A6 Community Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, December 23, 2015 G RANT C OUNTY SENIORS John Day Seniors Alma Joslin JOHN DAY— Monday, Dec. 14, we had our usual small Monday crowd. Boy, the rest of you don’t know what you are missing on Mondays. There were only approximately 30 diners to enjoy Western scram- ble (scrambled eggs with ham, onions and green peppers), hash browns, link sausage, monkey bread and cubed peaches. In addition to the in-house diners, Jeanette Kile, Betty Holznagel and Buzz and Bobbie Gilmore delivered 20 lunches, plus an- other 20 frozen ones to shut-ins. At the desk were Ron Dowse and Marianne Morris. Bobbie led the Àag salute and Buzz asked the blessing. They represented Redeemer Luther- an Church and the four who delivered also served us. Thank you, folks. Veanne Weddle announced that the Barbara Emily Knud- sen Charitable Foundation has given the Senior Center a grant which will be used for a new kitchen Àoor. A big thank you to Karen Barntish, who did all the paperwork for us. Due to the installation of the Àoor, the meal will not be served on Jan. 11. Also, there will be no Bingo Humbolt Elementary first- and second-graders sing “Jingle Bells” to the residents at Valley View during their Christmas Hat Parade. on Jan. 7, so after lunch every- thing in the kitchen that can be moved out will be moved out. All those willing to help will be greatly appreciated. Our dining room tables look very festive, thanks to Linda Stoltz (the beautiful table cov- ers were made by her plus the name tags that were on the ta- bles). She seems to be a person of many talents and we cer- tainly appreciate her for all she does for the seniors. All done with a smile. You are the best, Linda. Buzz Gilmore turned 73, so Happy Birthday, Buzz. I won the Len’s Drug gift certi¿cate and Linda Stoltz won the free meal. Thursday, Dec. 17, we had a full house. There were approximately 117 diners to enjoy pineapple glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, butternut squash, veggie tray, rolls, and for dessert, Lisa made yum- my cherry cheesecake. Dave and Sherry Feiger delivered 35 meals plus 4 frozen ones to shut-ins. Veanne helped with the deliveries. The entree was furnished by Helen Bogart. At the desk were Marianne Morris and Susan Fowle. Isa Larkin led the Àag salute, and Sherry Feiger read a poem and asked the bless- ing. Our servers were from the United Methodist Church. Veanne had some thank- yous. First to everyone for turning out for the dinner even though the weather was so terrible. Or good, depending on how you look at it. We do need the snow, even though it is a challenge. The Elks Lodge donated some of their food that they didn’t use for Thanksgiv- ing. Eric Julsrud donated the oranges that topped our goody cups, which were ¿lled by the Site Council. Judy Nelson donated the quilt on the wall for rafÀing off. The tickets are $5 each or three for $10. The drawing will be held at our Easter dinner so you have time to buy lots of tickets. Denise Seebart did the paintings that are on the wall. She and Linda Stoltz also made eight wreaths which were won by Hank Lissman, Don Cald- well, Bonnie Kocis, Norm Fowle, Elsie Husky, Chuck Corwin, Sandy Hawke and Harriet Courier. There were other donated prizes won by Patti Moore, Jesse Cates, Kay Bocktold and Mike Durr. The Chester’s Thriftway gift certi¿cate was won by Da- vid Turner and the Valley View meal for two was won by Kay Trafton. If there were any ¿rst-timers I didn’t get around to get names I do apologize. If you want rec- ognized let me know. Of course we will be closed Christmas Eve, so a very Merry Christ- mas to all from the crew at the Center and myself. We will be having chile relleno bake on Monday, Dec. 28. On New Years Eve we will have roast beef, shrimp cocktail and virgin mimosas. Once again, call for reservations if you want to be seated with a certain group on New Year’s Eve. Luke 1:69 “He has sent us a mighty Saviour from the royal line of David.” DON’T FORGET THE REASON FOR THE SEA- SON. Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs PRAIRIE CITY — We had a “White Christmas” for our dinner on Dec. 16. That kept a lot of people from coming to the Hall, I guess. We only had 84 names on the book, but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of those who did come. The hall was decorated with the tree by Vera, tablecloths and bowls full of Christmas tree balls by Donna, and those who wore their special Christmas clothing. Most noticeable was Del Lake in his Santa hat, handing out candy canes. Lots of the ladies wore Christmas jewelry. Buzz led the Àag salute and Jack Retherford asked the bless- Students visit Valley View Assisted Living Eagle photos Angel Carpenter ing. Our servers included Jo- Anne Phippen, Sandi Rennels, Ginger Kendall and Linda Boy- er. Head cook Iva was stricken with the Àu bug and assistant cook Helen had to go see her eye doctor, so Donna Adams, Pam Howard, and Linda Boyer stepped up and got the dinner put together. And they did a great job! We had sparkling ci- der, broccoli salad, veggie tray, candied sweet potatoes, ham, rolls, and all the pie and other desserts you could eat. Heard lots of “Ooh, I ate too much.” But it was so good! Betty Retherford sang a few songs accompanied by hubby Jack before the meal. The win- ner of the December birthday gift certi¿cate donated by Huff- man’s Market was Dave Abarr. Faithful worker Buzz Harris got the $5 in trade donated by Prai- rie Hardware & Gifts. Chuck’s Little Diner certi¿cate went to Harold Preston. Thanks to our prize givers for a year full of niceness. The winners are all so pleased when they get a prize. We found out that Dean and Betty Elliott will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve. He also an- nounced that the Grant County Search and Rescue organization is in need of younger members. If that sounds like your cup of tea, give him a call. We also got a Christmas pres- ent from Ye Olde Thrift Shoppe to the tune of $500. Thanks so much, Norma and ladies. Shauntele and Lorna from the Blue Mountain Care Center brought Dorothy Blasing, Don- na Cox and Lois Hill. There were still some ap- ples to give away and someone brought in small bags of Reuben Àavored chips to pass out, also. What a deal! On the building sale front: We sent what we thought the company wanted in order to get the money to pay for the building. No word and no mon- ey. So we ¿nally called. “Oh, you need this other special notarization. And it needs to be arranged on the page yada yada yada.” So after three more phone calls to Kansas City (sure glad it is an 800 number!) to try to get the form e-mailed, some representative (bless her heart) ¿nally faxed it and it came right through. We can’t fax it back, though. Must be the original. So hopefully by the end of the year, it will be all signed, sealed and delivered. I found a number that would get me the complaint department and that was going to be my next call if things didn’t get straightened out! What a day. Luke 2:6, 7 “So it was… that the days were completed for her to be delivered and she brought forth her ¿rstborn Son … and laid Him in a man- ger …” Audrey Miller and Paytin Girvin are in the hat parade as Valley View Assisted Living resident Dick Ray waves. Church Services In Grant County