 Ridge Acute Care Facility and was apprehended the next day. The McDonald’s restau- rant in John Day closed. The Prairie City City Council voted to opt out of marijuana sales. Prairie City School se- niors Ethan Camarena and Amaya Zweygardt were named homecoming king and queen. Grant County legal coun- sel Ron Yockim stated he be- lieved the sheriff overstepped his authority by creating his own natural resources plan. ‡ 6WDWH RI¿FLDOV VDLG WKH Canyon Meadows Dam should be removed this year to protect residents from an LQFUHDVHG ULVN RI ÀRRGLQJ from the Canyon Creek Com- plex. Fire rehabilitation began in Canyon Creek. Laurie Wright started as the new Grant County Court secretary. Continued from Page A6 Step Forward Activities received a $62,500 state grant to expand employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Baker and Grant counties. A school-based health center opened at Grant Union Junior-Senior High School. The Grant Union band placed fifth at the OSAA 2015 Band/Orchestra State Championships. Gov. Kate Brown is- sued a drought declaration for Grant County and seven others. An Environmental Pro- tection Agency emergency re- sponse team began looking into the odors seeping into homes and businesses in southwest John Day. June The Environmental Pro- tection Agency stated gas- oline, possibly mixed with other solvent chemicals, was the cause of vapors ris- ing into southwest John Day buildings. The discovery of 10 new prehistoric species at the John Day Fossil Beds Na- tional Monument and nearby Bureau of Land Manage- ment land was announced. Grant County Air Search purchased new equipment to help locate aircraft wreckage sites. Federal and state offi- cials indicated Triangle Oil at 706 Canyon Blvd. was a “possible responsible party” for vapors in southwest John Day. The Ediger family’s Box T Ranch was honored as a 50-year Certified Tree Farm. An attorney for the county stated challenges to Forest Service road closures based on a 2013 ordinance would likely end up in fed- eral court. November Brennon D. Witty, 25, Contributed photos was charged with killing Jack and Katie Johns were named Stockgrowers of the Year in October. an endangered species and KXQWLQJZLWKDFHQWHU¿UHULÀH without a big game tag after Tracey Blood was hired operative raised its monthly UHSRUWLQJWRVWDWHRI¿FLDOVWKDW as the new executive direc- delivery charge from $21.56 he shot a wolf while hunting tor of Grant-Harney County to $25.50. coyotes on private property. Court Appointed Special Ad- Former John Day Po- Dale Gleason Larkin, 51, vocates. lice Chief Richard Tirico was Prairie City, died of drowning Julie Gurczynski was FOHDUHGRIDOOFKDUJHVRIRI¿- when his vehicle landed on its hired as the new superinten- cial misconduct after a short top in the Powder River. dent/principal of Prairie City trial. The Oregon Department School District. The Grant County Plan- of Fish and Wildlife voted 4-2 The annual Chief Joseph ning Commission rejected to remove gray wolves from BMW Motorcycle Rally drew Robert Ake’s plan to develop the state endangered species 85 riders. a motorcycle camp west of list. Three cases of whoop- John Day. Senate Minority Lead- LQJ FRXJK ZHUH FRQ¿UPHG LQ A specialized Forest er Ted Ferrioli, R-John Day, Grant County. Service team recommended called for the director of the Bobby Wayne Lampton, immediate action to mitigate Oregon Department of Trans- 63, was found guilty on six SRVW¿UHULVNV portation to resign for with- charges related to child sexual Tracey Blood is the new executive director for The Grant County Dis- holding key carbon emissions abuse. Grant-Harney County CASA. WULFW$WWRUQH\¶V2I¿FH9LFWLP information from lawmakers The Sugarloaf Fire Assistance Program received negotiating a transportation burned almost 5,000 acres July Beds National Monument’s a three-year $606,000 grant to funding package earlier in the near Dayville. Bobby Wayne Lampton art contest. Laurie Hueckman, PDLQWDLQVWDI¿QJ year. Ryan Nehl was hired as was sentenced to 30 years in Prairie City, received honor- Sheriff Glenn Palmer Rhiannon Bauman, Rich the deputy forest supervisor prison for sex crimes against able mention. deputized 11 citizens to write Boren, Amy Charette, Kristin for the Malheur National For- a child. and adopt a local natural re- Nodine, Valeen Madden and est. County residents spoke August sources plan and introduced it Brian Delaney were sworn in out about forest access at lis- The Grant County Fair’s during a Grant County Court as new Court Appointed Spe- tening sessions with Malheur 2015 theme was “Blue Jeans public comment period. cial Advocates to serve abused 1DWLRQDO)RUHVWRI¿FLDOV and Country Dreams.” John Day resident Balbina and neglected children. A new elevator was in- Kathryn Hedrick started Escudero was honored at His- The Grant County Road stalled at the Grant County as the superintendent/princi- panic Heritage Day in Salem. Department received $3.2 Courthouse. pal at Dayville School. million for three road im- Demolition began on the Grant County Search and October provement projects through VLWHIRUWKHQHZ-RKQ'D\¿UH Rescue