Veterans Blue Mountain Eagle Help for veterans and their families Blue Mountain Eagle Veterans and family members often need sup- port and advice on a myri- ad of issues. Here are a few local re- sources where people can get help: Grant County Vet- eran Services: Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. every Mon- day, Wednesday and Fri- day, and by appointment. The office is located in the southwest corner of the Grant County Courthouse in Canyon City. Call Vet- eran Services Officer Erin Osgood at 541-575-1631. Veterans and family services: Every Wednes- day, the Burns VA clinic provides PTSD counsel- ing at the John Day Elks Lodge. A veterans group meets from 9-10:30 a.m., family members from 10:30-11:30 a.m., and in- dividual sessions from 12:30-3:30 p.m. The Lodge is at 140 N.E. Day- ton St. To sign up or for more information, call the Burns clinic at 541-573- 3339, ext. 2000. Burns-Hines VA Clinic: Services are avail- able for Grant County veterans including immu- nizations, minor surgical procedures, blood pressure and diabetes monitoring, group therapy for combat PTSD, sobriety and other issues. Lab draws are done on Wednesdays. Nursing staff and therapy is avail- able Monday through Fri- day. The clinic is at 271 N. Egan Ave. in Burns. Call 541-573-3339. Wanted: Gifts for vets store Blue Mountain Eagle JOHN DAY – Un- wrapped items for the veterans “store” at the Portland Veterans Adminis- tration Medical Center are still being accepted through Saturday, Nov. 14, at Mosi- er’s Home Furnishings in John Day. The Veterans Gift Shop project, organized by the Ellis Tracy Unit of the American Le- gion Auxiliary, allows veterans at the Portland hospital, many of whom have little or no income, to be able to “shop” for free gifts for their families. Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Local crocheter shares warm heart Lois Wacken donates 48 afghans for vets By Angel Carpenter Blue Mountain Eagle JOHN DAY – Lois Wacken crochets year round to donate warmth to veterans and their families. Last week, she dropped off 48 colorful afghans at the Veterans Gift Shop window in John Day. The blankets will be de- livered to the Portland Veter- ans Administration Medical Center this weekend. “Usually, I have 50-60 af- ghans, but this year, I made 10 or more baby afghans for the gift shop at the hospi- tal,” she said. If there is extra yarn lay- ing around, at thrift shops or friends’ closets, she uses it. “People donate yarn,” she said, adding she dislikes seeing it go to waste. Blue Mountain Hospital also donated the yarn for her baby afghan project. Wacken is a John Day resident and a retired teach- er, instructing local grade school students for 27 years – her students now have children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren of their own. She said she’s been cro- cheting since she was a kid and takes up the hobby while watching ball games on TV – her favorites are the Seattle Seahawks for football and Mariners for baseball – she also likes the The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Lois Wacken of John Day visits the Veterans Gift Shop window at Mosier’s Home Furnishings to donate 48 handmade afghans. She works on the project year round. Contributions of gifts, from gloves to small appliances, may be dropped off until the morning of Nov. 14 for the gift shop, which will allow veterans to shop for free this holiday season. Portland Trailblazer basket- ball team. When the local Grant Union High School Prospec- tor teams are playing, she’ll crochet while she listens to those games on the radio. “It’s a good way to keep me busy,” she said. She added she enjoys do- nating the blankets to veter- ans each year – she’s been contributing the afghans for vets for 10 years now. “It feels good,” she said. “My dad served in World War I, and my brother served in the Army.” When Wacken dropped off the afghans Monday, Nov. 2, she wasn’t ready to slow down and take a break. “Today, I’ll start again for next year,” she said. Area events to honor veterans Blue Mountain Eagle Take time this Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, to honor those who have served in our country’s military. Here are a few of the local events scheduled: 11 a.m. – Flag ceremony in Prairie City at the Àagpole on Front Street near city hall. Presented by American Le- gion Post 106 of Prairie City. 11 a.m. – Memorial ser- vice at Seventh Street Com- plex in John Day. Organized by John Day Elks Lodge 1824, with salute provided by American Legion Ellis Tracy Post 77 of John Day. A free lunch, open to the public, will follow at the John Day Elks Lodge, 140 N.E. Dayton St. 5 p.m. – Potluck dinner at the Strawberry Grange in Prairie City. Organized by Legion Post and Auxiliary Unit 106 of Prairie City, who will provide ham and turkey. Those attending are asked to bring a side or dessert dish. Local veterans will be recog- nized. On Friday, Nov. 13, the Elks Lodge will be serving “leftover smorgasbord” for dinner. Veterans who bring or wear part of their uniform will get $5 off their meal. For more information, call the Lodge at 541-575-1824. Get Smart This Holiday Season --- --- Christmas on the Prairie Java Jungle Try a holiday drink! Open 7am - 6 pm 541-820-3762 ecials p S e r o t S Prairie Hardware Prepaid Wireless Plans Available Teach kids how to manage their minutes with a prepaid plan. No contract requited! Drawings No-Contract Smartphones 207 N. McHaley 541-820-4777 Tues-Sat. 10am-4:30pm PRAIRIE TRADING POST Ask for details Holiday Gifts Western Apparel (IGSVˆ­.I[IPV] 541-820-3675 --------------------------------------- We now carry Verizon! Beautiful Decor & Jewelry 541-820-4123 Something for Everyone Bazaars IRIE CITY PRA Baked Goods Roan Outwest Coffee, Decor & Gifts, Weaving, Spinning, Fine Art, Antiques, Jewelry, Wine 206 Front St. 541-820-4455 Mon.-Sat. 8am-4:00pm Text-&-Talk Family Plans --------------------------------------- & Gifts Door Prizes 124 Front St. 541-820-3739 Quilts & Beyond ALL FOR ONE LOW MONTHLY PRICE! Ask for details Specials All Day Sensational Specials & Great Gifts B REAKING N EWS A LERTS Get all the talk, text and data your family needs, Saturday, November 21st 9 am - 6 pm & Tropical Tan Huge Gift Selection for Blue Mountain Eagle --------------------------------------- ANTIQUES & FINE JEWELRY Large Selection of Jewelry & Men’s Watches 541-820-3524 Wednesday - Saturday 11 am - 6 pm Layaways available DP H OME ctures i P a t n Sa 02938 E NTERTAINMENT 139 E Main St. John Day 541-575-1637 News all week long. It’s Free! 02942 A8