News Blue Mountain Eagle ACCESS Continued from Page A1 road closures are changing their way of life and history. Dennis Lynch of Prairie City said there are roads he’s used for hunting in the past that are closed, and he feels he has to “know every nook and cranny of the law” to know where he’s allowed to travel, adding he’d like his kids and grandkids to enjoy the forest. Many took the view that the system for closing roads is broken, including Larry Blasing of Prairie City, a Grant County public forest commission member. “We need a system that is more user friendly,” he said. While agreeing with Blasing, Grant County Commissioner Chris Labhart of John Day added, “All I want is a civil discourse, and I feel we have that with the new forest su- pervisor.” Public Forest Commission mem- POOL ber Jim Sproul of Canyon City, and fourth-generation family rancher, VDLGKHZURWH¿YHFRPPHQWVWRWKH Forest Service, and hasn’t received a reply. “The Forest Service works for us. County people need to stand up,” he said. Several others around the room also complained their emailed com- ments had not been answered. Midway through the meeting, Dennis Dougherty, recreation plan- ner for the Forest Plan Revision Team, gave an overview of some of the history of forest planning. Southworth then asked, “What’s one thing the Forest Service can do to make you feel you’ve been heard?” Among the replies: “Answer my question, whose forest is it?” “Show us respect, and be active listeners.” “Just tell us the truth.” Beverlin, in reply spoke next. “Whose forest is it (you ask)? It’s Grant County’s forest; it’s the forest of the citizens of the United Wednesday, July 15, 2015 States. We manage it in trust for (them),” he said. Mark Webb of Mt. Vernon, ex- ecutive director of Blue Mountain Forest Partners, said the Forest Ser- vice should do more to develop a relationship with the locals to gain insight in the decision-making pro- cess. “You might have a better reso- lution,” he said. Howard Gieger of John Day said he’s seen a lot of changes with the Forest Service over the last 50 years. “In the 70s you saw them communicate – they let you know what was going on,” he said. “The forest is our forest – we’re respon- sible.” The Grant County Ordinance 2013-01 pertaining to public road closures was also part of the discus- sion; it states the Forest Service will not close roads without consent of County Court and the sheriff. There was some talk as to whether it’s en- forceable. “If we have an ordinance in Grant County and it’s not legal, let’s forget it – if it is legal, abide by it,” said Mike Moore of Bear Valley. “Our attorneys do not believe the Grant County ordinance is legal,” Beverlin said. Added Robert Armbruster of Sumpter, “Decisions are best made at the local level. Freedom of access is imperative to a mountain way of life.” After the meeting, Stadler com- mented, “I think the message is loud and clear that we need to get out there and engage with the public. They wanted to feel heard and by doing these sessions we have the op- portunity to listen to them – I think the conversations are helping us to FUDIWD¿QDO)RUHVW3ODQ´ Stadler emphasized that the For- est Plan Revision and Travel Man- agement Planning are two separate planning processes. Subpart B of the Travel Management Rule (Des- ignation of Roads, Trails and Areas Open to Public Motor Vehicles) will begin after the Forest Plan Revision is complete. She added a response to the com- “Even if the recreation dis- trict gave us the pool back, we couldn’t afford to run and main- mayor, Don Dolven. tain it,” said Lundbom. Instead, - Dan Gleason, a noted public of- Lundbom would like to see oth- fi cial, had been the mayor of John er local entities, like the hospital Day in the mid-1920s, as well as and school district for instance, chief of police, deputy sheriff and city marshal. He also worked on the join the conversation. John Day fi re, water and mainte- “We all know this pool isn’t nance departments. going to last,” he said. “It would - According to Bill Smith, John EHQLFHLIZHFRXOG¿JXUHVRPH Day Councilman, expenditures at thing out. We don’t need a Taj the pool from June 7, 1958 to July Mahal and a lot of extras, just 26, 1958 were listed as: Wages, a simple pool housed in a metal $2,200; fuel, $700; and lights, $75; building would be adequate.” or a total of approximately $3,000. With the city in the midst of Business during the two months EXLOGLQJ D QHZ ¿UH VWDWLRQ WKH netted a profi t of about $800. Over 9,000 swimmers were listed as pool subject of pool replacement isn’t users during the period. RQLWVUDGDUWKRXJKFLW\RI¿FLDOV are well aware of the challenges make the pool a valuable asset the recreation district has with to the community. managing the pool. Lundbom agrees. “It’s im- As for Ward, she too would perative we have a pool,” he like to see other entities along said, but he stops short of en- with community members to dorsing the idea of the city get- begin laying the groundwork for WLQJ LQYROYHG ¿QDQFLDOO\ LQ WKH a new pool and wouldn’t mind building of a new pool. Other hearing from interested parties. municipalities have and are los- She can be reached during the ing money. day at 541-575-9930. A brief history of Gleason Pool: Continued from Page A1 continues to deteriorate that it’s time to look to the future,” said Ward. The Parks and Recreation District was formed in 1989 to reopen and manage the pool af- ter it had been closed for a period of time, according to Ward. The effort was aided by proponents who wanted to see the pool be- come a viable resource for the community once again and the city was delighted it no longer KDG WKH ¿QDQFLDO UHVSRQVLELOLW\ of running the pool, said Mayor Ron Lundbom, who was a city council member at the time. In addition to managing the pool, the parks and recreation district in subsequent years developed and runs the youth sports program and also man- ages the 7th Street Complex. In an agreement with the city of John Day, the district leases the - Opened on June 7, 1958, under the name John Day Municipal Pool. - Cost to open was $60,000, oper- ated by the