The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, July 01, 2015, Image 7

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    Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
JULY 2015
RToXiFe [oW with iP this IWiFe will aEtWall[ IiXe [oW OoTe iPsiIht iPto [oWT teePos liHe aPF the
wa[ the[ thiPM aDoWt OaTiLWaPa as well as allow [oW to aFFTess [oWT EoPEeTPs aDoWt
OaTiLWaPa Wse iP the Oost eHHeEtiXe wa[ -iFs who leaTP a lot aDoWt the TisMs oH FTWIs at hoOe
aTe siIPiHiEaPtl[ less liMel[ to Wse
9hile eXeT[ EoPXeTsatioP will RaP oWt FiHHeTePtl[ aPF soOe oH these TesRoPses Oa[ Pot woTM
HoT [oWT sReEiHiE sitWatioP heTe aTe soOe eZaORles oH how [oW EaP talM to [oWT teeP aPF
aPsweT soOe oH the toWIh SWestioPs aDoWt Rot that he Oa[ asM [oW
Your response: p+ Mnow weoXe haF EonXersations aDout FruIs DeHore anF +oO sorr[ iH [ou Heel
liMe +oO DeinI a naI + want us to De aDle to FisEuss FiHHiEult topiEs DeEause + loXe [ou anF +
want to De oH help FurinI these [ears when [ouore HaEeF with a lot oH FiHHiEult EhoiEes /[
EonEern is that the FruI lanFsEape is FrastiEall[ EhanIinI anF thatos wh[ itos iOportant that
we talM aDout it 9oulF that De oMa[!q
Your response: p+oO happ[ to hear that this is not soOethinI [ou Fo on a reIular Dasis /[
EonEern is usinI an[ FruI Ean De harOHul at [our aIe DeEause [our Drain is still FeXelopinI +
hearF [ou sa[ that [ou Fonot thinM itos a DiI Feal 9hat woulF OaMe it Heel liMe a DiI Feal to
[ou! 9hat are soOe thinIs that Meep [ou HroO usinI pot Oore oHten than [ou alreaF[ Fo!q
Your response: p9hat is IoinI on in [our liHe that OaMes [ou Heel liMe [ou want to Fo either!
*onestl[ + Fonot want [ou to De FoinI an[thinI that Ean harO [ou s whether thatos sOoMinI
pot EiIarettes FrinMinI or DehaXinI reEMlessl[ +oO interesteF in MnowinI wh[ [ou thinM weeF
is saHer than alEoholq
2erhaps [ou sOoMeF pot when [ou were [ounIer The HaEt that [ouoXe haF eZperienEes with
OariLuana Oa[ aEtuall[ worM in [our HaXor 9hen talMinI to [our MiFs aDout pot reOeODer:
this isnot aDout what [ou FiF or
FiFnot Fo +tos aDout the EhoiEes
[our EhilF is IoinI to OaMe You
Ean use [our eZperienEes to help
[our MiFs unFerstanF the risMs oH
usinI You Oa[ De EauIht oHH
IuarF Dut our aFXiEe! &onot lie
Your response: p+ unFerstanF that
anF + aO not suIIestinI that [ouore
IoinI to spin out oH Eontrol or that
[our liHe as [ou Mnow it is IoinI to
De oXer + woulF Lust liMe to reFireEt [ou to the iFea that when a person is hiIh her LuFIOent
is not what it orFinaril[ is anF that Ean De harOHul 2eople + Mnow who use alEohol or pot on a
reIular Dasis are usinI it to nuOD theOselXes or aXoiF HeelinIs + woulF OuEh rather [ou Fo
other thinIs to help [ou Eope with FiHHiEult HeelinIs rather than turninI to FruIs in orFer to
aXoiF theO %an we DrainstorO health[ aEtiXities that OaMe [ou Heel Detter!q
Your response: p1Ma[ 9h[ FiF [ou Fo it onl[ onEe! 9h[ FiF [ou stop or FeEiFe not to Fo it
aIain! 9ill [ou tell Oe aDout [our eZperienEe! +oO Ienuinel[ Eurious to Mnow what that was
liMe Hor [ouq
The Oost iOportant thinI is to reOeODer that [ou as a parent haXe the power to inHluenEe
[our teens 1ne oH the Oost EiteF HaEtors teens IiXe on wh[ the[ Ehoose not to use is
pFisappointinI their parentsq 9hether [our EhilF Ehooses to use or not it is iOportant to
reOinF her oH the risMs that [ou Fo not want her to use anF that [ou are there to help 5o
eXen iH [our MiF aFOits to haXinI trieF pot that Foesnot Oean [ou shoulF throw in the towel
+t Lust Oeans [ou Oa[ haXe to worM harFer to OaMe sure that [our teenos OariLuana use
Foesnot DeEoOe Oore HreSuent or harOHul