acquired a 2015 Ford The John Day-Canyon the Federal Lands Access hall. F350 rescue vehicle. City Parks and Recreation Program. The Department of Envi- LaRue Broughton won Department announced pend- Matthew Eric Sagaser re- ronmental Quality stated Tri- the fair pie baking contest. ing upgrades at the Seventh quested to change his attorney angle Oil was responsible for Roy Peterson pleaded not Street Complex in John Day and withdraw his guilty pleas the release of 1,000 to 5,000 guilty to 10 felony charges after receiving a $347,000 stemming from domestic vio- gallons of gasoline into the involving theft from the Mon- state grant. lence charges. ground along the 400 to 600 ument Rural Fire Protection Grant Union seniors Wy- Highway 395 in Oregon 3: H3GRQDWHG33 3SRXQGV33 RI3IRRG3 blocks of South Canyon Bou- District. His trial was sched- att Weaver and Mackenzie was named “World War I Vet- 3D QG33 733 FDVK levard. Triangle Oil, however, uled for March 28, 2016. Woodcock were named 2015 erans Memorial Highway.” disputed the claim. The Berry Creek and Ma- homecoming king and queen. Karla Andrew was the VRQ6SULQJV¿UHVFRPELQHGWR Dayville High School December Bank of Eastern Oregon Greg Jackson ¿UVWJUDGXDWHRIWKHVFKRRORI form the Canyon Creek Com- junior Tanner Walczyk and Sean Hart was hired as Carol Buce Valerie Fansler cosmetology at Eastern Ore- plex, which quickly grew from senior Emma Hettinga were the editor of the Blue Moun- Paul & Kathy Smith Mike Powell gon College of Industries and 10 acres Aug. 12 to more than named homecoming king and tain Eagle. Zach & Marissa Williams Vicki Stole Arts in John Day. 43,000 by Aug. 18, destroying queen. Growing Tree Infant Cen- Linda Christiansen Christy Waldner Sheriff Glenn Palmer was 26 homes. By Aug. 24, the Philipp Dessau and ter in John Day was forced to Sandy & Tom Bupp Scotta Callister back on the job the day after blaze was almost 73,000 acres Mew Wiriyasumon were close pending investigation opening a letter and feeling a and had destroyed 39 homes. named Long Creek High by local law enforcement and burning sensation on his arms Donations poured in and a re- School’s homecoming king a state agency. Thank you to everyone for helping and forehead. Other counties lief center was established at and queen. The Carrie Young Memo- in Oregon reported receiving the fairgrounds. A change in Monument High School rial raised $18,000 to assist el- make this a success and similar mysterious envelopes. WKHZLQGVVHQWWKH¿UHWRZDUG juniors Charlotte Dailey and derly people. a great donation to the Chinese foreign exchange Prairie City, forcing an evac- Hayden Schafer were named Lorene Allen Day was Grant County Food Bank. students visited Grant County. uation. homecoming king and queen. celebrated Dec. 14 in honor An estimated 109 spring John Day City Council Jack and Katie Johns, RI *UDQW &RXQW\ &RXUW¶V ¿UVW Chinook salmon died in the members banned commercial Fox Valley, were honored as IHPDOHMXGJH²WKH¿UVWWLPH Middle Fork John Day River, marijuana operations with a Stockgrowers of the Year by since it was originally pro- apparently due to low river 6-1 vote. the Grant County Stockgrow- claimed in 1988. ÀRZVDQGZDUPWHPSHUDWXUHV ers Association. John Day City Coun- Mt. Vernon resident Patri- September Matthew Eric Sagaser, cil members voted to raise cia Baehr-Ross won the grand Cooler weather and pre- 31, Mt. Vernon, was arrested monthly base sewer and water prize at the John Day Fossil FLSLWDWLRQ DLGHG ¿UH¿JKWHUV on multiple counts of domes- rates by $2 each. battling the 110,000-acre tic violence, including kid- Grant County Court Canyon Creek Complex that napping, strangulation and banned commercial marijuana destroyed 43 homes. Grant assault. operations in unincorporated County Court began efforts to Dusty Brian Korner, a areas of the county. PLWLJDWHÀRRGLQJLVVXHVH[DF- 31-year-old convicted sex Jeremy Lawson, 39, was HUEDWHGE\WKH¿UH offender from Jackson Coun- shot after a report of an alter- Oregon Trail Electric Co- ty, escaped from the Juniper cation at an Izee-area ranch. Way to go! Thank you to those who donated to the Blue Mountain Eagle Food Drive. We appreciate your business & support. Babette Larson, Broker, GRI Office: 541-987-2363 ddwr@ortelco.net Lori Hickerson, Principal Broker, GRI Office: 541-575-2617 ljh@ortelco.net Sally Knowles, Broker, GRI Office: 541-932-4493 sknowles@ortelco.net www.farmseller.com www.eastoregonrealestate.com www.oregonranchandhomes.com/dukewarner NO ONE KNOWS YOUR EQUIPMENT BETTER. Your AGCO Parts Dealer has the parts you need when you need them. Hardware, chain, batteries, tillage, belts, cutting parts. We have the quality parts you need to keep your AGCO equipment running smoothly during the demanding harvest season. Highly trained service personnel at AGCO Parts make it all come together, so you can rest easy. Visit your AGCO Parts Dealer and get the parts and services you need to “Keep you in the Field” this season. Find out more at agcoparts.com. Your professional Real Estate choice in Grant County Members of RMLS & COARMLS www.rmls.com or www.coarmls.com 02941