History Blue Mountain Eagle PAST S AFETY IN ‘ NEW ’ NUMBERS Continued from Page A10 Eagle file photo Thursday, September 30, 1965 - Emergency phone numbers for John Day police and fire departments, Canyon CIty Fire Department, and the Grant County Sheriff will change at 12:01 a.m. Sunday. Displaying their new numbers are (from left kneeling) police chief Larry Schnider and fire chief Stan Phillips; (standing from left) sheriff Tom Negus and fire chief Bill Wall. The new emergency numbers also appear on the inside front cover of the John Day and Canyon City directory supplement. M ILES AND MILES OF WIRE left Sept. 4 for the Gulf Coast. Kellie Reid, Karen Westmo- reland, Muffett Ricco, Linda Sprouffske, Erin Workman and Carol McDonald left on a Lear jet, courtesy of D.R. Johnson. They are expected back Sept. 16. There are tentative plans to send another group of nurses. At least one military man with a connection to Grant County is down there. Mike Ad- ams, son of James and Sherry Adams of John Day, is a petty RI¿FHU DERDUG WKH 866 :DVK- ington. “The Navy is being shot at,” Mr. Adams said his son told him. “Don’t understand how people who are trying to help are getting shot at.” The relief effort by the coun- ty and the credit union pulled in $18,000 Sept. 7, the day credit union employees manned a ta- ble in the parking lot. “Pretty proud of Grant Coun- ty,” said Bruce Carey, who was there to donate $100 from he DQGKLV¿DQFHH%HFN\%URRNV Many of the credit union’s employees spent time at the ta- ble, taking donations while sit- ting under an umbrella provided by Bryan’s Lawn Care, includ- ing Jeanne Day, Lenore Saul, Christie Dahlen, Kim Wall, Trista Cox, Rhonda Moore and Carol Waggoner. Dahlen and Moore were the lead organizers of that group. Local residents brought the group cold drinks. John Boynton, head of the county’s emergency manage- PHQW RI¿FH DQG 6KHULII *OHQQ Palmer helped coordinate the overall effort. People of all ages donated. One little guy, Taylor, 3, put $25 in the jar. Kathy Johnson, wife of John Day Fire Chief Ted Johnson, was there to put in her family’s share. “What if it was us, and we needed help,” Johnson said. Local schools are involved in the relief effort, too. Grant 8QLRQZDVFRQVLGHULQJDSHQQ\ war, and Dayville School was putting jars in area businesses, including Dayville Mercantile, the mini mart, RV park and the antique store, and in John Day DW WKH 2XWSRVW DQG 6QDIÀH %LW restaurants. $WWKH6QDIÀH%LWDJXLWDULVW who is playing there put all of his tip money in the donation jar. Maurice Thorne, Dayville’s principal, donated money, and WKH ¿IWK DQG VL[WKJUDGH FODVV donated $50 from their jars to Stacie Holmstrom’s relatives Wednesday, September 16, 2015 who were displaced by the hur- ricane. The class is also writing letters for the family’s children. Holmstrom works at the Educa- tion Service District in John Day. “It’s become a ritual, with students coming with pennies from home and they can’t wait to put the money in the jar,” said Lori Smith, Dayville School secretary. The plan was to collect the jars by the end of this week, then send the money next week. The money collected at the credit union is going to Red Cross, the Salvation Army, 1RUWKZHVW 0HGLFDO WHDP ¿UH and police departments in Lou- isiana and Mississippi, and to one school in the area. Student representatives from county schools will get together to decide which Gulf Coast school the money should be sent. The money E YE DOC COMING TO VISIT Eagle file photo This ad, from the Friday, Sept. 13, 1940, issue of the Blue Mountain Eagle, announces the services of Dr. Mae Booth Jones of the Jones Optical Company in Spokane, Wash., at the John Day Hotel. was expected to be sent by the end of this week. Eagle file photo Thursday, September 23, 1965 - WIRE AND MORE WIRE - Some of the nearly eight miles of wire installed in Pacific Northwest Bell’s central office can be seen here as Richard R. Carlson, Western Electric Co. installer, pulls dial phone wiring into an equipment frame. Before John Day and Canyon City phone users start dialing their own local calls on October 3 more than 120,000 wire connections have been made. Hardware Paint Cookware Garden Supplies Home Decor and much more! Memorial Chapel Your Local Funeral Home Serving Grant County Since 1937 Grave Markers • Pre-planned Services Cremation Services 541-575-0529 Grant County’s NEWSPAPER DELIVERED YOUR WAY Blue Mountain Eagle is available to view on any of these apps that are free to download. Must be a subscriber. PICK A PLAN THAT WORKS FOR YOU: $40 YEAR In-County For Weekly Delivery PLUS 7-Day ALL DIGITAL Blue Mountain EAGLE 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845 541-575-0710 • MyEagleNews.com/subscribe Sharing stories from Grant County since 1868 $51 Year Out-of-County or out-of-State For Weekly Delivery PLUS 7-Day ALL DIGITAL A11 $40 YEAR For 7-Day ALL DIGITAL Want to subscribe? Call Lindsay 541.575.0710 or go to myeaglenews.com/subscribe