A6 News Blue Mountain Eagle S TUDENTS OF THE M ONTH May – Grant Union Junior-Senior High School Veterans using Burns bus urged to time clinic visits right Blue Mountain Eagle Emily Springer Grade 7 Parents: Mike and Shannon Springer Jay Goldblatt Grade 9 Parents: Dan and Jennifer Goldblatt Meisha Meyerholz Grade 11 Parents: Jeff and Sheri Meyerholz Alyssa Hoffman Grade 8 Parents: Jessica Hoffman and Robert and Mary Beth Hicks Shiranne Carter Grade 10 Parents: Alice Carlson and Douglas Carter Jerry Carter Grade 12 Parents: Mat and Jennifer Carter BURNS – Grant Coun- ty veterans can take ad- vantage of expanded Peo- ple Mover service to get to appointments at the Burns VA Clinic. But officials are urging veterans to time their ap- pointments so they fit the schedule for the new bus run to Burns. The bus departs the People Mover barn, 229 N.E. Dayton St., in John Day for Burns at 11:40 a.m. Thursdays. To ride from home to the barn and back, people can use the Dial-A-Ride service. The bus also can pick up people who live in Canyon City for that run, but it must be arranged in advance by calling Angie Jones at 541-575-2370. Prairie City veterans also should call that number to arrange transport to the bus. The new route has the bus arriving in Burns at 1:30 p.m., after a 10-min- ute stop in Seneca. In a release this week, Burns clinic manager and social worker Steve Bull urged veterans taking the bus to be sure to make their appointments for af- ter the arrival time – for 2, 2:30 or 3 p.m. In Burns, the bus will stop at Harney District Hospital first, but also can deliver veterans to the VA Clinic on request. The oth- er stops are Rite-Aid and Figaro’s Pizza. The People Mover leaves Burns at 5:15 p.m. from the hospital. Veter- ans can arrange pickup at the clinic earlier by calling Jones. The bus returns to John Day at 7 p.m. The van is ADA acces- sible for wheelchairs and walkers. Veterans ride for free if they show a val- id VA card or honorable discharge; caregivers also ride for free. The People Mover route is not replacing the Disabled American Vet- erans van service. To ride the van from John Day to Burns or the Boise VA, call Jim Jerome at 541- 620-4486. Wednesday, June 24, 2015 C ELEBRATING 102! Contributed photo Pearl Coombs is feted on her 102nd birthday Saturday, June 13, at Valley View Assisted Living in John Day. With her is her son-in-law, Dave Abarr. Other residents joined the festivities, wearing pearl necklaces, eating a delicious strawberry-filled cake from Chester’s Thriftway, and enjoying a concert by Kathy Rogers and Lis Davis, with songs about Pearl and her life as the theme. 5RRNLH¿UH¿JKWHUVDW*XDUG School on Malheur NF Blue Mountain Eagle -2+1'$<±5RRNLH¿UH ¿JKWHUV EHJDQ KRQLQJ WKHLU VNLOOV IRU ZLOGODQG ¿UH VHDVRQ last week on the Malheur Na- tional Forest. Known as Guard School, the weeklong training includes FODVVURRP DQG ¿HOG H[HUFLV es. Participants come from the Malheur Forest, Oregon Department of Forestry and Burns BLM. 2I¿FLDOV VD\ WKH FODVV QRW RQO\ JLYHV URRNLHV WKHLU ¿UVW WDVWH RI ZLOGODQG ¿UH¿JKWLQJ but also lets squad boss train- ees test their leadership skills. And it’s a refresher for more experienced leaders. “We spend a lot of time in the classroom,” said Brandon &XOOH\ ¿UH PDQDJHPHQW RI¿ cer. “We go over a lot of situa- tions, and we strongly empha- size on safety and taking care of each other.” Kevin Brock is the coor- dinator this year for Guard School. Part of the program in- YROYHG OLYH ZLOG¿UH WUDLQLQJ with the ignition of a few small ¿UHVZHVWRI/DNH&UHHN