B8 News Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, November 25, 2015 S TUDENTS OF THE M ONTH O CTOBER – G RANT U NION J UNIOR -S ENIOR H IGH S CHOOL Matthew Shorts Grade 7 Parent: Tina Shorts Charlee Wolf Grade 8 Parents: Josh and Heidi Wolf Tiana Allen Grade 9 Parents: Jeffrey and Elena Allen Maggie Justice Grade 10 Parents: Ken and Julia Justice Natalie Stearns Grade 11 Parents: John and JoLyn Stearns Mackenzie Woodcock Grade 12 Parents: Jeremy and Shannon Adair Lance Woodcock B REAKING N EWS A LERTS O UT OF THE PAST myeaglenews.com/breakingnews corn e r’s the 6+7 +27 EEK OF THE W K (1'$// + (77,1*$ School: Dayville Grade: 11 Parents: Matthew and Sarah Hettinga Sport: Volleyball What I like best about my sport: “I’ve played it since I was 7 years old. It’s always been my favorite. I love the thrill of the game. It’s everything that I love. All my worries just completely vanish when I step out on the court.” Coach’s Comment: “Kendall works very hard, and she is always working to improve her game. She brings a hard working, positive attitude to the court, and she plays every game to the end.” – Tiffnie Schmadeka Proud sponsor of Grant County athletes 100 E. Main‡¬6WRSOLJKWLQ-RKQ'D\‡ 03029 Grant County Journal – Nov. 25, 1915 - 100 yrs ago Local and Personal The children of Miss Bissell’s URRPWKH¿IWKDQGVL[WKJUDGHV gave a two act comedy drama, “The Waif’s Thanksgiving,” at the Electric Theater Tuesday night, before a crowed that ¿OOHGWKHKRXVHWRFDSDFLW\7KH SOD\ ZDV JUHDWO\ HQMR\HG DQG DOO WKH SDUWV ZHUH H[FHOOHQWO\ KDQGOHG,QDGGLWLRQWKHUHZDV a Swedish drill by the girls, and a vocal duet by Frances Kight 9HORXWH 6DXFH LV DQRWKHU DQG)D\'DPRQ basic sauce that is creamy with DEDFNJURXQGWDVWHRIZHOOÀD- Blue Mountain Eagle – YRUHGEURWK Nov. 22, 1940 - 75 yrs ago 7EXWWHU 7ÀRXU Over emphasized &FKLFNHQEURWK 2Q1RYHPEHUVWLWZDVUHSRUW- &FUHDPFKHHVH ed here that Hugh Schlichting Salt to taste KDG SDVVHG DZD\ DW 3ULQHYLOOH Melt butter in heavy-bot- 1RZFRPHV0U6FKOLFKWLQJDQG WRPHGSDQ6WLULQWKHÀRXUDQG alleges that his death was over blend over moderate heat until HPSKDVL]HG+HLVVWLOODPRUWDO VPRRWK&RQWLQXHFRRNLQJVWLU- and far from being an angel and ULQJFRQVWDQWO\IRUPLQXWHV he wants his friends in Grant Add chicken broth, continue County to know that it was all WRVWLUDVVDXFHWKLFNHQV%ULQJ D PLVWDNH DQG WKH (DJOH MRLQV WR D ERLO /RZHU WKH KHDW DQG with his friends in receiving the FRRNPLQXWHVPRUH3RXULQ KDSS\QHZVZLWKJODGQHVV the cream, add salt and heat WKRURXJKO\ Blue Mountain Eagle - 7XUNH\7HWUD]]LQL Nov. 22, 1990 - 25 yrs ago 3UHKHDW RYHQ WR GHJUHHV ) %XWWHU D TXDUW VKDOORZ 