The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, July 08, 2015, Image 95

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    716 122 052 Potted Vegetable
716 116 002 Potted Herbs (must be 3 herbs)
716 117 062 Other, for exhibits that do not fit in
above classes
716 200 012 Display. An experiment with plants(s)
in containers. Exhibit must show and include a written
explanation of what was done and a summary of
what was learned. Display not to exceed 30” wide x
24” deep x 36” high.
Container Gardening, Senior
716 115 013 Terrarium (closed container).
716 115 023 Dish Garden (cacti, bonsai, display
more than one plant – a miniature garden).
716 114 033 Houseplant.
716 113 043 Patio Plant (1 plant).
716 113 143 Patio Planter (more than 1 plant, can
be combination of annuals and perennials).
716 112 053 Potted Vegetable.
716 116 003 Potted Herbs(must include 4 herbs).
716 117 063 Other, for exhibits that do not fit in the
above classes.
716 200 013 Display. An experiment with plant(s)
in containers. Exhibit must show and include a written
explanation of what was done and a summary of
what was learned. Display
not to exceed 30” wide x 24” deep and 36” high.
716 300 013 Commercial exhibit of plants (flat or
market package). Include planting dates, costs,
Incurred, and suggested retail pricing.
Herbs must be grown by the exhibitor. Exhibitors
may enter only one exhibit in each class number.
Member’s name and county should be securely at-
tached to the bottom of each container. A Herb Dried,
Fresh-Cut Explanation Card (712-06) must be firmly
attached to all herb exhibits which are judged by the
criteria Herb Fresh Score Sheet (712-05) and Herb
Dried Exhibit Score Sheet (712-04) which are avail-
able on the State 4-h Website. http://oregon4h.ore- or at
the local Extension Office. A 5"x8" information card or
piece of paper including common name, scientific
name and care of plant(s) must be firmly attached to
all herb exhibits. The card must include an explanation
of the herb’s use(s). Exhibits exceeding 30 pounds or
measuring larger than 30” x 30” will not be accepted.
A 4-H Container Garden Exhibit Information Card
must accompany entries. If applicable describe the
drying method. Selection of herbs is the choice of the
4-H member. Herbs exhibited must be consistent with
the levels specified in the Michigan 4-H Guide to
Herb Gardening (4-H 2329) projects. Only herbs
from Tables One, Two and Three below may be dis-
played. Juniors may display herbs listed in Table one.
A junior herb container garden must include 2 herbs
from Table One. An intermediate herb container
garden must include at least 3 herbs, with at least 2 of
them from Table Two. A senior herb container garden
includes at least 6 herbs. At least 2 of the 6 herbs in
the Senior herb container garden must be from Table
Table 1. Herbs to grow for Juniors
Catnip or catmint
Lemon balm
Peppermint Scented geraniums
Table 2. Herbs to grow for Intermediates
Greek oregano
Summer savory
Sweet wormwood
Pineapple sage
(Sweet Annie)
Santolina Tansy
Sweet woodruff
Winter savory
Table 3. Herbs to grow for Seniors
French sorrel
French tarragon
German chamomile
Lady’s mantle
Lemon verbena
Roman chamomile
Salad burnet
Sweet Cicely
712 117 001 Herbs, Fresh Cut, Junior ( one bunch
with stems one inch in diameter)
712 117 002 Herbs, Fresh Cut, Intermediate (one
bunch with stems one inch in diameter)
712 117 003 Herbs, Fresh Cut, Senior (one bunch
with stems one inch in diameter)
712 117 011 Cut Herb Collection, Junior (include 3
different herbs in same amounts as fresh cut exhibit)
712 117 012 Cut Herb Collection, Intermediate,
(include 4 different herbs in the same amounts as
fresh cut exhibit one that is new this year.)
712 117 013 Cut Herb Collection, Senior, (5 differ-
ent herbs in the same amounts as fresh cut exhibit,
two that re new this year.)
