A10 Wildfires Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Crews pulled off Canyon Creek Complex Resources are shifted to higher priority incidents By George Plaven Blue Mountain Eagle Photo by Colin Murphy for the Blue Mountain Eagle Brant Olson of Clackamas walks the controlled burn fire line at the Canyon Creek Complex fire near John Day. Crews are being released to fight other fires in the Northwest. total has since dropped to about 150 structures. Crews have also buttoned up the Jerry’s Draw ¿UHQRUWKRI3UDLULH&LW\ )LUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RI¿FHU Damon Simmons said the sit- uation appears stable, which PHDQV PRUH ¿UH HQJLQHV DQG ¿UVW UHVSRQGHUV FDQ HLWKHU EH sent home or deployed to other ¿UHVZKHUHWKHUHDUHVWLOOOLYHV homes and property at risk. “I won’t be surprised if we’re re-assigning a lot of those structure units,” Simmons said. B r o t h e r s R u n “Things have gone well the last couple of days.” State Forester Doug Deck- er recently said the “pipeline is empty” when it comes to DVVLJQLQJ WUDLQHG ¿UH¿JKWHUV to the sheer number of mega- ¿UHV EXUQLQJ DFURVV WKH :HVW 7KH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW QRUWK- ern California and the northern 5RFNLHVDUHDOOXQGHUD¿UH3UH- paredness Level 5, which is the highest level issued. Gov. Kate Brown ordered DQRWKHU 2UHJRQ 1DWLRQDO Guard soldiers to help in the ¿UH¿JKWLQJ HIIRUW EXW LW¶V XO- WLPDWHO\ XS WR ¿UH RI¿FLDOV RQ the ground to determine where the men and women are needed most. “They look at whether hous- es are threatened, are evacua- tions ongoing, are we getting DKHDGRIWKLV¿UHRUDUHZHJHW- ting pushed backward,” Sim- mons said. “Every single day, they’re having that conversa- tion.” )LUH¿JKWHUV PDGH SURJUHVV on the Canyon Creek Complex despite ominous weather fore- casts late last week that called for gusty winds and continued high temperatures. Simmons said they are con- ¿GHQWWKHLU¿UHOLQHVZLOOKROG “We’ll just keep plugging along to get it more and more contained,” Simmons said. “Nothing is a sure thing until WKH¿UHLVDOOWKHZD\RXW%XW they have a high degree of con- ¿GHQFH´ The Canyon Creek Complex was the nation’s highest priority ZLOG¿UHODVWZHHNEXWKDVVLQFH gone down to 10th. The Nation- al Interagency Fire Center still UDQNV WKH 2NDQRJDQ &RPSOH[ DQG 1RUWK 6WDU ¿UHV LQ :DVK- ington as priorities one and two, respectively. As fewer structures are WKUHDWHQHG 6LPPRQV VDLG ¿UH- ¿JKWHUV ZLOO HYHQWXDOO\ PRYH elsewhere. “We’ll be here until we’re no longer needed,” he said. “But it’s looking very good.” :asKLngWon ¿res now aW Wop of lLsW By George Plaven &UHHN²LQIDFWVWDIIRQWKH¿UH JUHZWRSHRSOHDWLWVKHLJKW ZKLFK ZRXOG PDNH WKH ¿UH When it comes to prioritiz- camp the second-largest city ing the multitude of giant wild- in rural Grant County. About ¿UHVUDJLQJDFURVVWKH:HVWWKH SHUVRQQHODUHFXUUHQWO\DV- Canyon Creek Complex is no VLJQHGWRWKH¿UH longer on top of the nation’s list. +RZHYHU¿UHPDQDJHUVUHF- That distinction now be- ognize the enormous need to ORQJV WR WKH 2NDQRJDQ &RP- protect lives, homes and infra- SOH[ D IRXU¿UH LQIHUQR EXUQ- structure in Washington, where ing nearly 256,000 acres in WKH 2NDQRJDQ &RPSOH[ DQG north-central Washington state. North Star Fire have burned That’s not to suggest help RYHUVTXDUHPLOHV isn’t coming in daily to Canyon 'HWHUPLQLQJ ZKLFK ¿UHV get preference for resources is a process overseen by state DQG UHJLRQDO WRS ¿UH¿JKWLQJ RI¿FLDOVEDVHGRQGDLO\UHSRUWV ¿OHG E\ LQFLGHQW FRPPDQGHUV on the ground level of each blaze. RICKI AND THE FLASH PG-13 It starts at the National A musician who gave up everything for her dream returns home, looking to make things right with Interagency Fire Center in her family. FRI & SAT (4:10) 7:10 9:35 Boise, where a team of lead- SUNDAY (4:10) 7:10 ership known as the National MON-THURS (4:10) 7:10 NO ESCAPE R Multi-Agency Coordinating In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a Group sets priority by geo- coup. FRI & SAT (4:00) 7:00 9:30 graphic region. Federal agen- SUNDAY (4:00) 7:00 cies represented in the group MON-THURS (4:00) 7:00 HITMAN: AGENT 47 R include the Bureau of Land An assassin teams up with a woman to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her Management, Bureau of Indi- ancestry. FRI - THURS (4:20) 7:20 9:40 an Affairs, U.S. Forest Service, SUNDAY (4:20) 7:20 Fish and Wildlife Service, Na- MON-THURS (4:00) 7:20 ( ) = Bargain Matinee tional Parks, U.S. Fire Admin- $9 Adult, $7 Senior (60+), Youth istration and National Associa- tion of State Foresters. 