The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, July 08, 2015, Image 93

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    Multiple Media - Two Dimensional
231 100 11_ Multiple Media original two dimen-
sional work that incorporates two or more of the tech-
niques and/or media described above.
231 100 12_ Carving - original three dimensional
work using subtractive techniques in wood, soap, etc.
Casting, Modeling, & Assembling
231 100 13_ Casting, Modeling, Assembling - o-
riginal three dimensional work using additive tech-
niques. Examples might include metal welding or
casting; paper mach’e.
Other Three Dimensional Work
231 100 14_ Other Three Dimensional Work - original
three dimensional work other than carving or casing,
modeling and assembling. Examples might include
origami and pop-up art structures.
Wearable and Functional Art
231 100 15_ Wearable clothing - clothing item
demonstrating original artwork. Techniques might in-
clude painting, dying, beading, etc.
231 100 16_ Wearable accessory - accessory
item demonstrating original artwork. Examples in-
clude jewelry, hats, purses, footwear, etc. Techniques
might include painting, dying, sculpting, beading, e-
nameling, etc.
231 100 17_ Functional item - original work in any
technique or media done to create a functional but
non-wearable item such as bowls, vases, cups,
lamps, or other items. Typical media might include
metal, wood, clay, or paper.
Non-Original Art
Member applies the elements and principles of design
to create work that may incorporate pieces that have
been designed or created by others such as instruc-
tional patterns, pre-stamped or printed outlines,
rubber stamps, commercial stencils, stickers, printed
papers, etc. The explanation to the judge should ex-
plain how the member made the decisions about how
to incorporate these pieces into the total design. The
pre-designed component must not be the total
Painting (Does not include stenciling or etching)
231 100 51_ Painting on wood surface - decorative
painting on a wooden surface using any paint
medium and the aid of a pre-designed instructional
231 100 52_ Painting on metal, glass, or other
non-porous surface - decorative painting on a metal,
glass, plastic, glazed clay or other non-porous surface
using any paint medium and the aid of a pre-designed
instructional pattern.
231 100 53_ Painting on a porous surface - deco-
rative painting on a porous surface using any paint
medium and the aid of a pre-designed instructional
pattern. Surfaces might include fabric, paper, fiber,
unglazed clay, plaster or cement.
231 100 54_ Stenciling/Printing/Stamping -work
created using stenciling, etching, wood burning, print-
ing, or stamping techniques with the aid of stencils,
forms, stamps or designs that the member did not
create him/her self. If appropriate the exhibit may be
up to five smaller items that use the same technique
based around a theme. (Example: up to 5 note cards
using nature stamps)
Drawing/Shading Techniques
231 100 55_ Drawing/Shading Techniques - work
created using drawing/shading/texturing and/or three
dimensional shaping techniques with the aid of partial
photographs or line drawings that the member did
not create themselves. Examples include soft metal
embossing, woodburning, scratch art or drawing to
complete or enhance a partial photo of a subject.
Collage, Decoupage, Assemblage, Scrapbooking
Collage, Decoupage
231 100 56_ College, Decoupage - two dimen-
sional work created using the aid of pre-designed
components such as photographs or printed motifs
on paper or fabric. No scrapbooking or memory
book pages.
231 100 57_ Assemblage - three dimensional work
created using assemblage techniques and compo-
nents or materials that are preformed or designed by
someone other than the member themselves. Work
may be either two or three dimensional and should be
assembled in a manner that maintains the form as a
permanent structure. (No Lego© creations or kits)
Wearable Art
231 100 60_ Wearable clothing - clothing item
demonstrating artwork done with the aid of pre-de-
signed components. Techniques might include paint-
ing, dying, beading, etc.
231 100 61_ Wearable accessory - accessory item
demonstrating artwork done with the aid of some pre-
designed components.
Examples include
jewelry, hats, purses, footwear, etc. Techniques might
include painting, dying, sculpting, beading, enameling,
231 100 58_ Scrapbooking - up to two single sided
scrapbook or memory book pages based on a single
theme. Pages are encouraged to be protected by plas-
tic sleeves. Exhibits with two pages should have the
pages securely attached to each other.
* Hobbies & Collections (County Project)
Creative Crafts
Each exhibit must include a "Creative Crafts
Explanation Card" firmly attached to the exhibit. Be
sure to indicate if the idea is original or list the re-
source book used. The explanation will not be judged
but is required to qualify for judging and may be dis-
played. Members may enter three of the following
classes, one exhibit per class:
651 101 01_
651 101 02_
651 101 03_
651 101 04_
651 101 05_
651 101 06_
651 101 07_
651 101 08_
651 101 09_
651 101 10_
Craft made of Clay
Craft made of Fibers and Fabrics
Craft made of Food Products
Craft made of Glass
Craft made of Metal
Craft made of Natural Materials
Craft made of Plastics
Craft made of Wood
Craft made of Paper
Note: Blank ( ) is filled in with appropriate
number from list below.
1 Junior
2 Intermediate
3 Senior
All projects checked in Monday, Aug. 3, 2015
beginning at 1 p.m.
Flowers & Ornamentals
The class and kind of flower must appear on the ex-
hibit tag attached to the exhibit. The number of flow-
ers required for each exhibit can be found in paren-
theses after each flower type. Each flower is to have
foliage attached or include foliage. In an exhibit of 3
blooms, all blooms must be the same color.
Exhibitors can enter only one entry of each of the
flowers listed below with the exception of the "Other,
Perennial Cut Flowers and the Other, Annual Cut
Flowers. Exhibitors may show all or a portion of their
allowed/allotted flower exhibits in either of the Other
classes. The total number of cut flower exhibits may
not exceed 3 for juniors, 4 for intermediates, or 5
for seniors. Containers will be furnished for cut flow-
ers. Arrangement exhibits will be displayed in the con-
tainer provided by the exhibitor. Exhibitors may use a
holding device to secure arrangements. Judging crite-
ria is outlined on 4-H Cut Flowers Exhibit Score card
(713-01) and the 4-H Floral Arrangement Exhibit
Score Card (713-02), available at the county
Extension office or from the State 4-H website
Types -- Number of stems required in parentheses.
Asters (3 blooms)
Bachelor Buttons (3 blooms)
Calendulas (3 blooms)
Chrysanthemums (1 spray)
Cosmos (3 blooms)
Dahlia, under 3" dia. disbudded (3)
Dahlia, 3 - 6 " dia. disbudded (1)
Dahlia, 6" and over disbudded (1)
Gladiolus (1 spike)
Gloriosa Daisy (3 blooms)
Lilies (1 stalk)
Marigold, African (1 bloom)
Marigold, French (3 stems)
Nasturtiums (3 blooms)
Petunia (3 stems)
Roses, Miniature (1 spray)
Roses, grown in clusters (more than three
blooms) (1 spray)
Roses, Hybrid Tea disbudded (1 bloom)
Roses, Other (1) bloom
Snapdragon (3 spikes)
Statice (1 spray)
Straw Flowers (1 stem)
Sunflowers, (1 bloom)
Zinnias (3 blooms)
Other, Perennial Cut Flowers (1 spray, 1
large bloom, 3 small blooms)
Other, Annual Cut Flowers (1 spray, 1 large
bloom, 3 small blooms)
Bloom: an individual flower, one blossom to a stem
Spike: stalk carrying many stemless or nearly stem-
less flowers
Spray: a portion of a plant with a number of flowers
on one