A4 Opinion Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, June 10, 2015 :KHQZLOG¿UH worries abound, make that call T he Oregon Department of )RUHVWU\¶VSUH¿UHVHDVRQ meeting last week in John Day drew only a handful of ODQGRZQHUVDQGWKDW¶VDVKDPH The session provided a lot of good information – not MXVWRQWKH¿UHRXWORRNZKLFK most landowners are already ZRUULHGDERXWEXWRQ¿UHDJHQF\ strategies and the rights and responsibilities of landowners, VKRXOGZLOG¿UHFRPHWRFDOO Some of the information may seem old hat to folks in this ¿UHSURQHDUHDEXWSUDFWLFHVGR FKDQJHRYHUWLPH$QGZLWKD potential barn-burner of a season DWKDQGDQXSGDWHLVDJRRGLGHD For those who couldn’t attend – and we get that this is a busy time, on ranches and in town – here are just a few of the takeaways: • Landowners have the right WRDWWDFND¿UHRQWKHLURZQ SURSHUW\7KLVKDVEHHQDVRXUFH of confusion and concern in VRPHSDVW¿UHVEXWWKHULJKWVRI the landowner were underscored last week by ODF Central Oregon District Forester George Ponte, who also made that clear LQDOHWWHUWRDJHQF\SHUVRQQHO • Landowners do have the right to use their own equipment – and many have dozers, trucks, or pumpers that could be put WRJRRGXVH:LWKUHVRXUFHV stretched thin, such rigs may be ZHOFRPHDGGLWLRQVWRWKH¿UH HIIRUW • Landowners, who know best about their own terrain and fuel conditions, should share that with responding ¿UHPDQDJHUVUHJDUGOHVVRI ZKLFKDJHQF\LV¿UVWWRVKRZ XS7KDWNLQGRILQVLGHLQIRFDQ LQIRUP¿UH¿JKWLQJGHFLVLRQV and make the response safer DQGPRUHHIIHFWLYH7KHJRDO Ponte said, is communication and coordination, and the more LQIRUPDWLRQWKHEHWWHU ‡,QDQ\¿UHVXSSUHVVLRQHIIRUW WKLQJVFDQJRZURQJ,IWKH\ GRWKHWLPHWRFRQWDFWWKH¿UH agencies with concerns is sooner, QRWODWHU0RQWKVRU\HDUVDIWHU the fact, a complaint is apt to be an exercise in frustration for both WKHODQGRZQHUDQGWKHDJHQF\ One simple but important message from last week’s PHHWLQJ:KHQ¿UHRI¿FLDOVOHDUQ of a possible blaze on your land, WKH\ZLOOWU\WRQRWLI\\RX%XW that’s not as easy as it sounds, with people increasingly relying on cell phones, with owners of some properties living out of county or state, and with key PDQDJHUVQRWLGHQWL¿HGFOHDUO\LQ WKHDYDLODEOHUHFRUGV ODF is setting up a data base of contact information to enhance communications this season, and landowners are urged to provide the best phone contacts for their properties to the John Day Unit RI¿FH$QGWKH\VKRXOGGRLWQRZ ±ZKHQ¿UHVHDVRQLVLQLWVHDUO\ GD\VQRWZKHQWKHÀDPHVDUH ULVLQJRQWKHQH[WULGJH To be sure, there are a lot of valid reasons for missing a PHHWLQJLQWRZQ%XWWKHUH¶VQR real good excuse for skipping that one call, and taking a simple step toward better communication in WKHHYHQWRID¿UH,W¶VDOLWWOHWKLQJ that could mean a lot, come July, $XJXVWRU6HSWHPEHU±6& C ORRECTION ,Q WKH ³+RZ DQG :KDW 'RHV