The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, July 08, 2015, Image 97

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    Fill in the blank in the class number (__) with the cor-
responding number for Junior, Intermediate, Senior
or Club.
1 Junior
2 Intermediate
3 Senior
4 Club
Exhibit: An educational exhibit relating to honeybees,
honeybee keeping, honeybee products or honeybee in-
formation. I may not exceed 30” in width, 24” deep
(front to back) and 36” high. It may not include live
bees. Include an explanation to the judge as outlined
under Education Display in the fair book.
Judging criteria are outlined on the 4-H Educational
Poster/Display Score Sheet (40-463) available at the
county Extension office or on the state 4-H website at
Outdoor Science
Each exhibit piece must be labeled with the member's
name, county and class number.
A project exhibit relating to the out-of-doors. May not
exceed 30” in width, 24” deep (front to back), and 36”
high. Include an explanation of such things as: how to
use exhibit, how made, where found, identify parts,
etc., if appropriate to exhibit. Example: A birdhouse
exhibit could include plans for making it, where it
would be used, for what birds, an actual picture of
where it will be used, etc.
451 200 011 Outdoors Science, Junior First Year
451 200 021 Outdoors Science, Junior Second and
Third Year
451 200 012 Outdoors Science, Intermediate First
451 200 022 Outdoors Science, Intermediate
Second and Third Year
451 200 013 Outdoors Science, Senior First Year
451 200 023 Outdoors Science, Senior Second and
Third Year
451 200 004 Outdoors Science, Club
Judging criteria are outlined on 4-H Educational
Display Check Sheet (40-463), available at the county
Extension Office or on the state 4-H website,
See website:
Aquatic Macro-Invertebrates Specimens
Macro-invertebrates, regardless of developmental
stage, serve as an energy source in fresh water (lakes,
ponds, streams, rivers) fisheries. They include but are
not limited to: eggs, larvae, nymphs, scuds, leeches,
stoneflies, caddis flies, mosquitos, dragonflies, he-
ligrammites, etc. Specimen photos or drawing of
specimens may be displayed in a three ring binder.
Photos and drawings must be the original work of the
exhibitor. Preserved specimens are to be displayed in
specimen jars in display boxes. Each specimen, in-
cluding photos or drawings, requires a label be affixed
to the display box or page for easy reading. Labels
(3/4”x1-1/2”) on preserved specimens, photos or
drawings are to include the name of the collector, date
collected/photographed/drawn, order name, common
name, name of body of water from which specimen
was found, county, and state.
Label example:
Collector/Date: J. Smith 01/01/01
Order Name: Ephemeroptera
Common Name/Stage: Mayfly Adult or Nymph
Body of Water: Lost Lake
County/State: Hood River, OR
Phases are based on the number of specimens exhib-
ited. Each collection is progressive. Exhibitors are ex-
pected to add 5 new preserved specimens, photo-
graphs, or drawings to their exhibit each year in addi-
tion to those exhibited the previous year. Exhibitors
are not able to combine preserved specimens, photo-
graphs, or drawings as a single exhibit.
