A8 News Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday DecemEer 1 $PHUL&RUSVWHDPKHOSV¿UHGDPDJHUHOLHI Blue Mountain Eagle In response to the Can- \on CreeN CoPple[ ¿re the AmeriCorps National Civil- ian Community Corps team Green Two worked with the Malheur National Forest from Nov. 8 through Dec. 18. The Canyon Creek Com- ple[ ¿re not only increased Àood risk in the area Eut also had a negative impact on the trails and roads. “Working in this small town I¶ve learned how close the community is and how most of the town is Erought together through the love of the national forest´ Green Two MemEer 6cott Bar- tuska said in a press re- lease. “Wherever we go the town knows who we are and thanks us for our work showing us the importance of maintaining the trails roads filling sandEags and helping out the community any way we can.´ Green Two coordinated with the multiple depart- ments in the Forestry 6er- vice and Grant County to help the area recover from the ¿re damage. The team ¿lled sandEags to reduce the risk of Àooding cleared ha]ard trees and created signage for the roads department. On approx- imately four miles of Laycock Creek 5oad the 11-memEer team cleared ha]ard trees and trimmed vegetation that would potentially clog the drainage area and Elock vi- sion. The mission of the 8.6. Forest 6ervice is “Caring for the land and serving peo- ple.´ The Malheur National Forest and 6trawEerry Wil- derness are major sources of employment for memEers of John Day and the larger Grant County area. The Mal- heur National Forest is one of the main tourist attractions in John Day and plays a large role in the economy. Contributed photo The AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps team Green Two, pictured here, recently assisted with rehabilitation of the Malheur National Forest after the Canyon Creek Complex fire. Assistance availaEle for private forestland owners Blue Mountain Eagle Contributed photo The Baker and Grant SWCDs received NRCS Partnership Awards at the Oregon Association of Conservation District’s annual gathering Nov. 4 in Eugene. From left, Misty Bennett, NRCS district conservationist for Baker County; Whitney Collins and Tim Kerns of Baker SWCD; Lorraine Vogt, NRCS district conservationist for Grant County; and Jason Kehrberg of Grant SWCD. Not pictured: Barbara Grant, Partnership Award recipient from the Curry County SWCD. Local 6WCDs receive awards Blue Mountain Eagle M E8GENE — The 8.6. De- partment of Agriculture¶s Nat- ural Resources Conservation 6ervice recogni]ed memEers of local soil and water con- servation districts with annual Partnership Awards presented Nov. at the Oregon Associa- tion of Conservation District¶s annual gathering in Eugene. The Grant 6WCD and the Baker County Association of Conservation Districts each received the 1 Partner- ship Award for outstanding contriEutions to post-wild¿re recovery following a year of devastating wild¿res across the West. “Both the Grant and Baker district staff were instrumental partners for getting post-¿re conservation practices on the ground during a critical time for the community´ said Jay GiEEs NRC6 Easin team lead- r i s t m a s h C r e r y er for the 6nake River and John Day/8matilla Easins. At its annual fall gather- ing the Network of Oregon Watershed Councils honored Amy 6tiner of the 6outh Fork John Day Watershed Council and Li] 9ollmer-Buhl of the 6uislaw Watershed Council with its annual Dedicated 6er- vice Award. The award in its second year honors recipients for their outstanding leadership and dedication to the steward- ship of Oregon¶s watersheds. 6tiner was noted for signi¿- cantly increasing the scope and capacity of the watershed council over the past two years. To learn more visit www. oregonwatersheds.org or www. southforkjohnday.com. BAKER CITY — The Emergency Forest Resto- ration Program has national funding availaEle to assist owners of nonindustrial private forestland that has Eeen damaged Ey natural disasters. Forest owners can use the money to implement restoration practices in- cluding removal of unus- aEle materials replanting of cover erosion or water quality control. EligiEle land must have had existing tree cover and Ee owned Ey a nonindustrial private individual or group. TriEal land is also eligiEle. The disaster must impair or endanger the natural re- sources present or material- ly affect future land uses. 6ign-ups are Eeing taken Nov. 1 to Jan. 1. To set up an appoint- ment visit the F6A of¿ce in Baker City at Mid- way Drive or call 1-- 11 ext. . For an application and more information visit di- saster.fsa.usda.gov or fsa. usda.gov/conservation. The Eagle/Sean Hart There’s No Place Like Home County Judge Scott Myers, left, and Doug Ferguson, the engineer in charge of a flood mitigation plan, look over maps of the project at a town hall meeting Dec. 16 in Canyon City. For The Holidays From the City of Prairie City FLOOD Continued from Page A1 Your Rural Fa mily Health Clinic Grant County HEALTH Department 528 E. Main, St. E, John Day Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Services Provided: Karen Triplett, FNP • Primary Care • Acute Care • Women’s Health Exams • Men and Children Exams • Immunizations • Family Planning • Contraception • Pregnancy Testing & Referrals • HIV Testing & Referrals • Cacoon • WIC • High Risk Infants • Maternity Case Management Grant County Health Department does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activitie s, or in employment. Appointments available 331 W. Main, John Day 541-575-2710 1-800-575-2710 Fax 541-575-2610 www.RMLS.com eastoregonrealestate.com cbjohnday@centurytel.net We’d like to deliver our sincere best wishes to your door this holiday. May the season bring much happiness, health and good fortune to you and your loved ones. If you’re looking for a home for the holidays and beyond, please keep us in mind. We’ve been helping area residents find the perfect place to call home for over 10 years. Call and schedule your appointment today! TOLL FREE 888-443-9104 or 541-575-0429 Amy Denman Principal Broker 503-577-7029 JUNIPER ARTS COUNCIL/GRANT COUNTY CULTURAL COALITION IS SEEKING GRANT PROPOSALS FOR OREGON CULTURAL TRUST GRANT AWARDS Mike Moore 541-620-1645 Sharon Busch 541-620-1011 Al Denman 503-709-0425 Fred Winegar 541-820-3589 as Dec. and the county is continuing with a plan to in- crease the amount of water Canyon Creek can accommo- date Eefore Àooding. Doug Ferguson the en- gineer in charge of a plan to Euild up low-lying walls along feet of the creek using earthen Eerms concrete Elocks and sandEags said the county knew it needed to Ee proactive after the ¿re. +e said although the Eest long-term solution would Ee to dredge the creek to make it deeper the authori]ation reTuired to do so would Ee dif¿cult to oEtain. The current project he said was a positive ¿rst step. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016! The coalition has $6,500 from the Oregon Cultural Trust to distribute in Grant County to organizations for projects relating to culture. Projects may be related to the visual or performing arts, heritage, and/or humanities. Applications are available from Karin Barntish, 131 W. Main Street, John Day or call Kris Beal at 541-932-4892 for more information or an application. Grant applications will be accepted until January 8, 2016 at 5:00 pm. 03100 The county held meetings Dec. 16 to explain the project to landowners who would Ee affected. Ferguson said ease- ments are needed from aEout - landowners so crews can Eegin working on the project. County Commissioner Chris LaEhart said the county plans to purchase a machine that can ¿ll more than sandEags per hour as aEout are needed for the project. AmeriCorps volun- teers have also spent hours ¿lling sandEags for the proj- ect and another 1 have Eeen purchased. “A lot of times people are reactive Eut we¶re taking a proactive approach´ LaEhart said. “The cooperation Ee- tween the county and the state and the local cities has Eeen excellent.´ From all of us at