A6 %OXH0RXQWDLQ(DJOH Community :HGQHVGD\2FWREHU G RANT C OUNTY SENIORS JOHN DAY – On Sept. 28, we had the usual diners, approximately John Day 32. We had Western baked pota- Seniors to bar with chili beans, taco meat, Alma Joslin sour cream, grated cheese, olives, tomatoes, onions, salsa and butter for toppings. We also had chips with nacho cheese and green salad. For dessert Lisa made a rhubarb ice cream cake. Darlene Nodine and Ineta Carpenter delivered 16 meals plus eight IUR]HQRQHVWRVKXWLQV7KH\ZHUHDOVRRXUVHUYHUVUHSUHVHQWLQJWKH Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Ron Dowse and Marianne 0RUULVJUHHWHGXVDWWKHGHVN'DUOHQHOHGWKHÀDJVDOXWHDQG,QHWD asked the blessing. Veanne did the announcing. There wasn’t much new except a thank \RXWR/LQGD6WROW]IRUDOOWKHGHFRUDWLRQVIRU6HQLRU&HQWHU0RQWK 6RPHRIWKHGHFRUDWLRQVDUH1RUPDQ5RFNZHOOSDLQWLQJV6XQ%RQQHW Sue wall decor and an antique jump rope. Also, thank you to Jimmy Maple for the garden produce. /RUQD DQG 3DWWLH EURXJKW 0DULO\Q 5DQGDOO 'RURWK\ %ODVLQJ DQG /RLV+LOOIURP%OXH0RXQWDLQ&DUH&HQWHU 7KH/HQ¶V'UXJFHUWL¿FDWHZDVZRQE\-DQ(OOLVRQDQGWKHIUHH PHDOZDVZRQE\%UXFH.DXIPDQ I want to thank Shay - on top of all his other duties, he took notes for me on Thursday, Oct. 1, as I was out of town attending the wedding of my great-granddaughter. 7KHUHZHUHDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUVRQVGLQLQJDWWKH&HQWHUDQG-LP 6SHOODQG9HDQQH:HGGOHGHOLYHUHGPHDOVSOXVIRXUIUR]HQRQHVWR shut-ins. 7KHPHDOFRQVLVWHGRIERQHOHVVSRUNFKRSVVWXI¿QJPDVKHGSRWD- toes and cream gravy, corn and wheat rolls. Then Lisa topped it off with a banana split crumb cake which was really yummy. I had mine deliv- ered before I left town. I took it with me to share with my daughter, so I GLGJHWWRHQMR\WKHPHDODQ\ZD\/LQGD6WROW]DQG2OO\0DHIXUQLVKHG WKHHQWUpHLQPHPRU\RI)UHG6WROW] $WWKHGHVNZHUH'DYLG3DVNRDQG%LOOLH%XOODUG'HQQLV5H\QROGV OHGWKHÀDJVDOXWHDQG-LP6SHOODVNHGWKHEOHVVLQJ7KHVHUYHUVZHUH IURP6W7KRPDV(SLVFRSDO&KXUFKDQGDVVLVWHGE\/LQGD6WROW]DQG Olly Mae. Veanne announced a Red Cross Volunteer training is to be held on 2FWREHUWKDWSPDWWKH*UDQW&RXQW\6FKRRO'LVWULFWRI¿FHDW 1&DQ\RQ&LW\%OYG&DQ\RQ&LW\ Our guests were Olly Mae from Denver, Co. and Jerry Porter, Don Porter’s brother from La Grande. Welcome, folks. 6KD\VDLGWKHUHZHUHDWRWDORIGRRUSUL]HVJLYHQRXWDQGKHGLGQ¶W have time to get all the names, so I won’t mention any. Sorry you guys don’t get your moment of fame in the paper. Thursday, Oct. 8, we will be having chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and whatever else they cook up. Whatever it is I’m sure it will be good. Then Monday, Oct. 12, we will have a farmers breakfast. That sounds like another super Monday meal to start your week. Hope to see you at one or both of these meals. Romans 8:1,2 – “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” 02180(17 ± %H- ing thankful is a good Monument thing. I’m so thankful Seniors for many things: the cold Soo Yukawa weather we’ve been hav- ing because it gave us a nice break from the heat, and makes working outside much more comfortable; the beautiful country I live in; and the garden that gave us fresh veggies. I’m even thankful for that gopher, because it taught me what I need to do for next year’s garden plans. Going through trials, frustrations and problems teaches us how to deal with them, learn from them, and it especially makes us stronger. Having a thankful heart also keeps us from despair. When one is thankful, there is always hope. Every day is a new day and there is always something beautiful to see and always something to be thankful for. I was so thankful for our lunch on Sept. 29. Our won- derful cooks prepared some delicious pork ribs, cole slaw, baked beans and birthday cake. You missed out if you weren’t there. I even got to save those bones to take home to my dogs. They sure enjoyed eating them and I’m sure they were thankful! We thank our chefs Terry Cade and Heather %RZOXV2XUJUHHWHUVZHUH%RE%ODNHVOHH-LPP\&ROHDQG 0DUYD:DONHU%REOHGWKHÀDJVDOXWHDQG%RGHDQ$QGHUVRQ prayed the blessing. %RE