The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, November 11, 2015, Page A6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
John Day
Alma Joslin
JOHN DAY – On Mon-
day, Nov. 2, we had approx-
imately 32 in-house diners.
Virginia Miller and Mary
Anne Hinton delivered 19
meals out plus 12 frozen
ones to shut-ins. It was an-
other great meal consisting
of French dip sandwiches,
onion rings, deviled eggs
and tortellini salad. Dessert
was a fresh banana cake.
Ron Dowse and Margaret
Glass greeted us. Virginia
led the flag salute, and Ben
Leuthe asked the blessing.
Our servers were from Blue
Mountain Hospital Auxilia-
Veanne Weddle told some
hunting stories. She went
elk hunting over the week-
end and came back tired and
empty handed. Dale Sten-
nett, on the other hand, came
back bragging about his 5x5.
Congratulations, Dale.
My granddaughter, Kel-
lyn DeRosier, joined us for
lunch today and brought
my newest great-grandson,
Bryson, with her. He is al-
most 4 months old and talked
to me the whole lunch hour.
I’m not a proud grandma
or anything. Enough about
Kellyn won the Len’s
Drug gift certificate and
Marianne Morris won the
free meal.
On Thursday, Nov. 5, we
served approximately 45 per-
sons and Jim Spell delivered
29 meals, as well as two fro-
zen ones to shut-ins. Kind of
a low turnout for a Thursday,
but it was still a great meal
so the rest of you missed out.
We had chicken pesto, garlic
mashed potatoes, corn on the
cob and French bread. It was
National Doughnut Day so
we had homemade dough-
nuts for dessert.
The entrée was furnished
by the United Methodist
Thrift Shop. David Pasko
and Billie Bullard greeted
us. Our servers were from St.
Thomas Episcopal Church.
Tracy Unterwenger led the
flag salute and Sophie Cos-
grove sang the blessing.
It was announced there
will be two Christmas ba-
zaars in Mt. Vernon from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday,
Nov. 14. The firemen will
have theirs at the Communi-
ty Hall, and the Grange will
have theirs at the Grange
Hall. Just think, in one trip
to Mt. Vernon you can really
stock up on Christmas gifts.
We are again low on
containers. Please return
yours but make sure they
are clean.
Tom Baumb, from Cal-
ifornia, was here visiting
Jean Willey won the
Chester’s Thriftway gift
certificate and Karen Bar-
rietua won the meal for
two at Valley View. Extra
prizes were won by Leone
Meador, Dave Traylor and
Tom Baumb.
On Nov. 12, we will
have apricot pork chops,
rice and homemade soup.
The following Monday,
Nov. 16, it will be bacon
cheeseburgers with all the
fixins and fries.
1 John 3:18 “Dear chil-
dren, let us stop just saying
we love each other, let us
really show it by our ac-
tions.” (New Living Trans-
Center ladies, Lorna and
Shauntele, brought Dorothy
Blasing, Lois Hill, Dollina
Humphreys, Donna Cox and
Rose Coombs
Marilyn Randall.
We partook of grape juice,
chili beans, potatoes, corn
PRAIRIE CITY – On bread, and pumpkin or orange
Wednesday, Nov. 4, we had zest doughnuts. Hit the spot on
dinner for lunch. We will also this chilly day. Iva said that next
have a dinner on Veterans Day. week’s Veterans Day meal will
We will have Thanksgiving be something special. Wouldn’t
dinner on Nov. 18. That will want to miss it, would you?
take care of the meals at Prai-
I have embraced a new
rie City Senior Center for this technology – digital recording.
month. So now you know. The I have been making cassette
Prairie City American Legion tapes for my Ensemble people
Auxiliary will have a potluck IRU\HDUV7KLV\HDULVWKH¿UVW
here on Veterans Day, too, at 5 time that we are able to record
p.m. That way you only have the accompaniment using dig-
to make your own breakfast ital equipment and it is great!
that day. As Ben says, “What Then I inquired as to how to
a deal!”
play the CD on the sound sys-
Then we can get started on tem. After Keith, the techni-
the Christmas Bazaars: Mt. cian, went through all the steps,
Vernon on Nov. 14, Prairie I opted to just use my portable
City’s Christmas on the Prairie player. One thing at a time.
on Nov. 21, and then the Blue
If you want to join us as we
Mt. Hospital Auxiliary on Dec. wander around town on Nov.