Herb Exhibits, Dried; The information card must in-
clude drying method. Basil, chives, dill leaves, fennel
and parley should not be exhibited dried because they
are best preserved by freezing. Display all herbs in a
self-closing bag: one inch bunch secured with a twist
tie or three tablespoons dried leaves or one table-
spoon of dried seeds.
712 118 001 Herb, Dried, Junior Display all herbs
in a self-closing bag: one inch bunch, secured with a
twist tie, or three tablespoons dried leaves or one ta-
blespoon dried seeds.
712 118 002 Herb, Dried, Intermediate Display all
herbs in a self-closing bag: one inch bunch, secured
with a twist tie, or three tablespoons of dried leaves or
one tablespoon of dried seeds.
712 118 003 Herb, Dried, Senior Display all herbs
in a self-closing bag: one inch bunch, secured with a
twist tie, or three tablespoons of dried leaves or one
tablespoon of dried seeds.
712 117 011 Cut Herb Collection, Junior (include 3
different herbs in same amounts a fresh cut exhibit)
712 117 012 Cut Herb Collection, Intermediate, (in-
clude 4 different herbs in the same amounts as fresh
cut exhibit one that is new this year).
712 117 013 Cut Herb Collection, Senior, (5 different
herbs in same amounts as fresh cut exhibit, two that
are new this year).
All projects checked in Monday, Aug. 3, 2015
at 1 p.m.
All forestry exhibitors may make two forestry exhibits.
One as Mounted Forestry Specimen and one in the
Advanced Forestry exhibit. Please refer to the "4-H
Forestry Exhibit Requirements and Classes" (4-H
33121). Some of the Family names have changed, es-
pecially the flowering trees, shrubs and wildflowers as
Current Family Name on Approved Species List
Change to: according to the Plants of the Pacific NW
Coast book.
Pea Family (Leguminosae),
Pea Family (Fabaceae)
Sunflower Family (Compositae)
Aster Family (Asteraceae)
Who May Exhibit
Junior, Intermediate and Senior members may make
one or more exhibits - one mounted as a Forestry
Specimen and one in each qualified Advanced
Forestry exhibit class. Please refer to the 4-H
Forestry Exhibit Requirements and Classes (4-H
33121). Note: Each exhibit must be labeled with the
member's name, county and class number. For
members who have previously been in 4-H forestry,
exhibit all their mounts (the total number of mounts
will be higher than listed in the division through 2011
fair), but only the 5 new ones will be judged. If you
want to redo mounts to meet the new requirements
you may do so.
Mounted Forestry Specimens
Tree and shrub specimens exhibit must be listed on
the official forestry specimens list available in 4-H
Forestry Exhibit Requirements and Classes (4-H
33121). For Seniors exhibiting wild flowers and ferns
use the "other Reference Texts" list. Intermediate and
Senior members must use the Specimen Collection
Site Analysis Sheet for each specimen collected.
Junior Division
441 100 011 Forestry Junior First Year: index 5
mounts, all must be trees
441 100 021 Forestry Junior Second & Third Year:
Index 10-15 mounts, all must be trees. Only the
index and 5 new mounts will be judged.
Intermediate & Senior Divisions
The number of mounts may vary depending on the
number of years in the project. All mounts should be
exhibited. The new mounts should be placed in front
of the old mounts in the book. Only the index and 5
new mounts with site analysis sheets will be judged.
Intermediates new mounts may include trees and
shrubs. Seniors new mounts may include trees,
shrubs, ferns and wild flowers.
441 100 012 Forestry Intermediate First Year: the
number of mounts may vary from 5 to 20
441 100 022 Forestry Intermediate Second &
Third Year: the number of mounts vary from 10 to
441 100 013 Forestry Senior First Year : the
number of mounts may vary from 5 to 35 mounts.
441 100 023 Forestry Senior Second & Third Year:
the number of mounts may vary from 10 to 45.