7KH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVWFRQ- tinues to be the highest-prior- ity region in the country and remains under a Preparedness /HYHOIRUZLOG¿UHVZKLFKLV the highest level issued. But other regions aren’t far behind, with northern California and the northern Rockies also at Level 5. “We help prioritize and mo- bilize resources to (incidents) based on the need,” said Chris- tine Cozakos, spokeswoman with the forest service stationed at the National Interagency Fire Center. “It’s not random. There is some strategy in placing those Blue Mountain Eagle The Brothers Run 2015 will be canceled due to the Canyon Creek Complex Fire. Look for us next year! )DPLO\SKDUPDFLHVVHUYLQJ(DVWHUQ2UHJRQRYHU\HDUV Heppner and Condon, Oregon /HWRXUIDPLO\RISKDUPDFLVWVVHUYH\RX :HDUHKDSS\WRWUDQVIHUDQGPDLOSUHVFULSWLRQVDQGZRXOG ZHOFRPHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRYLVLWZLWK\RXDERXWRXUVHUYLFHV 541-676-9158 We Gladly Accept Visa or MasterCard 02573 With so much demand for ¿UH¿JKWLQJUHVRXUFHVDFURVVWKH Northwest, some crews have been pulled off Canyon Creek and will likely be re-assigned to KLJKHU SULRULW\ ¿UHV LQ 2UHJRQ and Washington. 6ORZO\ EXW VXUHO\ ¿UH¿JKW- ers are making steady progress on the Canyon Creek Complex south of John Day. The blaze, which burned out of control for more than a week and destroyed 39 houses, was RI¿FLDOO\ SHUFHQW FRQWDLQHG as of Tuesday morning. At last FRXQW DFUHV KDYH EHHQ scorched. With southwest winds still H[SHFWHG ¿UH¿JKWHUV IURP FRQWDLQHG SRUWLRQV RI WKH ¿UH moved to the Norton Fork area near Pine Creek and Dog Creek to be available for additional VWUXFWXUH SURWHFWLRQ ¿UHOLQH construction, patrolling and oth- HU¿UHRSHUDWLRQV 7KH UHG ÀDJ ZDUQLQJ LV- sued for the area over the past two days was lifted. Though temperatures will remain high, southwest winds are expected to be lower and the air more stable. The total number of person- nel now staged in John Day is 832, or about 100 fewer than last week when Canyon Creek was considered the nation’s KLJKHVWSULRULW\ZLOG¿UH $WWKHWLPHPRUHWKDQ structures were threatened. That Contributed photo/Linda Smarr Air tanker drops retardant over the Canyon Creek Complex fire. The fire was 37 percent contained as of Tuesday morning. ¿UHVLQWKHRUGHUWKH\DUHLQ´ Fire activity in the North- ZHVWLVÀXLGDQGUHYLHZHGGDLO\ Cozakos said. It’s kind of a con- stant moving around of resourc- es, she added. Within the Northwest re- gion, another interagency co- ordination center based in Port- ODQG HYDOXDWHV ZKLFK VSHFL¿F ¿UHVSDUWLFXODUO\QHHGKHOS$V conditions change on a dime DQGVFDWWHU¿UHVRIILQQHZGL- rections, the main criteria boil GRZQWRSXEOLFVDIHW\¿UVWIRO- lowed by protecting homes and protecting other infrastructure, such as bridges and power lines. Koshare Eagle, spokes- woman with the Northwest Interagency Coordination Cen- ter, said incident commanders send in a worksheet every day WKDW GHWDLOV ULVNV WR ¿UH¿JKWHU safety, public safety and homes, among other resources. A sec- ond multi-agency team — this one made up of representatives from each agency that par- WLFLSDWHV LQ ¿JKWLQJ ZLOG¿UHV DFURVV2UHJRQDQG:DVKLQJWRQ — reviews the information and issues an bulletin of priorities. Though the Canyon Creek Complex, which continues to threaten more than 150 struc- tures, is now 10th on the list, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t FKDQJHTXLFNO\(DJOHVDLG “It really is going to depend RQ¿UHDFWLYLW\RQWKDW¿UHUHOD- WLYHWR¿UHDFWLYLW\DQGFRPPX- QLWLHVWKUHDWHQHGE\RWKHU¿UHV in the area,” she said. Nor does it mean, just be- FDXVH WKH 2NDQRJDQ &RPSOH[ WRSVWKHOLVWLWLV¿UVWLQOLQHWR receive everything. Cozakos said the center does its best WR ¿OO DOO RUGHUV IRU UHVRXUF- es, though they are about as stretched as they can get. ³:HORRNDWDOO¿UHVWRGLYY\ out resources,” Cozakos said. Incident priorities for the Northwest are posted daily online at www.gacc.nifc.gov/ nwcc/ Mills Building Supply Quality Lumber & Building Products redwood • plywood • bamboo • pressure-treated wood • molding • fencing • siding • patio covers Need a hand? Ask us for a preferred contractor list! 751 W M a in S t. • Jo hn Da y Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm Saturday 541-575-1021