5HFLSHIRUOHIWRYHUWXUNH\DI- EDNLQJ GLVK DQG VSUHDG WKH FRRNHG VSDJKHWWL LQ LW 6WLU LQ the nutmeg, sherry and salt into warm veloute sauce and set DVLGH 0HOW WKH EXWWHU LQ a skillet, add mushrooms DQG FRRN VWLUULQJ XQWLO VRIW 6SRRQKDOIRIWKHVDXFHPL[WXUH RYHUWKHVSDJKHWWL3ODFHWKHWXU- key slices and mushrooms on ONE STOP SHOPPING % 30 OFF Items In-Store Selected Men’s & Women’s Jackets Men’s, Women’s & Youth Helmets Gloves Goggles Ballcaps & Beanies Sales & Services 821 W. HWY 26, John Day 541-575-0828 www.johndaypolaris.com Gregg’s inventory of Come check out at Polaris blowers. earth augers. pruners & much more starting at $249 99 $239 99 DS2200 & DS2400 02943 The Eagle Shilo Hettinga, left, and Kiley Stewart lip sync country-western singer K.T. Oslin’s song “Hey Bobby” during the Nov. 15, 1990, talent show in Dayville. The pair received first place. WRS DQG VSRRQ RQ WKH UHPDLQ- downtown looked busier than LQJVDXFH6SULQNOHZLWKJUDWHG XVXDO 1RY DQG EHFDXVH FKHHVHDQGEDNHIRUPLQXWHV ORFDOSRNHUSOD\HUVZHUHGUDZ- ing cards for the second annual Blue Mountain Eagle – SRNHUUXQ 7KHSRNHUUXQZDVVSRQVRUHG Nov. 23, 2005 - 10 yrs ago E\86%XVLQHVV%XLOGHUV,QF Coleman aces Poker Run JOHN DAY – The streets of to thank local businesses and encourage residents to buy lo- FDOO\ 7KLUW\ EXVLQHVVHV SDUWLFLSDW- HG -DYD -XQJOH ZDV WKH ¿UVW VWRSIRUSOD\HUVWRSLFNWKHLU¿UVW card, answer a scavenger-hunt TXHVWLRQ DQG JHW WKHLU HQWU\ IRUP VWDPSHG (DFK EXVLQHVV UHTXLUHG WKDW SOD\HUV DQVZHU D TXHVWLRQ EHIRUH WKH\ VWDPSHG We are happy to WKHLUHQWU\IRUPV transfer and mail Businesses took advantage prescrˆptions and RIWKLVRSSRUWXQLW\WRDFTXDLQW would welcome the SOD\HUVZLWKWKHLUPHUFKDQGLVH opportunity to visit with DQGVHHZKDWLQWHUHVWHGWKHP you about our services! Brian and Sharon Whitman, RZQHUV RI 3HEEOH &UHHN $S- Give us a call today. SDUHOKDGHDFKSOD\HULGHQWLI\ 541-676-9158 WKHLUIDYRULWHVW\OHRIMHDQV Dawn DeGrande, Radio 6KDFN FRRZQHU KDG SOD\HUV DQVZHUTXHVWLRQVOLNHZKDWZDV WKHELJJHVW79LWVROGRUIDVWHVW UHPRWHFRQWUROFDU ³,W¶VIXQ7KHSOD\HUVFRPHLQ and look around so they know what we have and where every- WKLQJLV´'H*UDQGHVDLG Adam Coleman was this \HDU¶V JUDQG SUL]H ZLQQHU 5RQ/DUNLQZRQVHFRQGSODFH (YHQSHRSOHZLWK³XQZLQQLQJ´ Heppner and Condon, Oregon hands had a chance to take KRPHDSUL]H Let our family of pharmaVists serve you! Men’s & Women’s Bibs starting at ter Thanksgiving by Julie Smith: 7XUNH\7HWUD]]LQL FXSV FRRNHG VSDJKHWWL DERXWRQHKDOISRXQG WVEQXWPHJ 7GU\VKHUU\ Salt to taste 7EXWWHU &VOLFHGPXVKURRPV 8 or more slices cooked turkey &IUHVKO\JUDWHG5RPD- QRRU3DUPHVDQFKHHVH UHFLSH9HORXWH6DXFHVHH UHFLSHEHORZ