City of John Day. - First pool manager was Lynn Pryse, with Lyle Willden assisting and Betty Jo Wyllie as chief life- guard. - By the end of June 1958, John Day/Canyon City Chamber of Com- merce sponsored a competition to re- name the pool. Harry Don Moody, 7, of John Day won the contest and $5, as well as two coupon books of swim tickets. - In a dedication ceremony July 11, 1958, the pool was re-named to honor the late Dan Gleason by then pool and, with the lease set to expire in 2020, Ward and others believe now is the time to begin serious discussions about build- ing a replacement pool. “The town needs a pool,” said Ward. “Kids still have a blast at the pool. It’s a safe alter- native to rivers and lakes.” Sum- mer swim lessons, Ward adds, A7 PHQWVZRXOGEHLQFOXGHGLQWKH¿QDO Environmental Impact Statement. Myers was pleased with how the meeting went. “It was a good oppor- tunity for people to speak their mind, and I think they did a pretty good job,” he said. “It was also a good opportunity for the Forest Service to listen to what the public’s concerns are in relation to access – the abil- ity to use the forest as they’ve his- torically been able to – and for the Forest Service to say why things are done the way they are. “Jim Pena (region forester) want- ed to put travel management on hold pending the completion of the Forest Plan,” Myers added. “It is dishearten- ing – it appears to some they’re trying to close roads project by project in- stead of waiting for the rewrite to be completed. The public needs to get involved and stay involved. They need to take advantage of the opportunity.” The two listening sessions re- garding grazing and pace and scale of restoration work on the Malheur National Forest have been sched- uled, to be announced. Eagle Cap Excursion Train Two Rivers Run Dinner & Music on the Train Saturday, July 18 Departs from Elgin at 4:30 p.m. 800.323.7330 Two Rivers Bonus Run - August 1 & 15 See the full season schedule online. Kids take over emergency services as Chiefs for the Day Blue Mountain Eagle EPHRATA, WA – Jenny Boyer of Moses Lake, Wash- ington was recently honored as the Chief for the Day by the Washington State Patrol in Ephrata, Washington. Jen- ny is the daughter of Richard and Charity (Dark) Boyer, and granddaughter of Rusty and Peggy Dark of Monument, Oregon, and Richard Boyer and the late Mary Boyer of Canyon City, Oregon. Audible sirens could be heard from a large number of law enforcement motor- cade vehicles approaching, as a crowd of about 200 people gathered in front of the Grant County Courthouse, in Ephra- ta, Wash. Grant County Undersher- iff Dave Ponozzo who was in charge of the ceremony said disabled children and chil- dren with health challenges, and their parents and fami- lies face obvious obstacles in the world, but their ability to move forward is beyond what most people in the world are capable of doing. Jenny was born with Down syndrome in September 2005. She has had the normal chal- lenges facing children with Down’s. Her health challenges began at birth. Jenny contin- ues to make the most of life though, competing in Special Olympics basketball this win- ter and track this spring, win- ning several awards for her skills. Jenny attends school in a general education classroom where she reads near grade level, spells at grade level. Each of the 10 Chiefs for the Day were appropriately suited in the uniform of the agency they were command- ing for the day. Once they reached the Courthouse they were greeted by agency rep- resentatives and escorted to seats and welcomed applause from the crowd. The smiles each Chief was wearing brightened every crowd mem- ber’s day. Each Chief was then individually honored by the leadership of the respec- tive agency and given a badge and plaque to commemorate the special day. )ROORZLQJ WKH RI¿FLDO swearing in of the little Chiefs, the Board of County Commissioners presented a proclamation honoring the -XQH DV WKH RI¿FLDO day for the “Chief for the Day” ceremony. Contributed Photo Jenny Boyer, shown here with Grant County Undersheriff Dave Ponozzo, was one of 10 Chiefs for the Day in a ceremony held in Ephrata, Wash. g n i h s i F t s e B CONTEST Debbie Ausmus 245 South Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR 97845 OPEN WED. & THUR. 9 am - 5 pm 541-575-1113 24 hrs/7 days wk debbie.ausmus@ C O T in ! w o t s e P HO c n a h c W ith two kly or grand prize wee G o fishing in G rant C ounty, and send in photos from your experience. You Could WIN $10 WEEKLY OR $100 GRAND PRIZE Open to all amateur photographers. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has stocked some big ones in local lakes and waterways this summer. This is your chance to catch supper and maybe win a prize, in the 2015 Best Fishing Photo Contest sponsored by the Blue Mountain Eagle, Boyd Britton Welding and Prairie Springs Fish Farm. • Photos will be judged for quality, content, viewer appeal. Remember, it’s not the biggest fish – but the best fishing photo that takes the prize! • Photos must be taken this summer in Grant County. • Digital format is best - e-mail to or bring in a disc to the Eagle office, 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day. • Deadline for submissions: Sep. 21, 2015 for the grand prize. NO ONE KNOWS YOUR EQUIPMENT BETTER. Your AGCO Parts Dealer has the parts you need when you need them. Hardware, chain, batteries, tillage, belts, cutting parts. We have the quality parts you need to keep your AGCO equipment running smoothly during the demanding harvest season. Highly trained service personnel at AGCO Parts make it all come together, so you can rest easy. Visit your AGCO Parts Dealer and get the parts and services you need to “Keep you in the Field” this season. Find out more at Fisherman’s Name:__________________________________________ Where the fish was caught:____________________Date taken: _________ Fish Species:____________________Weight & Length________________ Contact phone number:_______________________ Contact e-mail address:________________________________ For more info, call the Eagle, 541-575-0710 – and happy fishing!