The entries must be accompanied by a 4-H Aquatic
Ecology & Angle Education Explanation card (451-07,
revised 2014) available on the state 4-H website at
Phase 1 Members display 10 to 20 specimens 451
100 181 Preserved speciments displayed in specimen
jars in display boxes
451 200 181 Photographs of specimens displayed in
a notebook
451 300 181 Original Drawings of specimens dis-
played in a notebook
Phase 2 Members display 21 to 35 specimens
451 100 182 Preserved specimens displayed in jars
in display boxes
451 200 182 Photographs of specimens displayed in
a notebook
451 300 182 Original Drawings of specimens
Phase 3 Members display 36 to 50 specimens
451 100 183 Preserved specimens displayed in jars
in display boxes
451 200 183 Photographs of specimens displayed in
a notebook
451 300 183 Original Drawings of specimens
Judging criterias are outlined on an Aquatic Macro-in-
vertebrates Score Sheet (451-01, revised 2014), avail-
able at the county Extension office or on the statre 4-
H website at
Common Knots
Knots are defined as those needed to secure line from
a reel to terminal tackle. They are limited to Arbor
Knot, Blood Knot, Dropper Loop, Cinch or Improved
Cinch Knot, Nail Knot, Palomar Knot, Perfection Loop,
Rapala Knot, Shell Knot, Double Surgeon’s Loop,
Trilene Knot, Uni-Knot. Each knot must be represent-
ed in two mediums. One (large scale) knot must be
tied using white cordage no smaller than 1/8” and no
larger than 1/4” in diameter. The (normal scale)
second knot is to be tied to a barbless hook using the
appropriate material as it would be used in fishing
(monofilament, Dacron backing, fly line, etc.). Knots
must be labeled with name and displayed on an
8.5”x11” matte board. The entries must be accompa-
nied by a 4-H Aquatic Ecology & Angle Education
Explanation Card (451-07, revised 2014) available on
the state 4-H website at http://oregon.4h.oregon-
451 200 151 Common knots. Junior, any 5 knots
(each knot represented in large and normal scale).
451 200 152 Common knots. Intermediate, any 7
knots (each knot represented in large and normal
451 200 153 Common knots. Senior, any 9 knots
(each knot represented in large and normal scale)
Judging criterias are outlined on a Common Knots
Score Sheet (451-02, revised 2014), available at the
county Extension office or on the statre 4-H website at
Fish Prints
Prints can be made using real fish or fish models.
Prints can be made using, but not limited to water
color, tempura, acrylic, oil, and ink. Prints can be on
fabric or paper or in combination and mounted on or
in a frame not to exceed 22”x28”. One print must be
labeled with the common name, scientific name, and
anatomy. Lables may be permanent or removable.
Exhibitors are to make fish prints using real or model
fish. Non-fish images are not acceptable. The entries
must be accompanied by a 4-H Aquatic Ecology &
Angler Education Expalantion Card (451-07, revised
2014) available on the state 4-H website at
451 200 161 Fish Prints. Junior, 1 print
451 200 162 Fish Prints. Intermediate, 2 prints
451 200 163 Fish Prints. Senior, 3 prints
Judging criteria are outlined on Fish Prints Score
Sheet (451-03, revised 2014) available at the county
Extension office or on the State 4-H website at
Flies are defined as wet and dry. Dry flies are patterns
used above the water line or in the surface film (e.g.
adult insects, terrestrial insects, dry attractors, pop-
pers, mouse, etc.). Wet flies are patterns used below
the water line (e.g. nymphs, larvae, streamers, wet at-
emergers, etc.) Materials (recipes) used may include
but are not limited to hackle, lead wire, dubbing, hook,
copper wire, flash, quill, floss, chenille, thread, and
hair. Entries may include but are not limited to “Wooly
Worm, Wooly Bugger, Hare’s Ear, Scud, Caddis Pupa,
Girdle Bug **Mickey Finn, Elk Hair Caddis, Bead Head
Pheasant Tail, Parachute Adams. ***Royal
Coachman, Grass Hopper, Stone Fly, Blue Winged
Olive, Green Drake. Flies must be labeled with name
and displayed on an 8.5”x11” matte board, (*=low d-
ifficulty, **=moderate difficulty, ***=high difficulty)
The entries must be accompanied by a 4-H Aquatic
Ecology & Angler Education Expalantion Card (451-
07, revised 2014) available on the state 4-H website at
451 200 131 Flies. Junior, 2 total (1 wet and 1 dry)
use recipes requiring #4-6 hook
451 200 132 Flies. Intermediate, 4 total (2 wet and 2
dry) use recipes requiring #6-8 hook
451 200 133 Flies. Senior, 6 total (2 wet, 2 dry and 2
using body dubbing) use recipes requiring #8-14
Judging criteria are outlined on Flies Score Sheet
(451-04, revised 2014) available at the county
Extension office or on the State 4-H website at