A8 News %OXH0RXQWDLQ(DJOH :HGQHVGD\-XO\ MONUMENT Continued from Page A1 According to Lonnie Law- rence, one of the organizers, the numbers of entries was GRZQ VOLJKWO\ WKLV \HDU EXW WKH\ KDG PRUH FODVVLF FDUV participating. Grand marshal Bob Cox, ZKRVH IDPLO\ SLRQHHUHG WKH DUHDURGHLQVW\OHLQDYLQWDJH &KHY\GULYHQE\5RVH+RZH A spectacular red, white DQGEOXHÀRDWE\WKH6WUDQJH and Bravos families won “best in show.” 7KH GD\ NLFNHG RII ZLWK . DQG . UXQV RQ 7RS 5RDG$IWHUQRRQ DFWLYLWLHV LQ the park included a wide va- ULHW\ RI FRQWHVWV FKLOGUHQ¶V DFWLYLWLHVDQGIDPLO\JDPHV 7KH GD\ FRQFOXGHG ZLWK D GD]]OLQJ ¿UHZRUNV GLVSOD\ RYHU WKH ULYHU VSRQVRUHG E\ %R\HU¶V6WRUH 5HVXOWV IURP WKH HYHQWV ZLOOEHLQQH[WZHHN¶VLVVXH Contributed photo/Eric Sines Long Creek Mayor Don Porter, in the yellow vest, leads Long Creek community members and firefighters at the Long Creek fire camp in a short early morning Independence Day observance. )LUH¿JKWHUVKRQRUHG RQWKH)RXUWKRI-XO\ By Patti Hudson For the Blue Mountain Eagle The Eagle/Cheryl Hoefler The Eagle/Cheryl Hoefler Monument’s Fourth of July Grand Marshal Bob Cox is chauffeured by Rose Howe. Martalena Williams, almost 2, of Salinas, Calif., takes a popsicle break after her hard work riding in the Monument parade. She is the great-great- granddaughter of the late Thelma Williams, of Monument. /21*&5((.±)LUH¿JKW- HUVDWWKH/RQJ&UHHN¿UHFDPS paused before their morning EULH¿QJ IRU DQ ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ REVHUYDQFH OHG E\ /RQJ &UHHN 0D\RU 'RQ 3RUWHU DQG 2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI)RUHVW- U\ ,QFLGHQW &RPPDQGHU 5LFN Wagner. 7KH FHUHPRQ\ LQFOXGHG D moving rendition of the na- WLRQDO DQWKHP E\ /RQJ &UHHN +LJK 6FKRRO JUDGXDWH $VKO\Q *DULQJHU DORQJ ZLWK words of thanks and inspira- WLRQ WR WKH ¿UH¿JKWHUV IURP ERWK WKH PD\RU DQG WKH LQFL- dent commander. ³,W¶VXQXVXDOWRKDYHD¿UH FDPS VHW XS GXULQJ WKH -XO\ WKKROLGD\EXWZLWK¿UHVHD- VRQFRPLQJHDUO\WKLV\HDUZH wanted to show our support and DSSUHFLDWLRQ WR WKH ¿UH¿JKW- HUV ZRUNLQJ RQ ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\´VDLG3RUWHU ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKH¿UHFDPS MXVWQRUWKRIWRZQ¿UHSHUVRQ- nel have also utilized the Long &UHHN &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DQG the Long Creek School for command and helicopter opera- WLRQV:LWKDOOQHDUE\¿UHVQRZ under control crews will soon EHUHGHSOR\HGWRRWKHUDUHDV PC Continued from Page A1 Prairie City Parade results: Classic vehicles: 1st, Trevor Hamsher 2nd, Buck and Beam Family 3rd, Grant County Search and Rescue Floats: 1st, American Legion Post 106, Sweepstakes Winner 2nd, Prairie City Senior Citizens 3rd, Quilts and Beyond Walking Individual: 1st, Anna Jacobs Non-motorized: 1st, Emma Field 2nd, Daylon Keith and cousins Walking group: 1st, Chester’s Thriftway Horse-drawn vehicle: 1st, Katrina’s Barber Shop Mounted individual: 1st, Terry Hanson – Grant County Search & Rescue Royalty: Queen Reitta Wyllie – Grant County Fair & Rodeo Mounted group: 1st, Brianna Zweygardt and Marnie Woodbury 2nd, Buck and Beam Family - Frankie and Zoey Beam Decorated vehicle: 1st, Prairie City Hall 2nd, Eastern Oregon Hydographic 3rd, Blue Mountain Care Center ATV/motor bikes: 1st, Old West Federal Credit Union 2nd, Canyon Creek Mining Company 3rd, Prairie City Boys Basketball Derby cars: 1st, Tyler Nodine 2nd, Steve Patterson Trucks: 1st, Forest Service – Smokey Bear Emergency vehicles: 1st, Prairie City Fire Department 2nd, John Day Fire Department 3rd, Grant County Search & Rescue Contributed photo/Heather Bailey Veterans on the American Legion float wave their flags during the Prairie City Fourth of July Parade. The entry won first place in the floats division and was the sweepstakes winner. Contributed photo/Heather Bailey Grand Marshals Lynette and Jim Sullens ride in style down Front Street in an old-time Prairie City Fire Department truck. Jim, driving, is a retired Prairie City fire chief. Contributed photo/Heather Bailey Contributed photo/Heather Bailey Brett Burril and Beau Van Queen Reitta Wyllie represents the Grant County Cleave enjoy the Prairie City Fair and Rodeo in the Prairie City Fourth of July Fourth of July parade. Parade. Contributed photo/Wendy Burril The Quilts and Beyond float, winning third place in the float division, was a patriotic sight in the Prairie City Fourth of July Parade. DAYVILLE Continued from Page A1 Friends and families gath- ered in the park afterward for Jake Burgers, a pie-eating con- test, a pie-in-the-face contest and scavenger hunt. 7KH ¿UHZRUN GLVSOD\ ZDV KHOG )ULGD\ HYHQLQJ RIIHULQJ FRXQW\WUDYHOHUVWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ WR VHH RWKHU GLVSOD\V VDWXUGD\ and more activities followed 6XQGD\ZLWKWKH'D\YLOOH'DVK 5K. Dayville Parade results: Kids Division 1st, Streeter Grand Girls 2nd, Kendell Skillings 3rd, Grayson Schmadeka Horse Division 1st, Reitta Wyllie on Breeze 2nd, McKenzie Canon on Tamera 3rd, Kelly Collins on Beasty Motorized Division 1st, Lee Schrier driving self restored 1946 Super A International tractor 2nd, Citizens for Public Access 3rd, Dayville 4-H Club Family Division 1st, Brandon and Sydney Thompson family 2nd, Moore Family Business Division 1st, Mobile Glass 2nd, John Day Fossil Beds Best of Parade Lee Schrier Family Trophy Sydney and Brandon Thompson family (Brandon, Sydney, Ethan, Tyler, Carson, McKenzie and friends) The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Grand Marshal Marina Martin is driven by her daughter Kori Martin. The Dayville 4-H Club members have fun with their colorful float in the Dayville parade. Contributed photo/Heather Rookstool Fireworks light up the night sky in Dayville. The Eagle Angel Carpenter