,I\RXFDQ¶W¿QG³LW´DWRQH 21, singing carols, just let me
of those venues, you don’t know. We have a lot of fun do-
need it.
ing that.
We had 88 names on the
We went to Bend to see
registration book on Wednes- about Derrol’s Baha hearing
day. We found some more help aid on Tuesday. The lady took
to deliver the increasingly large one look at it and said she
amount of take-outs from our was sending it to Colorado to
wonderful cooks. Thank you be repaired. OK. This is the
Ginger, for volunteering to do rest of the story: We were in
Thanks to our faithful four it by FedEx that afternoon.
who do the table set-up every The company got it Wednes-
Wednesday morning: Joe, Jim, GD\PRUQLQJ¿[HGLWDQGVHQW
Bruce, and Buzz. Our volunteer it back to Bend in time for
servers were Marjean Koser, her to get it Thursday morn-
Carla Wright (and Larry) and ing. I guess it went by air, not
'XVW\ +DUULV -RH OHG WKH ÀDJ ground. Must have been an
salute and Jack Retherford HDV\¿[WRR
asked the blessing. Jack was
Isa. 16:5 “In mercy the
the winner of the $5 in trade throne will be established;
donated by Prairie Hardware and One will sit on it in truth,
& Gifts. Again, if you have re- in the tabernacle of David,
FHLYHGDJLIWFHUWL¿FDWHUHGHHP judging and seeking justice
it quickly.
and hastening righteous-
The Blue Mountain Care ness.”
Prairie City
Soo Yukawa
were in Bend recently do-
ing some shopping and I
was so shocked to see a sign
that said, “48 days til Christ-
I think there is a holiday
that is very important before
Christmas. Thanksgiving is
just a couple of weeks away.
There are so many things to
be truly thankful for. I am
thankful for my Lord and
Savior Jesus first and fore-
most. I am thankful for my
wonderful husband and chil-
dren, too, and for my coun-
try – I live where most peo-
ple in the world could only
wish for and dream about.
I am thankful for the free-
doms that I still have, my
health, my community and
my friends. I could go on
and on. It is always good to
count one’s blessings. I am
humbled that my God has
provided everything we need
and more. We are also thank-
ful for all the veterans and
the men and women in the
service today to help protect
our nation and freedoms.
May we never forget their
patriotism and sacrifice.
For our Tuesday lunch
on Nov. 3, we were served
chicken enchiladas, a fresh
salad, Spanish rice, brown-
ies and pear slices. We are
truly thankful for our cooks,
Terry Cade and Carrie Jew-
ell, and their hard work of
cooking for us. Our greeters
were Bob Blakeslee, Bodean
Andersen, Jimmy Cole and
Marva Walker. Sylvia Cock-
rell and Terry Bowlus won
the free meals. We welcome
back Terry Bowlus from her
long stay away from home.
We had quite a few visi-
tors. Gus Peterson joined us
for lunch, and we also had
the CPAs from Lewis, Poe,
Moeller, Gunderson and
Roberts visit us. They were
the Co-op crew visitors from
La Grande, H. Brent Lewis,
Mindy Davis and Michelle
Long. Barb Reiley from the
Co-op escorted them.
I think it is safe to put
away my summer tank tops.
I don’t think I will be need-
ing them anytime soon.
My oh my, we had some
good rain fall! I think the
kids and I would love for the
snow to be falling real soon.
There looked to be quite a
bit of snow on the Sisters
mountains near Bend. I got
to ski a very long time ago in
Mt. Bachelor. I really liked
skiing there. The powder and
the -22 degree F wind chill
factor was just awesome!
If you are dressed correctly
for the temperature, there is
nothing miserable about that
cold. Can’t wait for the real-
ly chilly weather!
Ephesians 5:15-17 “See
then that ye walk circum-
spectly, not as fools, but as
wise, Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
Wherefore be ye not unwise,
but understanding what the
will of the Lord is.”
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