Blue Mountain Eagle Journey Through Grant County Wednesday, July 29, 2015 C3 Contributed photos/Haley Hueckman Above: Ashley Grizzafii of Dallas, Sara Kosozik of Boise), Haley Hueckman of John Day and Jessica Newell of Arizona enjoy a welcome break at Strawberry Falls. Left: Hueckman and Newell check out the view above Strawberry Lake. Blue Mt. MINI MARKET TIPS 3 SHQ33'D\V3D3ZHHN3DPSP 2 330WQ3%OYG30W39HUQRQ3ˆ3 Plenty of snacks, beverages and gas. Stock up before you head Fill up with the good stuff, non-ethanol premium. out of town! favorite overnight, longer hike? A. One of my favorite day hikes is the Pine Creek Trail, Continued from Page C2 up to Baldy Mountain. For bags and cookware. Anoth- a backpacking trip, start at er important tip is packing the Strawberry Campground, your backpack, distributing then to Slide Lake for the weight onto your hips and not night, over to High Lake, to your shoulders. ALWAYS let the summit of Strawberry someone know where you’ll Mountain and then back down be and an estimated time of to the Strawberry Camp trail- when you’ll be done. head. Q. Not all trails are creat- Q. Any memorable expe- ed equally; they vary greatly riences? LQOHQJWKDQGGLI¿FXOW\:KDW A. One of my more mem- are some things hikers of all orable moments hiking was abilities should look for when DW/LWWOH6WUDZEHUU\/DNH,W¶V deciding on a trail? a popular spot to see moun- A. Hikers should always tain goats. However, on this carry a map, and know how SDUWLFXODUPRUQLQJ,VSRWWHG to read it. Look for reliable ,¶YHQHYHUVHHQWKDWPDQ\ water sources, and trails that up there. have been maintained. Not When not out on the trail, all trails are routinely main- home base for Haley Hueck- tained and can sometimes be man, and her cat, Stella, is GLI¿FXOWWRFURVV,QMXU\LVDO- John Day. ways a possibility. The more you hike, the more weight you should be able to carry on your trip. Prepare to carry your food, shelter and water. Q. Grant County has an abundance of trails winding through breathtaking scen- HU\ +RZ FDQ D SHUVRQ ¿QG out where they are? A. The best place to get information on trails is the Forest Service – either at the 6XSHUYLVRUV RI¿FH LQ -RKQ Day or the Prairie City Rang- er District. They will have maps there. You can get for- est maps or if you plan on being in the wilderness, they RIIHU ZLOGHUQHVV PDSV ,W¶V imperative, if you’re headed to the wilderness, to learn and know what wilderness ethics are. Q. How long have you been hiking and how did you ¿UVWJHWLQWHUHVWHG" $,¶YHEHHQJRLQJRQGD\ KLNHVIRUDVORQJDV,FDQUH- PHPEHU , JUHZ XS QHDU WKH Strawberries and can remem- ber being on the trail with my family. Backpacking never peaked my interest until col- OHJH ZKHUH , PHW P\ IULHQG Jessica, who introduced me to the idea of sleeping on WKH WUDLO ,Q WKH VXPPHUV , worked for the Forest Ser- YLFH DQG OHDUQHG DQ LQ¿QLWH amount about our forest. My ¿UVW WULSV ZHUH LQ WKH 6WUDZ- EHUU\:LOGHUQHVVDQG,VRRQ IRXQG RXW , ORYHG WR KLNH where no one could drive. Q. Got any lessons to share with others? A. Good hiking shoes and water. These two things are key in a safe and comfortable hike, short or long. And gum- P\ ZRUPV , DOZD\V EULQJ gummy worms for the trail. Q. What’s your favorite John local day hike? And your A U T O M O T I H V E & T FREE ar r C Loane ible ct Dedu nce ta Assis ble Availa Towing & Precision Auto Body Repair FREE ESTIMATES • COLLISION REPAIR • AUTO GLASS George Hamsher, Manager 200 E Main, John Day • 541-575-0358 • 541-575-0359 Cell 541-792-0366 • OXBOW TRADE CO. Antiques & More Hwy. 395 South, Canyon City, OR 541-575-2911 ASK FOR MORE! Day: (541) 575-1594 • Pendleton: 1-800-344-9230