A6 Community Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, July 1, 2015 G RANT C OUNTY SENIORS Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs PRAIRIE CITY – To clarify, we always recognize the month’s birthdays on the last Wednesday, not the first as was indicated in the June 24 column. Sorry about that, but it wasn’t my fault. Any- how, we had celebrants vy- ing for the $10 in trade from Huffman’s Market: Karen Barrietua, Marlene Greear and I. Marlene was the win- ner. Jerry Sheets won the Prairie Hardware and Gifts $5 certificate. Inspector John Combs came by on June 24. We passed. Chairman Joe brought home-grown radishes to give away; I have never seen such long roots! They must really be searching for water. We had some for lunch, too. Our faithful four did their set- up chore early in the morn- ing. Later, the Ding-a-Lings came in to practice. Recep- tionist Pam was at her place, right in front of the A/C. And that machine does a superb job, I tell you. She has to bring a jacket and she’s posi- tioned clear across the room from it. The volunteer servers fil- tered in along with the rest of the diners for this special meal. Sandi, Lana, Pam, and Gary carried out their duties – and food – cheerfully. Del and Bonnie Lake, and Julia Davis helped with the clean- up, along with Joe and Jim. Buzz and Jim were the appointed and designat- ed delivery persons for the take-out run. We had 84 names on the registration book. Buzz led the flag sa- lute, and Jerry Sheets asked the blessing. And the meal – oh, my goodness, the meal. It is going to be difficult to describe, but I’ll give it a whirl. First, pineapple juice. Then an unusual chicken salad on a bed of greens. Then “Delores” Apple Sal- ad. That was something else. Had orange Jell-O and cream cheese, celery and pineapple bits. It could have passed for dessert, but no. There was another creation for that – coco- nut cream pudding on puff pastry topped by whipped cream and toasted coco- nut sprinkles. Words fail me. There were also home baked rolls to complete the meal. I tell you, Helen and Iva have more fun thinking up “something different” to serve. You never know what will appear on the tables. July 1 will be the Fourth of July meal, which will be special too, I’m sure. You better come see and enjoy. The Blue Mountain Care Center ladies, Lorna and Jonie, brought Dorothy Blas- ing, Lois Hill, Eula Thomp- son and Dollina Humphreys. Presidential Trivia: Cal- vin Coolidge was born on the Fourth of July, and Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4 in 1826. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor pow- ers nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other cre- ated thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” John Day Seniors Alma Joslin JOHN DAY – On June 22, we had a very small turnout for reasons un- known. Too bad, because you all missed another good meal. We had pork chop casserole with potatoes O’Brien, supreme green salad, carrots and dinner rolls, and Lisa baked up some chocolate eclairs that were nice and messy – just the way they are good. Darlene Nodine and Ineta Carpenter delivered 20 meals with another four frozen ones to shut-ins. They also were our serv- ers today representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Darlene led the flag salute, and Ine- ta asked the blessing. Bonnie Kocis and Mar- ianne Morris greeted us at the door. Veanne Weddle didn’t have any announce- ments except a couple that will be over before you get your paper so I didn’t print them. Sandy Hawke won the Len’s Drug gift certificate, and Roberta Dowse won the free meal. Congratula- tions. We had a good turnout on June 25 – approximate- ly 57 people. Jimmy Maple and Joan Vetter delivered 32 meals. Kris Labhart and Bon- nie Kocis were at the desk. The entrée was furnished by Redeemer Lutheran Church, represented by Bonnie and Francis Ko- cis, and Jeanette Kile. Our servers were from St. Eliz- abeth Catholic Church. Walt Hall led the flag sa- lute, and the Rev. Nonatus Lakra asked the blessing. Veanne announced that Melvin Kite is home from the hospital and thanks ev- eryone for their cards and well wishes. Pete Ryder is home for a week or so and would love to have visi- tors. Our new site coun- cil members voted in last week are Pastor Al Altnow and David Pasco. Welcome aboard. Our guests were all from John Day so we hope to see them back again. They were Julia Martinez and her daughter-in-law, Andrea. And we also had Debbie Lambeth for the first time. Please come back so we can get to know you. Rev. Lakra won the Chester’s Thriftway certif- icate, and Debbie Lambeth won the lunch for two at Valley View. On Thursday, July 2, we will have our Fourth of July picnic lunch here at the Center. It will con- sist of barbecued chick- en, macaroni salad, green salad and Chester’s cake. Plus, of course, coffee, iced tea, juice, milk and buttermilk. The following Mon- day, July 6, we will have baked Denver omelet, hash browns and blueberry muffins. Hope to see you there. Isaiah 30:19 “The Lord will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry.” Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa MONUMENT – I was not at the June 24 lunch, but I got the informa- tion from Marva Walker. Our greeters were Bob Blakeslee, Bodean Ander- son and Marva Walker. Bob led the flag salute, and Bo- dean prayed the blessing. Our cooks, Terry Cade and Heather Bowlus, prepared hamburgers, fries, salad, brownies and apparently I missed the ice cream that went along with it. Diane Ganger won the Len’s Drug gift card, and Max Breed- ing won a free meal. There were 43 attendees and two take-outs. The visitors were Wilma Bauer and W. Toop from Mt. Vernon, and Gus and Ture Peterson from Redmond. Sharon Falls is in rehab at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. She suffered a cou- ple of mild strokes, maybe three, last Sunday. We thank the Lord she is still with us and recovering. Our prayers are with her for quick heal- ing. We pray for her hus- band Ed, too. Bible Fellowship of Monument hosted Vacation Bible School with volun- teers from Salem Heights Church. These wonderful people came to show the love of Christ with their sacrifice to children of Monument, Long Creek, Dayville and Spray. They, along with their families, gave up their vacation time to spend it with kids. There was a wonderful time of worship, crafts, games an d learning of the heroes who trusted in God. On Friday night, they hosted a picnic for everyone at Monument City Park with food and a great time of fellowship. Our kids and community were so blessed. Independence Day is fast approaching. The Monu- ment Jubilee celebration along with the Monument School reunion is expect- ed to draw quite a crowd. The parade will start at 10 a.m. There will be food ven- dors, craft goods for sale, games for kids, snocone machine, cotton candy and a talent show. The big finale will be the fireworks show in the evening. People from all over come to watch the great fireworks display. So bring your family down to Monument to help celebrate the Fourth of July and have some great family fun. I am proud to be an American. The natural re- sources and freedoms we have are incomparable to any other country, present or past. Our founding fathers were wise when they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We need to re- member our heritage to pass down to future generations so they too will remember the price many had to pay for our liberties. Freedom is not free. America’s freedom was fought for with blood, sacrifice and bravery. May that star-spangled banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Church Services In Grant County